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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Holyfuckinshit... I don't know how many fights I've seen recently where I'm yelling at the TV for the ref to stop it cuz either some dude's kidneys are about to burst or brains about to leak out his ear, but fuckin' Herb calls it cuz some one is pitter pattering Faber's hand!?!??!?! Uriah was extreeeeeeeeeeeemely benevolent about it. I think he was still headed for an L, but damn, man, championship fight? Srsly...

Some good fights, some so-so. Glad Reem got it done and didn't fight stupid. Still woulda liked to have seen a few body kicks.
Some good fights, some so-so. Glad Reem got it done and didn't fight stupid. Still woulda liked to have seen a few body kicks.


i liked reem's game plan but i wouldve liked at least one mad rush of kicks or knees when there's only 10 seconds left
Yeah, I was yelling at the TV for him to unload on Mir. Only thing is, I was afraid Mir was going to uncork some uppercut outta nowhere and KO The Reem. :laughing I mean, look what happened to Varner. Frank ain't known for KO's, but I have no doubt that he could do so.

In other news, Anfrany Johnson is going to fight Phil Davis.

Can't wait...

Also, this... lol

Thiago Alvez is scheduled to fight again soon! Was wondering what the hell happened to him. Been a fan of his for a while. Shoulda won that Kapmann fight!

In other news... another Thiago (Silva), apparently went on a roid rage rampage and got into it with the police down in Floriduh. Career = over. Probably gonna have a gaggle of prison bitches at least.
Silva threatened to kill his estranged wife and her lover and then was involved in a police standoff.
Fired from UFC.
Silva threatened to kill his estranged wife and her lover and then was involved in a police standoff.
Fired from UFC.

I was following this as it was breaking, the media (as usual) screwed it all up by blowing things way out of proportion.:rolleyes

They first reported there was a murder at the gym and that Thiago assaulted police officers, then it was attempted murder and resisting arrest, and now it's a Battery charge and resisting arrest without the use of violence for not initially coming out of his house. All reports now state that nobody was injured at either the gym or his house

Based on the wild claims by the press early on and Dana maybe basing his firing on that info, I wouldn't be surprised if he winds up "unfired".

Here's the UFC's latest statement regarding the incident: The UFC released a statement regarding Silva's arrest Thursday.

"This evening, we were made aware of a situation involving Thiago Silva," the statement read. "We are in the process of gathering the facts and have no further comment at this time."
arrite, who do you guys like for tonights card? I really want to see some underdogs pull off some upsets tonight, especially the king of pancakes welterweight champ sato-san over brasilian bieber silva and for ogle to grind olivera out and into another promotion, but I think carmont actually has the best chance of an upset.

that and for machida to go lights out. he's looking deadly at 185, but I can't respect a man that extolls the virtues of drinking piss.

bad night for brasil!
Erick Fuckin' Silva...

Wish he would stop ending fights so fast. I've barely had a swig or two of my beer once it's over.:laughing

Get this dude some higher talent to fight ASAP.
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Mousasi gets mad points from me for walking in to Tiesto - Adagio by Strings
Erick Fuckin' Silva...

Wish he would stop ending fights so fast. I've barely had a swig or two of my beer once it's over.:laughing

Get this dude some higher talent to fight ASAP.

Srs, that new guy is probably reevaluating his career choices now.

Dragon looked good he was behind Mous before he could unload that right. Footwork such amaze. Belfort Mous next?
Erick Fuckin' Silva...

Wish he would stop ending fights so fast. I've barely had a swig or two of my beer once it's over.:laughing

Get this dude some higher talent to fight ASAP.

Oh, dude, sorry, but that guy was served on a platter to Erick Silva. Silva has defeated no one of note. Maybe Charlie Breneman, but Breneman ain't much to write home about. Is Charlie still in the UFC? If he is, I don't think he'll be around a lot longer.

Erick Silva is a decent pretty boy who the UFC is trying to push up the ranks in Brazil.

Honestly, these Brazil cards are getting to be ridiculous. They make the fights so damn lopsided just to make the home crowd happy. I mean, what was the fight where the guy was a +1000 underdog? Was that Sato? Sheesh, if it's that bad, the fight shouldn't even happen.

The Machida/Mousassi fight went EXACTLY as I expected. Machida pitter patters a little bit, Mousassi doesn't pull the trigger, Machida eeks out a win. Yawn. I literally fell asleep during this card.