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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

You don't think muy Thai guys check kicks in the hopes it hurts the other guy?

There's a reason muy Thai guys use dough rollers on their shins to deaden the nerves
You don't think muy Thai guys check kicks in the hopes it hurts the other guy?

There's a reason muy Thai guys use dough rollers on their shins to deaden the nerves

See the part about deterring additional kicks.
AS might be the greatest ever ( actually its gsp but nevermind) but Weidman has his number.

If AS comes back, it's time to work His way back to a title shot. But His age is catching up with him. This was the first silva ppv I didn't get on forever. I knew Chris would win
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AS might be the greatest ever ( actually its gsp but nevermind) but Weidman has his number.

If AS comes back, it's time to work His way back to a title shot. But His age is catching up with him

AS is going to spend the next months recovering, then he is going to the TKD dojo, then he is going to train with GSP on how not to knock anyone out ever, then he is coming back and TAKING ON THE WORLD.

Damn, he just needs to listen to you and he'll be unstoppable! :twofinger
What he should Learn from gsp is how to know when to call it quits as a winner

It doesn't matter how you win, only that you win. When you win within the rules, and win constantly, you're a winner.

AS coming back will just be a loss unless they feed him someone. He's on the downslope, old, coming off a bog injury, and no longer carrying any of the mental advantage he had. He had everyone beat before they entered the ring. Now thsts gone
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Fo' shizzle. Dude holds tons of records, is rich and famous and all that. No need to risk coming back to a non-title fight and getting beat again.

Problem is, he can't come back and fight for the title right away. He also can't come back and fight some scrub because everyone would think it was lame, plus what if said scrub does end up beating him? What if he's put into a difficult matchup and loses? That's three in a row. The competition isn't getting easier, but he is getting older. Dude should just walk away.
Guy wins 16 fights in a row, 10 of them title defenses, most by way of utter kicking ass. He then gets caught, and then injured.

But, rather then fight again, he should quit instead and learn from a fella who had 7 straight decisions. The same guy who has spent more time in the ring (because he can not finish a fight) then anybody.

Surely. Makes perfect sense!
Your valuation of a ko over a decision is your own choice. But a win is a win

Silva is 38. The end is nigh for him based on that alone. If he was 28 facing down a a long injury recovery, then maybe rework the ganeplan and go for another run. At 38, silva probably won't actually fight again until he's 40. By then he will have had over a year off, after getting knocked out And then massively Injured.

You must be Brazilian :laughing
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The competition isn't getting easier, but he is getting older. Dude should just walk away.

agree, but i doubt he will. nobody wants to see a fighter as obviously intelligent as silva wind up punchy, and he has def taken punishment over the years- he just has a good chin and is smooth enough that sometimes it's hard to notice.
Sure, not pure luck. He picked up his leg. He checked a leg kick just like everybody else checks leg kicks. Nothing special at all about what he did.

Actually, many in the sport don't check the leg kicks, a point some (like Silva) use to their advantage.

Didn't look like Silva was "in trouble" to me at all.

I don't know, he looked a little "in trouble" to me when his eyes were looking out the back of his skull in the first round... :laughing

Wanted to see Weid beat him without some kind of freak injury ending the fight.
It wasn't a submission. It wasn't a knockout. It wasn't a decision. It was a fighter unable to continue due to freak injury, resulting in a TKO.

Despite Weid trying to take credit for the leg break and act like he meant to do it, it was an unfortunate accident and pure luck on Weid's part. This has happened many times in combat sports and Muay Thai. It can happen to anyone.

The idea that Weid trained to break legs with his knee is utterly laughable.

I don't recall anyone saying that Weidman trained to break legs with his knee (you can point me to that statement if you saw it somewhere), but you really should make up your mind if this was a "freak injury" and "pure luck", or "It happens many times, it could happen to anyone".

The fact is, Weidman didn't check kicks in the first fight (and paid the price for not doing so), and his trainer focused on that weakness, turning it into a strength. That's the trainer/coaches' job, and I'd say he deserves a little bonus/raise for picking that area to work on. It sure worked out, didn't it? :teeth
This is probably going to be debated until the end of time.. IMHO this "win" was more of a technicality than anything else. What happened was unfortunate for Anderson, and MMA fans alike. Checking kicks is in fact a skill but fighters don't check kicks to break legs. They check kicks to reduce damage taken, and deter additional kicks.

"Deter additional kicks" by causing pain and injury every time they check a kick. :thumbup
This could be the time to walk away. It has happened before where an unbeatable looking fighter gets caught and loses and then after that it seems like everyone has their number.

It is like Roy Jones Jr. devastating boxer could beat anyone. Then he got knocked out for the first time and after that everyone was knocking him out. It wasn't pretty. Maybe this kind of thing does something physcologically (?) to the fighter or his opponents not sure but it seems like it happens a lot.

Although I think the broken leg was a fluke and was kind of a bad way to end a fight/career but what has he got left to prove to anyone. Maybe he should just walk away now.
It's every excuse in the book. First he just "got caught" then it's a "fluke injury" (nevermind 38 year old men aren't as strong physically).

Only silva could bet stopped twice by the same guy And people think its no big thing lol

The fights according to Silva Ballickers....

Fight 1: Silva "tests his opponent" in round 1. Silva trips on a leprachaun, hits his face against Weidman's fist and mysteriously goes to sleep.

Fight 2: Silva "tests his opponent" in round 1. Silva trips on a damn pesky leprachaun again and his leg snaps as he falls to the ground while his leg simultaneously hits Weidman's knee.

Does anyone else think its weird that Rhonda literally has a finishing move? Like a legit signature move

Whos arm bar is better? Hers or Alberto del Rio?
I think it's odd and kinda lame, in a way. Shows there's not a lot of depth in WMMA quite yet. Kinda like certain old skool UFC stuff doesn't work any more because people have figured things out. Someone is eventually going to figure it out and will render her game moot. Either that or she'll retire before anyone does, who knows.

Her and Jim Miller need to arm bar it out.
I'm not taking anything from Weidman I am just saying once the mystique is gone the fighters just seem to decline after that and become mere humans again.

In the first fight Silva got caught being his normal cocky self thinking he couldn't be put out. Weidman took advantage and knocked him out. End of story.

In the second fight he breaks his lower leg on a checked kick. Weidman won on a technical but I think that most people including Weidman would have rather had a definitive ending to that fight and not a TKO on a broken leg.

On another seemingly untouchable fighter I would love to see the Jones/Gustafson rematch. I think that Gustafson might be "Bones" kryptonite.