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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

And yet he's also turning down the fight lol

Ppv points? Contract restructuring? Just fight you cro-mag lol
More interested in the Henderson fight this weekend than Silva raging about Sonnen.
Old Wandy was awesome, loved watching him in PRIDE, but I think Chael would do the same to Wandy as he did to his bro last fight, be it at MW, LHW or catchweight. Doesn't matter, Chael is not going to play rockem sockem robot with Silva.

Now that the soccer kick to the head is over, Silva's awesomeness is kinda over, too, tho I still like to watch him fight.
Chaels master plan: troll brazil endlessly until all their past their prime fighters want to fight you, even tho they have no chance. Profit
:laughing I don't think anyone accused him of being stupid. Dude has made a lot of money talking shit and getting big fights. He was barely on the radar until he tooled Nate Marquardt and now he's at the top of Brazil's shit list. :D
Plus stone cold Steve Austin coaches a strength and conditioning routine with Chael before each fight camp.


Chael 3:16 says brasil sucks
My hope is that Benson Henderson wins tonight.
Great pre lims so far with some mighty large Koreans.