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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

1. I don't think I've been here since prior to Roxy's passing so I feel like I need to say something. We had been out of touch for years but we reconnected when she got engaged and the person I got to be friends with again was just absolutely jubilant and the most confident I had ever seen her. We harassed each other with extreme sport videos on Insta almost every day and regularly chatted about various misadventures. I only realized she had passed weeks after the messages had stopped because I just figured that she was busy living her life--Facebook sleuthing well after the fact wasn't the way I wanted to find out. I regret that I couldn't make it to a mountain biking trip she invited me out to--I figured I could make the next trip, a trip that will never come. There really isn't a point to bringing this up other than that I wanted to share somewhere with people who knew her that she was so intensely happy until the end.

2. ...*what* happened here??

3. I might buy a Grom. Am I making a mistake? What do I need to know?

4. Should I move to Washington or Nevada so I can stop paying state income tax?

what's going on!!!?

1) (un?)happy to say we haven't been connected much, although I have been on 2 barf bike rides with her , parties and perhaps a pic. So... a bit of "hi"

2) huh? you mean what :laughing

3) ... you gonna look like a san franciscan!!!

4) um... no?!? :LOL:whatdya wann us to say. I guess you can, but...
You're a busy man. Good luck with the move/transition.

Edit: was meant for byke.

Also, is that Silence?!?!?!? Hey man!
I just want to go overseas and start some sort of property rental setup. This intermediate move is for the birds.
Silence!!!! The real ghoast in the machine, we know you aren't real...even though I've sat across from you. gobe on a ride with you....

TWT! Whadda you mean no I4s? My short list just got a little shorter by 1 :(
I just want no mortgage payments so I can keep that cost of living down, or, spend more of those sweet sweet $$$ on fun times.
I just want to not get run over in the Costco parking lot from behind by a white Hyundai SUV driven by a geriatric (probably eastern Euro) dork face with a perm Disabled plate.

Was going to run over my left side and thigh

I yelled at them ... but didn't know Albanian (?!?) .sadly(?!) I think the point was made.

What's next? A whiskey shot or just ...
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It's actually the other parking lot , and it was relatively bright sunlight. I suspect his A pillar on the passenger side and his dumb heathen bucket were the problem

Counting one out of 20, problematic cases though
Well done, a rock solid 16gpm over an entire 4hrs.
That's fantastic! Mine was 13.5 gpm in 2021 when we were still in a drought. It's tasty, too.

I just had the well company out to check the system and replace my filter last Friday.
That's really good. Pretty much anything over 5 is perfectly usable and anything over 10 is gravy. Less than 5 starts to get annoying. The limiting factor with our 16gpm is the 1.5hp pump and not the recharge, so we could actually get that number up with a bigger pump. Le sigh...