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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Morning Saturday. Trying to clean out my house and I keep wondering why and how I accumulated so much stuff! Mostly antiques wrapped with blankets, unfolding always end in a surprise.
my son has started making me do my death cleaning now.
I would like to take most of everything we own and pitch it. Unfortunately the dominant male in the relationship can't even part with old hoses;. I am practicing patience over frustration in order to maintain compassion (Thank you Melissa for that advice) it is however difficult to maintain.
I had one for you.

Morning Saturday. Trying to clean out my house and I keep wondering why and how I accumulated so much stuff! Mostly antiques wrapped with blankets, unfolding always end in a surprise.
My TV played a DVD of star wars.

The lady found a four box on the street... remastered 90s edition WOOOT guess who just watched the start of 5 and now start of 4
Apparently I am the worst cook on the planet after having cooked a filet to slightly over medium rare instead of to the point of shoe leather, as preferred. I did fix the back stairs though, so apparently I am not a complete failure as a human being. Mostly though.
Apparently I am the worst cook on the planet after having cooked a filet to slightly over medium rare instead of to the point of shoe leather, as preferred. I did fix the back stairs though, so apparently I am not a complete failure as a human being. Mostly though.
wanna be the worst human ever at my house? you sound pretty good…

@Abacinator are you a black and blue type?
btw when you buy pork chops from TJ wh6 are they called pork chops, and not pork steaks ??

The above coffee picture is from the after I’m actually, made it especially for the brafs, and Melissa
Morning Saturday. Trying to clean out my house and I keep wondering why and how I accumulated so much stuff! Mostly antiques wrapped with blankets, unfolding always end in a surprise.
As do I. But I know how.

As each of my wife's relatives passed away she inherited good stuff. Rinse, repeat a dozen times and you end up with a 2,000 ft house filled with furnishings for a 5,000 ft house. All of it premium, top shelf, big name brand stuff.

Living in what is essentially a very high end, overstocked resale furnishings store is a PITA but there seemed to be no way to avoid the accumulation without emotional trauma. I don't have to wonder, I know.
I have a pink guitar. My kids are going to have to deal with it when I die.
Feel free to write me in...
A medium rare filet is overcooked :x
Depends on the way it's prepared, honestly. I like medium rare just fine for pretty much all cuts of steak and if it's pushing into rare territory, that's not always a bad thing. But a barely warm and bleeding piece of steak just doesn't seem appealing. :2cents
volunteering at a kitchen this morning well into this afternoon. It is the least I can do. time is precious and I kinda wish that I can know when my end is near. I would be able to plan better. But it is a guessing game so along I roll....
I used to like cooking and there was a time when I thought I was pretty good at it. Great? No I was never a Jordan. But I used to make my own pasta. I used to do my own charcuterie. I wet through a Thai stage, making pad thai and whatnot. I've even made my own cheese before. Handcut steaks from a whole muscle, coming right up. Guanciale made from a local pic I purchased? Give me a month and 99% of people will love it (I just happen to to have chosen the 1% as my partner, lucky me)

But after years of being repeatedly told how much of a failure at cooking I am, because I can't manage to find that sweet spot between medium well and shoe leather, I'm done. I will never cook again in this house. Grilled cheese, tinned fish, and salad is my new diet. This pretentious bitch (and her well done steaks) can go fuck herself.