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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

this good, morning, nerd is sitting, typing on a laptop. Time to make a Mericano for the second coffee drink.

time to do something

saw G yesterday, and the (big (guardian)) Black Dogs (about to send you a PM)

Drinking more of this motel coffee. It's misting out, fitting to finish this trip with some rain I guess. Probably have to stop off for a good diner breakfast somewhere along the way.
400 miles is a lot.

So I was calling my mom recently and she told me to go out twice a week, in mens' company:laughing
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So last night I made 3 sammiches for tomorrow (today) and I used 3 different sauces. One sauce is mild and zesty, one has "give me some water" hot sauce, and the 3rd has nothing.

I switched them up when I put them in the fridge so I don't know which sammich is which when I get hungry.

Actually, I am an all or nothing person so I hadn't considered the portion of it, and then remembered Alderpoint road is, I think, paved the whole way? So maybe I'll do that. Just 322 miles to home that was because of course I'm riding to 1 from Legget and then taking 128 to Boonville and back to 101 as the finisher.
it’s like a paved motocross track.
Vanpeople... i bessech you. What is the best dollar for van.... im looking at ford transit vans 250-350s. Whats good, whats bad. please hear my call.
I absolutely love my 2006 Sprinter. The 2008 not so much the 2013 is lovely.

If I had to do vans all over again, I'd probably go Econoline 350 with a 4X4 kit.
4x4 Econoline is an awesome setup..had a roommate who nannied for a family that lives in the mountains and they let her borrow their lifted 4x4 Econoline van and it was sweet

The first sandwich I ate today was not the dynamite. This second sandwich is the dynamite with the super hot sauce. At least I know later, the third sandwich won't be the one that makes me want to drink a gallon of milk to quell the burning. I did this to myself when I made those sandwiches last night because I thought it would be funny. Yesterday me can take a long walk off a short pier. Fuck that guy.

Reminds me of when I still had to ride into the office. Every morning I made a playlist of 6 songs. 5 I love and 1 song I really hate. Put my helmet on, kickstand up, garage door closed, hit shuffle. I called it my ever changing Russian Roulette playlist. I'd see if I can get to work before I hear some bullshit that makes me want to punch babies. It livened things up for a routine commute.