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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)


Line work is finished. Starting on some shading now!


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Sorry you landlord is a POS asshole Kuro; you shouldn't have to pay rent for days without water.

BTW I have no idea what you all mean when you go on about hat tricks.

Three of what?
Wow, sounds like your landlord’s behavior has changed suddenly. He n Ed’s to deal with the water issue immediately. I’m thinking he’s got newly developed money issues. I know being a landlord in CA recently became more difficult but that’s not your fault.
Curious to hy he’s avoiding the water issue, are you the only tenant affected or are there more in the building? Also, probably should ask this privately tell me to eff off of out of line.
Do you think your non-white status is affecting his actions with you? I’ve noticed an uptick in racism lately.
Sorry you landlord is a POS asshole Kuro; you shouldn't have to pay rent for days without water.

BTW I have no idea what you all mean when you go on about hat tricks.

Three of what?
Hat trick is a hockey/soccer term. Three unanswered goals in a row. :teeth
Wow, sounds like your landlord’s behavior has changed suddenly. He n Ed’s to deal with the water issue immediately. I’m thinking he’s got newly developed money issues. I know being a landlord in CA recently became more difficult but that’s not your fault.
Curious to hy he’s avoiding the water issue, are you the only tenant affected or are there more in the building? Also, probably should ask this privately tell me to eff off of out of line.
Do you think your non-white status is affecting his actions with you? I’ve noticed an uptick in racism lately.
It's a 3 bedroom 2 bath house. A townhome.

So yes, it's not just me that's affected. I can't even imagine what the new tenant must think. Just moved in and there's no running water.

But you're right. His behavior has changed. These past years, it's been fine and he's acted quickly. We've had both washer and dryer replaced. Water heater replaced. Garage door repair. Was pretty much on top of it.

But this issue? He's dragging his feet on doing much about it. Maybe he is. I don't know because he's not communicating. Is slab leak not covered under home owner's insurance?
So, on the topic from earlier about the slab leak in my home and the landlord dragging his ass on getting the repairs going... I legit lol'd at the text from him saying 3 things. 1) Reminding me that rent is due on the 1st. ONE time I was late this past month in 6 years living here and he's concerned I won't be paying rent on time because I wasn't really exactly sure what we're doing here and what I owed for August because there was no actual lease for this month. The last lease ended July 31st and the new lease picks up on Sept 1st but the month of August? :dunnoSo I paid him on the 4th of August at the same rate of the previous lease but he wanted to charge me $60/day on top of charging me a portion of house cleaning fees, which he's never done before. We keep up the house, you know... because we live here but having cleaners come through around lease time, that's his decision, always has been that way. Doesn't cost us anything.

2) Asking me when I'm going to pay him that $400 for late rent and house cleaning. Show me in the lease where it says I owe you $60/day late fees. Wait... what lease? That lease doesn't exist, not in August of 2024. Also show me where I agreed to be charged for house cleaning. Wait, that agreement doesn't exist either.

3) Asking me if I have any quotes to share with him about a hole in the wall I caused about a month ago. There's no disagreement there. I was moving a bedside table, lost my footing on the stairs. My bad, I'll deal with it.

It's weird he seems more concerned about a fucking hole in the wall over the fact, WE DON'T HAVE RUNNING WATER. And being unresponsive when I've tried calling him today.


Also thanks again Mike for that link about tenant's rights but if he's dropping the ball as the landlord, what choice do I have?

If I'm being stupid or irrational about this, feel free to tell me so. I'm fine admitting fault in my thinking/actions. It's not my intention to be a problematic tenant but it's also not my intention to be taken advantage of by my landlord. It's also not my intention to have to keep taking a shit and shower at the community pool bathroom with, so far, no communication on when this might get fixed.
Kuro, a dwelling is considered uninhabitable if there is no running water. In CA, your landlord may be required to pay for a hotel room for the occupants of his building until water service is restored. Local laws can vary.
So, on the topic from earlier about the slab leak in my home and the landlord dragging his ass on getting the repairs going... I legit lol'd at the text from him saying 3 things. 1) Reminding me that rent is due on the 1st. ONE time I was late this past month in 6 years living here and he's concerned I won't be paying rent on time because I wasn't really exactly sure what we're doing here and what I owed for August because there was no actual lease for this month. The last lease ended July 31st and the new lease picks up on Sept 1st but the month of August? :dunnoSo I paid him on the 4th of August at the same rate of the previous lease but he wanted to charge me $60/day on top of charging me a portion of house cleaning fees, which he's never done before. We keep up the house, you know... because we live here but having cleaners come through around lease time, that's his decision, always has been that way. Doesn't cost us anything.

2) Asking me when I'm going to pay him that $400 for late rent and house cleaning. Show me in the lease where it says I owe you $60/day late fees. Wait... what lease? That lease doesn't exist, not in August of 2024. Also show me where I agreed to be charged for house cleaning. Wait, that agreement doesn't exist either.

3) Asking me if I have any quotes to share with him about a hole in the wall I caused about a month ago. There's no disagreement there. I was moving a bedside table, lost my footing on the stairs. My bad, I'll deal with it.

It's weird he seems more concerned about a fucking hole in the wall over the fact, WE DON'T HAVE RUNNING WATER. And being unresponsive when I've tried calling him today.


Also thanks again Mike for that link about tenant's rights but if he's dropping the ball as the landlord, what choice do I have?

If I'm being stupid or irrational about this, feel free to tell me so. I'm fine admitting fault in my thinking/actions. It's not my intention to be a problematic tenant but it's also not my intention to be taken advantage of by my landlord. It's also not my intention to have to keep taking a shit and shower at the community pool bathroom with, so far, no communication on when this might get fixed.
a “no water” situation should be addressed asap by a LL. the late fees for paying on the fourth are also BS. there should be at least a day or so grace period. i’m not liking your LL right now.
I'm thinking about issues with Kuro's landlord. A couple of factors-none of which excuse a lack of communication.
Landlord is old getting older and maybe a bit senile?
Landlord can't find a contractor willing to do a "small" concrete job.
Landlord does not have the money for the repair and is attempting to aquire a line of credit.
Landlord's insurance just skyrocketed and he's terrified to make a claim.
Kuro, a dwelling is considered uninhabitable if there is no running water. In CA, your landlord may be required to pay for a hotel room for the occupants of his building until water service is restored. Local laws can vary.
Thanks, Andy.

I want this resolved as easily as possible and with the smallest headache as possible but apparently I'm getting pushed in a direction that is not that.

If anything, I did leave it up to my roommate to be point man on dealing with our landlord. Could I have been more involved a couple days earlier? Yeah, I could have been. I'll take the L on that one. My fault. I'll 100% own that. I thought this would be cleared up swiftly.

I thought no running water would be a serious enough issue to get that solved and everyone should be kept in the loop. Maybe he assumed my roommate would tell me what they talked about. Even if he did assume that, he's the landlord and he should have made sure I know what is or what isn't going on. But he didn't and I wasn't, so don't be surprised when you don't have my portion of the rent on Sunday.

It seems unavoidable that I'm going to have a very uncomfortable conversation with my landlord very soon.
A local building inspector might be able to help the landlord understand his obligations.
Can i just share that i am excited I get to ride with a friend on Monday?

:banana:banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana