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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

diaz gunna get crushed. I like how dana already said to the press thats there are like 5 other top ten welterweihts on the card, so if diaz pulls any shit, hes easilly replaced.
I noticed that, too... card full of back up fighters to replace Diaz, ya know, just in case. :laughing I dunno, man, I'm not sure if I'd even want to do business with Nick D. Too much of a liability.

Anyways, anyone see either of the cards this past weekend? Great shit overall. KO's like a mofo on Saturday! I loved seeing G-Sot get KTFO, too. Now that Pearson has learned to be patient, maybe we'll see him rise up the ranks.
Do they have the full fight card for this one yet? I still dont know how I feel about this LOL... but I do want to see Rory/Condit fight
I noticed that, too... card full of back up fighters to replace Diaz, ya know, just in case. :laughing I dunno, man, I'm not sure if I'd even want to do business with Nick D. Too much of a liability.

Anyways, anyone see either of the cards this past weekend? Great shit overall. KO's like a mofo on Saturday! I loved seeing G-Sot get KTFO, too. Now that Pearson has learned to be patient, maybe we'll see him rise up the ranks.

saw the sot/pearson fight... pearson is looking better than before but still got holes in his game...
Pat Barry's KO against del rosario - BRUTAL! i cringed after that right hand landed...
Yeah, Pearson ain't a contender yet, but he has potential.

I was really hoping the Barry/Del Rosario fight wasn't going to turn into a grappling match between too no-so-good grapplers, and I got my wish. :D Great combo and definitely a brutal right!
Dude pat Barry destroyed Rosario !
Then he goes wild lol

That was ugly.
Man with that power Abd that chin, if Nelson actually trained hard and had work ethic, he could be a force
I know its easy to armchair quarterback, but Mitrione's boxing skillz are lacking, at least at that level. I thought Nelson's strikes were pretty predictable and kinda slow, but he's obviously good enough to be up near the top of the division.

I think he doesn't cut down because the skill and speed level at LHW is higher than at HW. He can beat up on bigger guys more easily and not have to cut weight, though I don't think he can hang with the very top of the division. I think he's happy with where he is right now, and it's not a bad place to be.

hahaha I can't wait to see Rory crush the NBK this time , I don't think Condit has improved nearly as much since their last match up. Diaz GSP is going to be ugly...
You guys are sniffing glue thinking Cerrone could have won that fight. Jesus, he got fucking destroyed. Good Lord, shows your funny bias.

I'd rather see Hendricks, but will fully enjoy watching Diaz/GSP. I think it will be a battle.
Ceronne made the mistake of fighting diaz' fight that's for sure. He got Stockton slapped all night
He stood there and got punched and talked shit back at Nate instead of using movement and counters that he's capable of using.
I don't know what he was doing, I only noticed him losing badly.

I thought Cerrone was going to bring it and not stand for any of that bully shit. I was wrong. He got bullied. And, really he just got out fought.
I remember yelling at the TV, incredulous at him standing there like a lump, getting tooled. :laughing "LEG KICKS, MUTHAFUGGA!!!" Cerrone may not be as good of a boxer as Nate, but he's got a lot more power and is a better kickboxer. He got in a few good shots, but shoulda kept punishing the leg and moved. Dude just stood there and did a rock 'em sock 'em robot impression.
I don't know what he was doing, I only noticed him losing badly.

I thought Cerrone was going to bring it and not stand for any of that bully shit. I was wrong. He got bullied. And, really he just got out fought.

Agreed. He fell into Diaz gameplan badly
Man, you guys!

Here's what Cerrone did: He fought his own fight. He fought the way he always fights. When has he danced around and leg kicked someone to death? He comes forward, and with his size and skill he usually walks through people.

Nate beat a stronger guy at his own (cerrone's) game. He went straight at him and out boxed what I think is one of the better boxers in the division. Period. Talk about game plans all you want, but damn, give some credit where credit is due!

Ben Henderson just proved you don't have to dance around this guy. Henderson just did the same to Nate: walk straight forward and kick ass!!

Would like to see Cerrone fight Diaz again. Would be interesting to see how he handles it. Likely, he'll use a game plan like you guys are talking about. Love watching Cerrone fight. Loved Gullliard getting owned.