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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

This weekends card is nice. Probably watch it live at bar somewhere this time.
God Bless Meisha Tate's heart.

Barao got knocked square in his fucking face in the first round and never recovered. That was no fluke.
Tate and her beau are fighting and they will be cornering for one another.
Makes the card even more interesting because if he wins/loses I wonder how she will do in her fight?

I'm all for Dillashaw again and again.

But betting on a fighter who assmo bets against never turns out well for me!
I got


If you think TJ beating Barao was a fluke, you're probably on the Mcgregor/Mendez fixed train as well then?
Barboza vs. Felder has my interest.

Barboza better keep that long chin away from Felder.

Would like to see Dilla do it again. Not in love with TAM, but I do like Dilla and Benivedez a lot. Both exciting strikers, imo.

Edit: Actuall Caraway and Wineland should be interesting. I like the way Wineland wings punches.
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oh it was a legit asswhipping, i just dont think tj handles an on point barao, which is likely what hes going to get.

I re-watch the fight and it seem like TJ had the formula to beat a on point barao. Light on the feet and constantly moving so barao doesn't have a sitting target. TJ was being very accurate with his shots and leg kicks... TJ seems like the kind of guy that will stick with the plan no matter what is the situation.
It's not like that first major punch came out of nowhere in a wild exchange or was 'lucky' in anyway.

Barao got caught clean. Even he's admitted it and said it on various occasions. I don't see the point in making excuses when the fighters themselves own up to what happened in the ring.

Whatever happens Saturday won't have any bearing on what happened in the first fight but I suspect there will be lots of revisionist history going on should Barao get his title back.
Barao got straight up tooled the whole fight. Not sure why this is being debated.

i'm not even sure who is debating it...by fluke i mean a serendipitous ass beating, not that dillaballs didn't actually beat the shit out of him- just that i'm quite unconvinced that tj is a 'better fighter' or has barao's number.

i'm just smelling a return to form and a ktfo'd alpha munchkin, altho he is def the coolest alpha munchkin. :laughing
DAMN! Miesha Tate said she will fight Cyborg at 140. lol.

What you guys think about firing Stitch Duran?
DAMN! Miesha Tate said she will fight Cyborg at 140. lol.

What you guys think about firing Stitch Duran?

Tate... might as well, nothing to lose, really. Should only up her worth win or lose.

Duran... lame, but not surprising. I can see UFC's viewpoint to some extent, but I don't see how they could possibly be surprised at people not being happy about not getting paid. You're going to make him wear something other than something that made him money in the past, don't be surprised when he gets upset.

The "uniforms" in general pretty much suck bawlz, too. Especially the cornerworkers' getups. :wtf Srly, WTF.

I blame Dennis Hallman.