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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Probably just retirement. I don't think Silva wants to fuck around in Japan anymore
How do you guys feel about GSP vs Whitaker next? I think Whitaker will maul him but GSP should look better his next fight. Hoping they do that fight Superbowl weekend along with Mcgregor vs Ferguson

JJ vs Rose rematch
If Anderson beat Gastelum and GSP beats Whitaker I see Silva vs GSP coming. One money fight for Anderson and title fight before he retires

Whittaker smashes GSP. JI think Rose loses the belt to Andoodrage first.
Man, I hope they slap Conrad with some shit. Some random jumps the cage like that and he’s going to the ER. This guy must put coke on his Lucky Charms or summat. Fuggin douche.
My issue with it is that the guy who got KO'd got really delayed doctor attention. He hadn't even stood up yet. And the stupid shoving ending up on the other side of the cage and the dude who got KO'd got knocked back down to his hands and knees.

You know when somebody gets knocked out the doctors are in there quick to check on the fighter. but no, McNugget had to be first and he's having a hissy fit while a fighter should be getting checked out by the doc.

And this is the 2nd time he's had an interaction like that with Marc Goddard so obviously he had a chip on his shoulder with being told he isn't special. Marc had to tell Conor to sit down and shut up a few weeks ago when Lobov was fighting Andre Fili when Conor was trying to be all up on the cage yelling. He's not a fucking cornerman, just a spectator. Maybe if he's so emotional and invested in his teammates fights, he should have offered to actually be in their corner, not a self-entitled armchair quarterback. Champs corner their teammates all the time.

But hey, this is what happens when you let the patient run the asylum. UFC created a monster and now he thinks he can do anything.

Fine him but even though I have major gripes with him holding the blet hostage, I don't want him stripped or suspended because I want Ferguson to beat his ass.

In general, I'm over Conor's BS but that shit pissed me off when I saw that guy still on the ground not getting checked by the ring doctor.
Not a bad free card last night. Couple iffy scores, but mostly entertaining. I can go without watching Baby Huey fight, however.
Yeah damn good card overall for a free Fox event. First 2 rounds of Pettis/Poirier was great.

The big baby thing was ridiculous. I hope Dana tells him never to do that again with his shorts.

I also hope I never see that guy fight again.
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So apparently last night was the longest running event ever.

Decisionapalooza 2017!!
On another related mma-ish topic, went to an all day seminar at the Machida's school here in socal.

Good times. Lot of people traveled pretty far.

Before you ask... Yes, he taught us the kick he KO'd Couture with. :laughing


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Their dad is pretty funny. And moves pretty well for a 72 year old man. He did do that stereotypical martial arts movie thing where the old master uses a stick to help teach/correct the students. :laughing Lyoto or Chinzo translated for him since he still don't speaka da engless.

Lyoto was teaching some take down defense moves and while thinking about the best description for the movement, he came up with telling us to tea bag your partner. :laughing