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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I lucked out with my cat, it’s really well behaved. Mostly wants to watch mouse videos whether on tv, laptop, or tablet.

Can confirm, cat is cute and chill.

babies can get overstimulated and crotchety. i went through this with my boy around this age.
You callin' me a baby?

So, I guess I am gonna sort my bike out and just go to Hawthorne. Probably won't change the air filter until I get back however as removing the tank is a heavier lift than I have the energy for today, so, as a typical Ducati owner I'll just spend time washing it instead :laughing
I used to wear shorts in the 40’s. Combined with a heavy duty hoodie or light jacket.
Back in the day it would feel warm as long as above freezing.
survived Costco today again. :banana one 🍕slice later and some soup I'm as full as a punkin

So, I guess I am gonna sort my bike out and just go to Hawthorne. Probably won't change the air filter until I get back however as removing the tank is a heavier lift than I have the energy for today, so, as a typical Ducati owner I'll just spend time washing it instead :laughing

DAMN, pretty impressive, riding again

I just don't wanna blind the world with my white ass thighs, they don't see a lot of sun here in SF.

it;'s actually pretty sizzling (For SF standards) today, purp map shows 75 in Haight Ash , 69 in dogshit park... You could walk out to get a tan!!! :laughing
Actually nearly thinking of sunbathing myself. Also was wondering if I'm gonna have time to do another bicycle ride today (short ride, mostly for showing my slightly-bronze calves while riding on the sidewalk scaring middle-aged women or moms ;) )

Unless you're out in the dark, the UV rays get through the fog and clouds of SF and would still give you some color. :twofinger

korny, korny, always 'arguing' the trifetest of the things. when it's foggy, most people in SF don't expose skin b/c the'lll get severe goosebumps. And probably redface from the wind.

again, pretty nice out today though. Sadly the side of my neck/skin is hurting from too much sun. :(
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I need Apple Music to have a way of never playing "clean" versions of a track. Some sort of option in the settings. If they had that in the new Apple event or whatever they call it, I'd run out and buy a new iphone 16 right fucking meow
Nothing better than Biggie or Limp Bizkit coming on and then boom, it's garbage
I used to wear shorts in the 40’s. Combined with a heavy duty hoodie or light jacket.
Back in the day it would feel warm as long as above freezing.
Damn straight. Hoodies and shorts are the best comfort outfits for me year round...well, if it's cold enough to actually need a hoodie in the first place. :laughing
korny, korny, always 'arguing' the trifetest of the things. when it's foggy, most people in SF don't expose skin b/c the'lll get severe goosebumps. And probably redface from the wind.

again, pretty nice out today though. Sadly the side of my neck/skin is hurting from too much sun. :(
It ain't an argument! When I worked in SF, outdoors daily, it'd regularly be foggy when it was in the 60's and 70's. That's absolutely shorts weather!
A neighbor has a husky that keeps getting out and running around the area but just now the dog was trying to chase another neighbor's orange psycho cat.
Kirby Kirby. When it's 60s and 70s in SF I am also in shorts. Like right now
I need Apple Music to have a way of never playing "clean" versions of a track. Some sort of option in the settings. If they had that in the new Apple event or whatever they call it, I'd run out and buy a new iphone 16 right fucking meow
Nothing better than Biggie or Limp Bizkit coming on and then boom, it's garbage

You and your new technologies. Tesla and Apple you can't ever figure them out ?!? 😂

Just remove the "clean" versions from your apple library....

- posted from the barf Mobile app in a Park
That they're fun? I've had many of them through the years without a single issue. :dunno

What was the temperature?

Shit, it has to get below 40 degrees outside before I'll even consider wearing long pants. :x
Can confirm, cat is cute and chill.

You callin' me a baby?

So, I guess I am gonna sort my bike out and just go to Hawthorne. Probably won't change the air filter until I get back however as removing the tank is a heavier lift than I have the energy for today, so, as a typical Ducati owner I'll just spend time washing it instead :laughing
Kornholio, it was 50*.

Nate, maybe... baby.
Kirby Kirby. When it's 60s and 70s in SF I am also in shorts. Like right now

You and your new technologies. Tesla and Apple you can't ever figure them out ?!? 😂

Just remove the "clean" versions from your apple library....

- posted from the barf Mobile app in a Park
Can't do that. When you have stations or full shuffle type you don't have that option