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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Shit is getting out of hand.

And here I thought 2015 was going to murder 2014 in terms of card quality staying power.

It's not even June and 2014 is looking better. Crawl back in your fucking hole.
"Mayweather and Manny just pulled off the biggest Las Vegas heist since Ocean's 11."
This is why I watch UFC more than boxing. Thank you Floyd and Manny showing why MMA is better.
Pretty snoozy, trilogy's are where the money is at though. I can see it now..

Pacman vs. Mayweather 2: Unfinished business
There will be no rematch. The fight wasn't even close.
Not even Jon Jones dash cam seen this many hit and run.
I fucking told y'all.

I kept quiet during most of the fight cuz I was hanging with my filipino friends but during the whole fight, I was just like I fucking knew it. Bunch of bullshit. Show up, get paid, go home.

More like the biggest swindle in sports entertainment ever. Gayweather vs Wackquiao is going to suck.

I want to be wrong, I just don't think I am. It's going to be boring as fuck and everyone who stands to make money off this fight is going to laugh all the way to the bank that they really just sold this as "the biggest fight of all time."

This ain't no Thrilla in Manila.

This is my tinfoil hat for the weekend.
Pretty snoozy, trilogy's are where the money is at though. I can see it now..

Pacman vs. Mayweather 2: Unfinished business

You're crazy.

Lameweather may be an illiterate motherfucker but he's not stupid. He won't get away with stealing everybody's money selling a fight vs Pac again.

That was one and done.
This is a terrible week for combat sports.

Jon Jones is no longer LHW champion, Khabib shit the bed and is riding the pine again, one of the lamest boxing matches I've ever seen.

3 weeks out. Let's see who else gets axed from 187. Best card in years is getting torn apart piece by piece.
There is no way there will be a rematch. No one is dumb enough to fall for that shit again and they all know it. This was a one time novelty fight. Shit I wouldn't even call it a fight it was a points match. They probably called each other up and giggled about the whole situation. Should have happened five years ago, now it was just a novelty. Did boxing as a whole no good except for the people who got srsly paid.

I had a strong feeling it would suck but was hopeful deep down that it might have at least been entertaining. Oh well I guess I'll go back to not giving a damn.
This is a terrible week for combat sports.

Jon Jones is no longer LHW champion, Khabib shit the bed and is riding the pine again, one of the lamest boxing matches I've ever seen.

3 weeks out. Let's see who else gets axed from 187. Best card in years is getting torn apart piece by piece.
LOL, for real. Waiting for Dana White to have a heart attack because every PPV so far is getting torn apart. I guess that's what you get when laughing at Bellator first PPV.

I had a strong feeling it would suck but was hopeful deep down that it might have at least been entertaining. Oh well I guess I'll go back to not giving a damn.

I was surprise that Pacman could not bring it.
He just wouldn't cut him off and attack instead of waiting for him to stall on the ropes. And all the hugging... good grief. Run and stall, run and stall.

Before the career in politics, the singing and all that shit, yeah, Pac Man would likely have got the deed done, but he's no longer a boxer, he's a celebrity/politician who boxes. Mayweather timed this perfectly and pretty much hoodwinked everyone. Now, boxing can go back to being irrelevant.
It doesn't seem much but I don't know how much UFC fighters were getting paid from other sponsors.
Business Insider named Ronda Rousey the "Most dominant athlete alive."
reebok deal details announced today, yikes... :|

A handful of fighters gonna make bank, the rest appear to be getting boned. Wonder if there will be a mass exodus to Smellator.

I think it's a pile of bullshit. A fighter should be able to make money any way he or she can. If a mid-tier fighter makes six figures per fight in sponsorship money, more power to 'em.