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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Man, Joe kinda fucked up. This was one of the saddest things I ever saw.

^^ Joe said he would never interview a fighter after he was concussed. Felt bad for DC. Much classier guy than Jon Jones ever will be...just not as gifted as a fighter.
Jones brought out the best and worst in DC.

I think that goes vice versa too though.
He got USADA'd.

I know he was never a really big LHW but damn. He ain't looking like a big MW either.
I just saw on facebook that one of the bars I used to go to for fights, that always had no cover for boxing and UFC both, is charging 25 dollars cover for the Fairweather/MgNugget fight.

25 fucking dollar cover charge. :laughing
How do you say "eat the corn out of my shit" in Irish?

Problem is, the pub is probably paying some absurd amount of money for the PPV.
How do you say "eat the corn out of my shit" in Irish?

Problem is, the pub is probably paying some absurd amount of money for the PPV.

oh I'm sure it's costing them a pretty penny. Probably a considerable amount more than Mayweathers last two fights but those were still free cover.

I feel like asking people to pay 25 dollars cover is a good way to lose your ass paying the bar/restaurant fee to show the fight. But I may be underestimating the dude/bro army in forking over their money no matter what for this. Also, for a bar that for years prides itself on offering free cover for every HBO, Showtime, and UFC PPV, to change it up now because of this fight is a huge middle finger to the loyal customer base. At least, that's how I felt when I saw it because I spent a lot of money there when I was living in Sacramento.

There's not a single fight in history I can think of I would have paid a 25 dollar cover for. Once you get to that price point, you buy the PPV at home and split it with a few people. 10 bucks is about my limit.

But that's just me.
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I'm curious what cover is gonna be like at other places. the BWW near my has had their signs up to reserve a table for a few weeks now but no mention if it's cover or not. They do no covers too.
I ran into Dos Anjos last night after BJJ training. Think he came in to do a late session after us n00bz left. I was too tired/sweaty to bother being a fan boy plus I didn't wanna be "that guy" in the locker room. Just said hi and went about my business.
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I ran into Travis Lutter yesterday at Circuit of the Americas. He was doing a school with us and another coach introduced us when he learned Travis had had a cervical spine fusion. I am about to have one too and the coach figured we would have something to talk about.

Lutter thought it was "awesome" that I'm having this fusion. Haven't really thought about it like that myself. :laughing
Lutter rides track? Sweet. Do you know how long he's been into it?

I didn't ask him and didn't get a look at how he was doing on track. Had a big smile on his face though. :laughing

Shaking hands with him was like shaking hands with a gorilla.
That didn't take too long. Idiot.
oh well. At least I can say I witnessed history. I was there live for Jones last fight, ever. Maybe my UFC 214 event merch will be worth something to the disciples of Jones in coming years. :laughing