Post / Chat whores post here (2024)


this guy.. :mad UGH :rofl the sky is a bit full of observing aircraft and noise


and ALSO THAT GUY LAST NIGHT ... I think I've seen him once already!!!! :wow :shocker

Guess I got get hotter and bothered-er at Dolores Park. I expect it's packed and a scene of pure chaos.
The internet has a pic of it was packed

Well I’m not there…but I walked outdoors in the sun, my skin is complaining… :( I hate that :(
(I did have sunscreen and I thought I’m not out for that long but still… now I wonder, more sunscreen, or aloe!)
^ funny stuffs. : | :laughing


OMFG I barely loaded this image. Checked speed, 5.3 MBps.... thank you AT&T and sonic?!? WTF BBQ ,,, I guess it was temporary.
dude. my internet with at&t is so slow in sf. at home in the woods? 400mbps.

thanks elon musk.

in other news, i hit a vulture on the 790 today. :laughing
i now need a new left front blinker.
I should someday change but my choices are Comcast... Or Dunkin munkin rains ... Which are completely different technologies.. not to mention some expense
dude. my internet with at&t is so slow in sf. at home in the woods? 400mbps.

thanks elon musk.

in other news, i hit a vulture on the 790 today. :laughing
i now need a new left front blinker.

Yowza. Glad you didn't go down. Hitting birds at speed is not pleasant. Hitting birds of that size is downright dangerous.
Disclosures stuff is annoying. The questions are all asking, "are you aware of...", so one question was, "are you aware of whether the property was built before 1978". Why, yes, I am aware of whether the home was built before 1978. Now that we all know that I know, would your form like to know the answer?? And all the question are like that, wanting to know whether or not I know the answer to something, but not actually wanting the answer. How does this form exist? Is byke the very first person to sell a house in california??
Considering going to a smog test even though the registration is like 2 months away. Good or not good?!?

(Note, separate payment for registration). (And yes, expensive at 142 or 172 was it )