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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I didn’t think he was talking about the cat. My cat doesn’t cook anything, doesn’t complain either, she just won’t eat it if she doesn’t like it.
No, his significant other leaves not patience reserve for the cat.
Sometimes I don't like cooking steaks, because the way you cook it for maximum tenderness depends on an expectation of what the steak should be, versus what it actually is. If your nice cut truly is a nice cut, then medium rare yields the most tender results, but if it ends up being not a great cut, then medium rare is much worse and cooking beyond medium does a way better job of breaking down the fat strings. Really there are two types of tender/tough and they're relative to the cut.
I'll take the pasta maker-looking forward to venturing in to that area of preparation.
Plus I love pasta.

I am always so grateful when Troy cooks for me but he is very talented so I am always satisfied.
I tried to put a gentle leader on Fox. He has free roam of three acres so taking him on walks is a nightmare. Anyways it was an interesting five minutes if him flopping around on the ground like a coyote caught in a net. Good times
To set some expectations, I figured I'd post some of the nasty, inedible food I have made. Here is a nasty=ass plate of bbq chicken, fresh picked morels and asparagus.
bbq chicken, morel and asparagus.jpg
Following, this is a disgusting dish of black pasta, made fresh from squid ink and organic flour, with fresh clams. Yuck. Also a jar of picked giardinera. You can clearly see how awful it is.


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I try and choose the absolute worst quality of beef and then cook it with old stale ingredients and preferably, some poisonous mushrooms I pick the same day:


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I used to play around with raw, rotting meats. It was cool. I felt like a vampire. But goddam was it horrible:


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Where’s my fuvking frozen lasagna and bag salad???? :mad: :x

I love you Michael and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.
And because it wasn't horrible enough to kill people and they kept asking me if they could have some more of my disgusting meat products, I continued. Here I made capicola, salami and bresiola. Horrible stuff I tell you.


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Some beef jerky I fucked up completely and osso bucco, ruined:


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I really fucked up with the pasta maker though. For a couple of years, I thought I could do it. Boy was I wrong. I'm such a horrible cook I should just die.


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I remember the time I tried to roast a pig's head. You'd have thought the mafia was up in my shit that night. I thought it was good, but explaining why the cheek is the best part to Officer Johnson was not fun.


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And when I tried to brew beer. What a fucking absolute disaster that was. Oh sure, I won second place for my IPA at the Wolrd Cup of Beers one year and third place the year before. Ok, fine I got third place at the State Fair for another IPA and second pace at Contra Costa County Fair for my red ale. But God damn was that shit horrible.


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I remember the time I helped my friend butcher his goat. That was horrible and I should be in jail. No knife skills whatsoever.


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