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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

While I know that can’t be fun to live with, another part of me is thinking that a person who fancies themselves a discerning connoisseur of overcooked meat is someone whose opinion I wouldn’t assign much importance to.
While I know that can’t be fun to live with, another part of me is thinking that a person who fancies themselves a discerning connoisseur of overcooked meat is someone whose opinion I wouldn’t assign much importance to.
I do not. Which is exactly why I am making this decision. I will never again worry about whether her food is bad enough for her to like it. It's funny, she can put together a lovely meal of boxed rice and shake-n-bake, and dammed if I won't tell her it's the best thing I've ever eaten, because that's what people do. But man, if one piece of parsley garnishing the potatoes that I lovingly grew in my garden then roasted by hand is slightly larger than the rest of the parsley chunks, I am clearly a horrible cook and she will no doubt tell me how bad everything is. "You ruined dinner. Is this kosher salt? Is THIS KOSHER SALT???? WHY THE FUCK WOULD OU USE KOSHER SALT?I need my iodine."
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For years, I have told myself I should return the favor and make the most disgusted look ever when I try her amazing and barely edible food. I should tell her it's bad and spit it out. I should act offended that she served me such swill and say amazing things like "I'll just eat the potato" or "YOU PUT TOO MUCH CHILI POWDER IN THE CHILI". But I don't. I simply choke it down and say "This is really good dear."

Fucking ridiculous.
Dude, sorry about the kick in the pan.

Cook for you. You're a great cook by the things you've given me and have a really good balance of flavor. She wants to eat what you're serving, she can eat it, or make her own.

I'm lucky that my wife will eat almost anything I serve her but I've also had to learn how to make it better for her and me at the same time.

I'm going to cook what I want, I just don't add the chili flake that makes it impossible for her to eat. I still suck on meat sometimes, going from a perfect medium to a "why is my pork chop flammable?". Most steak cuts I have down but if I go from one type to another, the second one is overcooked.

But don't stop cooking. Find a new way to cook it.. Open flame cooking (I know, don't burn down the forest) I really want to get back in to but it's so windy here most of the time it's hard too keep a steady coal without a metric ton of wood.
he hates clutter and doesn’t want to have to deal with piles of stuff.
i’m don’t blame the little shit.

My executrix will have to deal with all my stuff 😮 Ashame she doesn’t like any of my bikes.
I get what you are saying, but no. I have tried that route. I can honestly count the number of times she has complemented my food. I can't count the number of times she has ate it all up, and never acknowledged that it was different than slop, but she ate it all up and fast. But honestly, I have never had a more discouraging hobby, task, chore, job than cooking for her. I could spend all day cooking the most elaborate meal and it would be no different than a bowl of brown. So I'm done. Another hobby destroyed by this relationship. I'll add it to brewing beer, motorcycling, sleeping, having fun, having friends, enjoying my life, traveling, and generally being somewhat happy. Thank God I made a conscious decision to get back into mtn biking.

Anyone interested in a pasta maker? Cuisinart mixer? I already got rid of the sausage stuffer. I am sure there is more.
I used to like cooking and there was a time when I thought I was pretty good at it. Great? No I was never a Jordan. But I used to make my own pasta. I used to do my own charcuterie. I wet through a Thai stage, making pad thai and whatnot. I've even made my own cheese before. Handcut steaks from a whole muscle, coming right up. Guanciale made from a local pic I purchased? Give me a month and 99% of people will love it (I just happen to to have chosen the 1% as my partner, lucky me)

But after years of being repeatedly told how much of a failure at cooking I am, because I can't manage to find that sweet spot between medium well and shoe leather, I'm done. I will never cook again in this house. Grilled cheese, tinned fish, and salad is my new diet. This pretentious bitch (and her well done steaks) can go fuck herself.
No wonder you hate your cat!

Your patience is drained.

Do you use one of these?


LOL yes. In fact, I used it last night to check the steak. Then I cooked it for another five minutes and checked with my finger. Then I cooked it longer. It was a perfect medium. But she was personally offended by such travesty.
LOL yes. In fact, I used it last night to check the steak. Then I cooked it for another five minutes and checked with my finger. Then I cooked it longer. It was a perfect medium. But she was personally offended by such travesty.
Yeah, fuck that noise.

I too did filet last night and while I generally like it rarer than SWMBO if it's a bit this way or that neither of us cares enough to complain.

I have a friend in a similar boat as you and he's simply started cooking for himself rather than be micromanaged.
@Brokenlink why haven't you told this person to kick rocks? If they're killing the things you enjoy there must be something redeeming that keeps you hanging on.
Obligatory coffee pic:


I also made a blob …because I was trying it to be something else :rofl but deemed it insignificant to take a picture of :laughing
Happy Saturday morning! Chores and mom today. My dog needs alone time without her brother. Wayne’s dog needs alone time without his sister.