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Retail giants are blaming their lower profits on theft...

I find it interesting that state with supposedly best solutions is most obvious and most dangerous in country.
That paragraph is intentionally misleading.

Non-normalized data is garbage. Period.
+1 good point. the more currency created and then directed to those with the most already, exacerbates inequality. QE could be directed to the most needy, and when any tiny part of the overall creation of money does ever get to them we hear the corporate whinging loud and clear. In the form of 'lazy people', 'on the dole', 'getting rich off of welfare', 'getting paid more on unemployment than working', etc.

ADMIN EDIT for PTRAP Action example: Congress, with the overwhelming support of Republicans, we’re ready to pass a universal basic income law in 1972. It had the support of Richard Nixon who was president of time. Somehow the Democrats convinced themselves that the amount was too low, and so it was never passed into law. Of course, we are all familiar with the top-heavy bureaucratic wasteful system that was put in place to address poverty. Once people come to their senses in the data from the Covid handouts to individuals comes in, a viable UBI strategy may emerge again, and actually help the people most in need. Nobody is going to fill up grocery carts full of food and try to run out of the store if they can simply pay for it using their government issued UBI card.
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+1 good point. the more currency created and then directed to those with the most already, exacerbates inequality. QE could be directed to the most needy, and when any tiny part of the overall creation of money does ever get to them we hear the corporate whinging loud and clear. In the form of 'lazy people', 'on the dole', 'getting rich off of welfare', 'getting paid more on unemployment than working', etc.

We've also moved back into a QT cycle. In theory, QT should reduce wealth inequality QE has increased it, but QT is so few used and really, the possible effects not having much "seat time", that there's some danger in QT. None the less, it is THE way to pay down our debt. When people say: we should pay down the debt; that's a QT action, correct?

On May 4, 2022, the Fed announced that it would embark on QT in addition to raising the federal funds rate to thwart the nascent signs of accelerating inflationary forces. The Fed’s balance sheet had ballooned to almost $9 trillion due to its QE policies to combat the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The salient points are that, beginning June 1, 2022, the Fed would let about $1 trillion worth of securities ($997.5 billion) mature without reinvestment in a 12-month period. Fed Chairman Jerome (Jay) Powell estimates that this amount is approximately equal to one 25-basis-point rate hike in terms of its effect on the economy.

I haven't figured out yet if QT will benefit the lower classes or only hurt the high end classes.
I find it interesting that state with supposedly best solutions is most obvious and most dangerous in country.


10 most dangerous states in America based on violent crime rates between 2020 and 2022.

10 Most Dangerous States in the US (2023)

New Mexico
South Carolina
South Dakota

California is 17th right behind Texas.

That paragraph is intentionally misleading.

Non-normalized data is garbage. Period.

To be fair, normalizing the data is kinda pointless effort when your just making up the numbers anyways. :rofl
To be fair, normalizing the data is kinda pointless effort when your just making up the numbers anyways. :rofl

ADMIN EDIT: Climber quickly removed this after Holeshot asked to keep politics out (Thank you Brett). I have restored it as an example. No action taken. Well, when the 10 most dangerous states are Red states, they've got to do something to deflect the attention.
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Well, when the 10 most dangerous states are Red states, they've got to do something to deflect the attention.

Hey Brett, Bud/ mods are trying to keep this from getting kicked to the KSP. Possibly/ likely a crossover into political type post. Can you scale back some Por Favor?
Hey Brett, Bud/ mods are trying to keep this from getting kicked to the KSP. Possibly/ likely a crossover into political type post. Can you scale back some Por Favor?
Sorry to all of the mods, I bounce back and forth and lost track of which subforum I was in.

I removed my comment.
Hey Brett, Bud/ mods are trying to keep this from getting kicked to the KSP. Possibly/ likely a crossover into political type post. Can you scale back some Por Favor?

You didn’t say “MOD HAT ON” so maybe edit your post to reflect an official request. Also, the essence of the post he was responding to was “California lawmakers throw money at poverty problems which is funny because YOUR state (his words) is the most dangerous” followed by bullshit statistics. C’mon man, ain’t nobody believing one is and one isn’t here.

Also, this thread is doing fine without intervention.

ADMIN EDIT: Holeshots post indicated that BUD / Mods are looking at this. The Mod hat on comment is petty hard feelings towards Holeshot. We determine what is political or not. See new post below.
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Which part of the US system is effective at rehabilitating our unique special US prisoners?

This is way too broad of a question because you have the federal prison system then you have each individual state with their system in which you also have local counties who have, yes, their system. To say the US doesn't have a rehabilitation system just isn't true.

Saying prisoners are 'unique special' doesn't make any sense and I think you missed my point.

Amazing how the Scandinavian prison model does a lot better at rehabilitation which the US system doesn't offer.

A better answer I could have posted is a model that is designed for a specific culture like Scandinavia won't fly here, it's not a one size fits all methodology.

Gotta look at the big picture, US prisoners are cut from an entirely different cloth than those in Scandinavian countries.
Like I said if you look at each crime it is different picture than looking at all together. But whatever makes you happy is fine with me :)


I don’t think your understanding what that says. The only reason CA has the highest total crime count is because it has a ton of people. That blog isn’t even looking at individual crimes, so not sure where you are coming up with that.

I’m pretty sure that entire blog was written by bots anyways, not to mention the entry with a discussion of wall thickness and window glazing for carports make me doubt its connection to reality. :laughing

Even so, the second part of that article does actually get the info kinda right by using population corrected data, but that’s basically a copy pasta from Wikipedia.
I am understanding it fine. They looking in whole picture. Things they mention and are not crime, like homeless, fires, mud slides, poverty...etc. And you guys like to talk about disparity, add that to list, CA is pretty high there as well.
You didn’t say “MOD HAT ON” so maybe edit your post to reflect an official request. Also, the essence of the post he was responding to was “California lawmakers throw money at poverty problems which is funny because YOUR state (his words) is the most dangerous” followed by bullshit statistics. C’mon man, ain’t nobody believing one is and one isn’t here.

Also, this thread is doing fine without intervention.

I already asked and my My Mod hat is always on.
Closing thread to review PTrap actions.
The thread has been opened back up.
I have done some soft deleting to provide some idea of what I consider political statements.

We are going to step up the PTrap actions and are discussing the application now in the ModCore.

One mod felt nakedape's post was OK because it was true. That does not make it non-political in my mind and we quickly saw that Climber upped the anti. That post as been restored and the soft deletion made.

If the PTrap thing is foreign to you check out the definition and current list of offenders here . Some members are close to being suspended so worth a look.

Political stuff became a problem for this community and we decided to separate it from the content here because it was causing problems across the board. Some are very passionate about the State of the State and that is good. We just want to keep those that are not and come for Moto content and basic fun from having to see it. We noted guys like Elmer Gantry never posted again. Too small a pool to be worthy of their time is my assumption.

To keep it separated we provided some guidence (PTrap). All the offending posts are listed there except the soft deleted posts in this thread.

We may update with a more definative idea of what we feel is political, we may not. We are discussing now as noted above.

Some topics like this dance on the political line and are pretty broad to all users so we just don't want to cut that conversation off if we don't have too.

So likely you will see more PTrap actions and less threads being thrown into the Political Sink.

Thanks for reading if you did.

Thread opened.
Thanks, Budman!

There has been some good discussion in this thread, it's a very complicated subject with no easy solutions, but we can at least address the shortcomings of some of the stronger actions suggested and perhaps all gain a better understanding of the difficulties in dealing with where things have evolved to in the cities.
Thanks for reopening the thread, Budman! It's a good one.

I'm happy to see I have three violations! For some reason I thought I was purer than the driven snow.
thanks for opening this thread again Budman.

A different take on the retail situation:

I went into the Pacheco CycleGear to try on helmets last Friday, there were 3 employees, me and another customer in the store. One of the employees said " retail is dead". If it wasn't for the brick and mortar store I wouldn't have come across an employee that could use their inventory system to find the last small yellow RF-1400 in the country.

Big retail stores are facing more than just theft, that it seems is more than just shoplifting. Online purchasing, High retail rental prices, the cost of keeping inventory in store and the cost of employees are all making retail less profitable.

Shoplifting may be a contributing factor to big retail stores leaving SF but big retail is disappering everywhere.
That link is just plain dumb.

But they do have a per capita ranking further down but it is only measuring two varidables.
You right, I can see that your link to FBI data for 1 variable (violent crime) from 3 years ago is proof they got it wrong.