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The Retire and Relocate Thread™

No. Perhaps you are part of the group of ignorants who don’t know what “doctor” means?

Find a thread where I call myself a physician. Then find one where I give a firm finding or opinion on covid, since you brought it up.

While it seems here you take my comments about Spokane as truths, you seem to believe my thought on covid, mainly the vaccination since it is all I really commented on in the past, to be invalid.

I am not sure why you chose to start slinging shit in this thread but I will keep it up as long as it is tolerated here. Or until it becomes a Mark Twain quote.
For what it's worth, "Doc" is a term of endearment for medics in the military. Not a single serviceperson thinks it implies that they're actual doctors. I don't think Rob is trying to imply that he's an actual MD. He was a Navy Corpsman, which is what the Navy and Marine Corps calls a medic...because they have to do shit differently just to be contrarian. :laughing
I couldn’t wrap my head around CDA either. I probably should give it another look again next time we’re up there.

I don’t find “Brokane” as my wife calls it, very right wing. In fact, my daughter has become quite the lefty there due to terrible influence of complete loser friends.
My son other the other hand….let’s just say they don’t talk politics without her ultimately going ballistic.

Spokane has a very strange mix of people; tubby, estro-laden guys to the very popular bodybuilding culture there. A SHITLOAD of crime and homelessness. In three months my son has experienced things on duty that most cops don’t see in ten years. He did a welfare check on a guy in his old apartment building only to find a guy who was dead over a month. A few weeks ago he was plugging holes on a guy who was shot buy his fellow officers.

I worked at the jail there as a CO for five months. Black and Mexican gangs have to recruit white guys to fill the ranks. Nothing so silly as a skinny white guy flipping gangs signs and calling out “Duece duece crips yo!”
They book and release EVERYONE except DV or DUI. I think we booked and released 70% of people during my short tenure.

Lots of bad neighborhoods too. Names like “Felony Flats”, etc. But like most towns, you can avoid most problems. The homeless, while ubiquitous, aren’t SF aggressive.

The state currently is favorable for concealed carry so I have my Austrian co-pilot there awaiting me for visits.

Austrian co-pilot. Nice lol

PS - I didn’t know Brokane was like that.
Been to Spokane?

Yes, plenty of times. Perhaps my particular corner of the PNW isn’t for you. :dunno

I remember the time, when I was working on a project up that way, some dude got murdered behind the QA guy’s truck at Day’s Inn downtown. The cops wouldn’t let him leave for work until they were done processing the scene.

All of the PNW was fairly gritty back in the day. It wasn’t always Microsoft and Starbucks. I guess I don’t mind it because I grew up with it.
I’ll take Spokane tweakers over CD’A neo not z’s any day too.
One plus about Spokane is that we are looking at city living a la SF…sort of. A new construction, middle of everything downtown 2br/1ba on the 6th floor for well under $2k. Dogs ok, off streetparking, gym…the works. Lots of older places for just over a grand.
That apartment where my son found the liquifying dude is still available. :bigbarf
A friend of mine got a good deal on a condo in Pullman about 20 years ago. It had the town’s only murder in a decade in it years earlier and sat on the market for two years.
Don’t know diddle about Spokane but sure am surprised to read all this. Race to the bottom regionally I guess in depraved postmodern “culture.” Guess I’ll take that off the relocate list.
I’ll take Spokane tweakers over CD’A neo not z’s any day too.

I felt the exact opposite, CDA seemed pretty diverse without all the trash, graffiti, etc. You have extremes in people everywhere. When I crossed the Stateline to Spokane to fly out it was noticeable instantly. I hope Spokane stays on their side!:laughing

EDIT: I will add it definitely is predominantly Caucasian, but all walks of life. I will keep it on my radar in the future. Just love the riding and weather here. Most Family is close also.
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CDA is loaded with people from Spokane who fled during the pandemic. I didn’t see any sort of neo nazis in CDA the few times I went there but maybe because there was smoke in my eyes from my burning crosses.
Your hillbilly tweeker book burning pals were up in Bonner's Ferry that weekend.
FWIW, on my road trip this summer I spent a couple of days riding in the Driftless Area, and it whetted my appetite for going back. I've lived the greatest portion of my life in CA, but am a native of the midwest. I plan to go back there and ride some more next summer. Maybe that's where I'll end up. We'll see.
Driftless Area. Yet another thing I NEVER heard of. BARF is just so damned informative. Thanks for that post! Am intrigued.
Driftless Area. Yet another thing I NEVER heard of. BARF is just so damned informative. Thanks for that post! Am intrigued.

If you recall Peter Egan, that's where he lives and rides. It touches four states, but the largest share of the area is in Wisconsin, like Egan.
You probably like that you don’t see oncoming drivers drifting, huh?