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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

So last night I made 3 sammiches for tomorrow (today) and I used 3 different sauces. One sauce is mild and zesty, one has "give me some water" hot sauce, and the 3rd has nothing.

I switched them up when I put them in the fridge so I don't know which sammich is which when I get hungry.

Bet you're hired gun when people in the office ask for help because of a food thief in the break room. Set em' up, mow him down, collect applause.
Morning G

Up extra early to make wife breakfast before her physical therapy...

Going to regret it later, because napping with twins is almost impossible. Especially for me because once I'm out, I'm out for the count.
You will get through it my friend. It is so great to have you back here posting.
I had to deal with some things, part of them was my attitude towards barf after some... Unpleasantness.

I'm still not sure how I feel about some old school barfers, but I've yet to interact with them so for now... It's good to be back.
If I can get my s**t together and head your way with the portable baby prison we can sit and talk about these things. I believe all are reconcilable.
I hate my fucking cat. At least when you have twins you can name them Cuntface and Grunt McKenzie and eventually they'll wipe your ass when you get old. But a cat? What good is it? They howl. The eat. They shit. They howl some more. Fuck this cat.

Koi, Since you aren't going to sleep anymore anyways, why don't you just take my cat. It can keep you company while you are up late, not lsleeping.
I hate my fucking cat. At least when you have twins you can name them Cuntface and Grunt McKenzie and eventually they'll wipe your ass when you get old. But a cat? What good is it? They howl. The eat. They shit. They howl some more. Fuck this cat.

Koi, Since you aren't going to sleep anymore anyways, why don't you just take my cat. It can keep you company while you are up late, not lsleeping.
What did the Alabaman child say to the new kid?

"Seat's taken"

I've got 3, they're all assholes starting at 4am.

Buttercup, aka Chonkstar, starts to just meow at the bed, unless another cat comes within 5 feet of her and then it's all hisses and Australian breakdancing.

Dread pirate Westley, starts scratching at the door if it's closed, no matter which side he's on. He then alternates between within 5 feet of Cup, or he walks straight up to rumble who has been sick of his shit for as long as we've had them. Instant fight, pin, gargling growl sounds, and then pitter patters away but only as far as a doorway so that Westley has to walk by him again for another fight.

Rumble, 18+ years old and still hasn't figured out that we don't feed him at 4am. That meowing, constantly for 2 hours doesn't mean he got us up to feed him, but that we fed him after 6 as normal. Add in a constant game of pin Westley and gargle his marbles...

At least you have mountain critters to feed them too. Or at least threaten them with. Scariest thing in my neighborhood is the squirrel that lives in the bush or the dumbass morning doves who keep building shitty nest in the tree only to fly away when you walk by dropping whatever eggs they've been attempting to hatch.


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Yeah, my cat doesn't sit on your lap. Or cuddle. I should be lucky enough to feed him at 2 AM, then let him out at 2:15. Then in at 3. Then out at 3:30 then in at 4. And feed him again at 4:30, 6, 8, 11:30, 12, 1:15, 2, 3:47, 5:03, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11;07 PM
I had to deal with some things, part of them was my attitude towards barf after some... Unpleasantness.

I'm still not sure how I feel about some old school barfers, but I've yet to interact with them so for now... It's good to be back.

Old school BARFer here. I'm super stoked to see you back in here posting and I love the kiddo updates.
Yeah, that's called a cat...

You just need to get better at buying cat toys that double as projectiles.

Old school BARFer here. I'm super stoked to see you back in here posting and I love the kiddo updates.

Thanks, hope all is well in your world out east.