Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

bahahahahahahah so sadly true 😭

and yes a CEL did turn on once on another car to me in 2016 ... on the way to smog. BTW, if you think about it, CEL and "SMOG" are not the same words :laughing who says a " SMOG CHECK " for SMOGS yanno, shouldn't be passed with a CHEK ENGIN light.

yeah I chek it , its' THERE!
Fun times, definitely a little wild, wheelie crew was there, I had a good chuckle at the guys on scooters trying to roll with all the dirt bikes. It actually was not as crowded at Saturday but still pretty busy. We stayed until about 8 and were packing up when a whole slew of cops showed up to chase the dirt bikes away. Seemed like a good time to make an exit. Now to study up for my interview tomorrow.
Just drinking water and reading more about generative AI assistants. Hopefully I can make sense during the interview tomorrow...
Now I'm having one beer, but at home, while reading more stuff about the company I am interviewing with tomorrow.
the movie parties at pete n Cat's house (and 1-2 earlier at Maggie's) were pretty great... sad
'09 feels like yesterday.
Que paso, pendejos?
This pendeja is heading to OMA KTM for new tires, a quick erl change and a new blinker. (stupid vulture!) then i am riding north towards pdx and tomorrow @alemeno214 and I begin our attack of eastern oregon and idaho. FUCK YEAH. :banana 9 straight days of riding for me.
Hell yes! Have a great time, TWT! I'm jealous.
I did just get a secondary wheel set for my 1290 SAR. Having street rubber on 17/19 wheels will be nice for 90% of the riding I do. Plus, the 2018 SAR is INSANELY tall, so it will lower it enough to maybe allow me to get a toe down without cheating off the side of the seat. :laughing
Jelly, I haven't been on a proper moto ride since Taft, I should change that. But first a quick interview that, if my weird dreams from last night were accurate, will go poorly and or transport me to an alternate timeline.
Many of the teams in the TDF have names that mean nothing to me at all.

Discovered that one of them makes a non Cybertruck rich man's fantasy vehicle...that has an actual purpose it is good at.

Who knew?
