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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Jerbs applied to, money moved around to shore things up so's I can pay the bills come July, weathers nice, might have to go sit on a patio while applying for more jerbs.
Still sitting on the couch. A few more jerb applications are out there. Productive-esq afternoon.
I need to improve things. Maybe there's something I hate and I'm not admitting it.

Jerbs applied to, money moved around to shore things up so's I can pay the bills come July, weathers nice, might have to go sit on a patio while applying for more jerbs.
good jerb, then!
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Money is a strong motivator for me :laughing I should probably also see what's out there outside of tech, long as I can make my SF lifestyle work, I'll consider any industry.
But for now, I think I'll go have a patio beer and then setup a tracking spreadsheet for all these applications so I don't re-apply for the same thing by accident.
that is fn awesome, spreadsheet n such.


no 3x

I think the general SF gloominess doesn't help me

went outside for a drive-stroll
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On this day 2 years ago, a good friend of mine was killed.

Miss you, Stefan. He was a good man and a fellow rider.


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says the guy who just got the cat. 🐈

in other news, at @N4teTheGreat’s suggestion i’m starting a moto commune at my house. thumpers and twins welcome.

sorry, no i4s. :x
Will 3 ways be acceptable?
I just want to go overseas and start some sort of property rental setup. This intermediate move is for the birds.

So all those RE searches weren’t just trifle browsing.
I used to move a lot but don’t care much and kinda looked forward to it but not so much anymore.
Although Id like very much out of my current place.
could have taken the picture right side up tho :X

So all those RE searches weren’t just trifle browsing.
I used to move a lot but don’t care much and kinda looked forward to it but not so much anymore.
Although Id like very much out of my current place.
It's the plan and I'd do it right now if my special lady friend would allow it!

Seems I misunderstood the bacterial cycle of a septic system. I thought that if the bacteria was working well, the system could run indefinitely. Nerrrrrrp. All it does is take big pieces and break them down into smaller solids, and those solid *will* eventually need to be pumped. They recommend every 3-5 years and we were at 11, so.....it was caca city down there.