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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

My doctor told me rather emphatically no more than two beers a day, but I don't drink every day, so I guess I'm fine? I probably should cut back though, maybe, someday.

I don't even drink at all anymore, but it is still a fun joke to make. :laughing
Spent Tuesday and Thursday interviewing college hires for open roles at work. Have to say I feared for humanity after the cycles I did in December and January :wtf but this week brought some hope.:teeth

the kids have no idea how to interact with human beings or problem solve if it isn't right in front of them on a screen. Jeebus Crist it's f'n tragic. bubblewrap the lot and put 'em in tubes :afm199:afm199:afm199

Back at the last job I had to set up all the monitors and docking stations when we moved back into the office. A bunch of Gen-Z engineers couldn't figure it out and their Gen-X manager had to do it. :laughing

It's a network thing. They are prescreened all over the country. Those that pass are offered an interviewing pod where they do a round table with 3 mrgs at different levels of responsibility. Luckily the interviewers I have been set up with have been aligned with my choices every time. We have enough shitty college hires in our fulfillment centers already.

I always like to hit people with the "Tell me when you were half way through a project and realized you were going the wrong direction" question. I can't remember what leadership principal it was for though. :confused
As a 6, I keep getting stuck with Earns Trust and Learn and Be Curious

Have a hire at our FC now that might as well have his phone surgically attached. When you ask him about anything his standard responses are "I don't know" "How you you expect me to know - no one ever told me" Not sure he can even pronounce curious
If you need a way past college gen-x employee I'll be looking for work soon, I bet I can best those college kids.
and I'll bet you'd go insane being a manager in an fulfillment center. I've lasted almost 4 years but burning out fast. Need to get back to the quiet of a desk and some forecasting
As a 6, I keep getting stuck with Earns Trust and Learn and Be Curious

Have a hire at our FC now that might as well have his phone surgically attached. When you ask him about anything his standard responses are "I don't know" "How you you expect me to know - no one ever told me" Not sure he can even pronounce curious

I can't remember what ones I had normally, I was also a 6.

My coworker had a phone interview the other day and the candidate went line by line telling him how the scope of the roll was way too big. That's an interesting strategy for getting a job. :laughing


I was telling my boss, sure we do all of that but you don't do every stage of a project all at once. :rofl

We have a quick assessment we send out. My coworker and I have caught people using Chat GPT to answer it, or just straight up ripping off text from websites.

If you need a way past college gen-x employee I'll be looking for work soon, I bet I can best those college kids.

Things are pretty busy at the luxury electric car company.

and I'll bet you'd go insane being a manager in an fulfillment center. I've lasted almost 4 years but burning out fast. Need to get back to the quiet of a desk and some forecasting

I made it 4.5 years before I had to get out. Took me a couple of months to find something new. Final count was 4 years and 8 months of Day1. :party
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Working hard on that something new - have to make it to November to have the last big stock vest drop though. Earned that BS
Working hard on that something new - have to make it to November to have the last big stock vest drop though. Earned that BS

I know that feeling. I got all the sign on money and kept on through one more round.

But last summer I wasn't waiting all the way until November to get the second half of that one.

They were also saying things like, "you should start thinking about moving to northern Virginia if you want to advance."

Moving a bunch of small appliances into the garage into this pantry we bought on Wayfair to free up space for food/spices in our actual small walk in pantry.

it's actually a good design and will do the job once finished.

Three hours of my wife and I working on it and we still have the doors to put on and we are good at this kind of mind numbing "Ikea style" assembly.

I touched a worm, it was in the gutter so I picked it up and put it my garden. the worm was pink.
My doctor told me rather emphatically no more than two beers a day, but I don't drink every day, so I guess I'm fine? I probably should cut back though, maybe, someday.

I probably average a beer every two months. Kinda awkward hanging with people at a bar. I’ll order a beer just so I can tip the waitress then sip it until it gets too warm, never finishing.
Did have a period back in the day where I’d drink with classmates and coworker. But concluded I don’t like this shit so just not gonna drink it.
Worms are cool, except for in Tequila, never found that appealing.

I probably average a beer every two months. Kinda awkward hanging with people at a bar. I’ll order a beer just so I can tip the waitress then sip it until it gets too warm, never finishing.
Did have a period back in the day where I’d drink with classmates and coworker. But concluded I don’t like this shit so just not gonna drink it.

I appreciate it, probably too much, probably not gonna get down to a two drink night anytime soon, but, I can at least try to be a little more attentive to the amount I drink and slow down a bit. We'll see.
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Noted. Just realized I leave for Colorado on Wednesday, then back to SF on Saturday and off to Texas Sunday. I should probably pack, and figure out where I'm leaving my car parked...
Worms are cool, except for in Tequila, never found that appealing.

Saturday FYI factoid...
Tequila doesn't have the "worm", mezcal has the "worm" which is actually a larva (grub) of a moth that lives on the agave plant.

Tequila is made from the blue agave and has it's own Appellation of Origin (AOC) and can only originate from an officially delimited region in five Mexican states. There are five types of tequila: blanco, reposado, añejo, extra añejo, and cristalino.

Mezcal is made from any variety of the agave plant and 90% of mezcal is made in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, but is now produced in ten states throughout Mexico. There are three types of mezcal: mezcal, mezcal artesanal, and mezcal ancestral.
