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The Retire and Relocate Thread™

it'd sure be nice to shed the corporate gig at some point and be able to afford to take a job that might pay less but interest me more.

I like this idea, just working PT to stay busy but not doing the corporate thing where I sit in front of a keyboard all day. I'm already at retirement age but wife is younger and self-employed and our youngest is still in school so I gotta keep going to provide the medical, dental benefits for the family - at least for now.
One day, one day
My Wife and I are always looking for good retirement spots whenever we travel. Several years ago we visited her old Boss, who moved from Cupertino to Coeur d’Alene, ID. They love it there, but I learned that the area was the birthplace of the John Birch Society, and has a huge KKK chapter (or whatever they call it), and it also has more White Nationalist per square inch than almost anywhere in the US. F that place.

I am torn because moving is a headache, my home is paid off, plus I am 10 minutes away from Stanford Medical Center. I really would like to have a home on 1 or 2 acres, since we are both dog nuts.

It would be cool to find a cooler location, with low property taxes, but I don't want to move to some place only to discover that I should have stayed in the SF Bay Area.

We have been looking at Oregon and Washington State.

I've visited Oregon twice, both times around the Portland area. Prices are nearly on par with the Bay Area but lessen a little as you move outwards. OR is nice (no sales taxes!) but being that it's still basically a red state, there are certainly outlying areas in the boonies where a POC would definitely not want to be.

When we were in WA this past June I really enjoyed it but forget about finding a home anywhere near Seattle, because I saw lots of CA prices. However, there seemed to be more land available and we saw some affordable neighborhoods. Traffic can be a PITA though.
My Wife and I are always looking for good retirement spots whenever we travel. Several years ago we visited her old Boss, who moved from Cupertino to Coeur d’Alene, ID. They love it there, but I learned that the area was the birthplace of the John Birch Society, and has a huge KKK chapter (or whatever they call it), and it also has more White Nationalist per square inch than almost anywhere in the US. F that place.

I am torn because moving is a headache, my home is paid off, plus I am 10 minutes away from Stanford Medical Center. I really would like to have a home on 1 or 2 acres, since we are both dog nuts.

It would be cool to find a cooler location, with low property taxes, but I don't want to move to some place only to discover that I should have stayed in the SF Bay Area.

We have been looking at Oregon and Washington State.
Have you checked out Eugene? Being a college town tends to make them more diverse and less racist. I lived in Moscow, ID for 5 years through middle and early HS, it was an oasis (along with WSU in Pulman, WA 6 miles away) within an area of redneck.
yeah, i'm with you on that. and did you notice that most/all the people that say they are so glad to have left California are people that we are also glad left California :party

The ocean is only worth it if I can live near it. And by live, I mean not renting a tiny apartment just to be on the coast. To me, that's not living. As for the rest of that statement you made, you're entitled to your opinion. I'm not waving the "Fuck you, Kalifornia" flag like the people you're alluding to. I've know for years that that where I'm now living was where I felt at home. It's all about living where you're happy. I didn't move here to make a political statement.

But, most of the people I know that left here miss it and take every opportunity they can to come back. :dunno

There's absolutely no reason for me to return to California. I'll visit, obviously, since I still will have family there and I don't hate the state or even its prevailing political leanings for the most part. But I have zero interest in coming back there whatsoever.

Live where you are happy. :thumbup

Ultimately, that's all that matters. :thumbup

Same. Been other places. They are nice to visit but, this is home.

I've heard this statement before. The key thing for me was that I didn't just visit places (particularly where I moved to), I lived there for years while in the military. I think living somewhere opens your eyes and other senses a lot more to a particular locale than just visiting for a short period of time. :2cents
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I have lived outside of Californian for over half my life. My statement holds.

These are deeply personal decisions and I won’t ever tell someone they are wrong. I just know what I like. :thumbup
Jason how close to Nashville are you? My girlfriend lived there a couple years and there is a ton of fun stuff to do. Music everywhere and great food.
Jason how close to Nashville are you? My girlfriend lived there a couple years and there is a ton of fun stuff to do. Music everywhere and great food.

As far as I can be. Nashville is to Tennessee like Austin is to Texas just like SF is to California. :laughing

In all serious though, we're about an hour and twenty minutes from Nashville.
I could sell our little house in Hayward, move back to my hometown, and buy a baller status crib so I can look out over all the haters :laughing


What an annoying house complete with golf sim, like do not even bother applying unless you have an s-class and belittle people at costco. And definitely file lots of construction complaints with the city when a non-white family builds on that lot.
What an annoying house complete with golf sim, like do not even bother applying unless you have an s-class and belittle people at costco. And definitely file lots of construction complaints with the city when a non-white family builds on that lot.

It's Tri Cities, Washington so probably not an S-Class, probably a diesel F-250 King Ranch that "I nEeD fOr My BuSiNeSs" but only hauls a boat twice a year. :laughing
Health care in your older years also brings up a valid question: are you willing to give up riding motorcycles altogether if that means much less risk of injury? I probably will and take up a hobby that doesn't involve hurling my creaking body around at ludicrous speeds.

Astronomy is probably a safe bet. :p

FPV drones is where I went. I get the same sweaty palm adrenaline rush, and all I risk is smashing up a $500 quadcopter when I botch a trick. :laughing
It's Tri Cities, Washington so probably not an S-Class, probably a diesel F-250 King Ranch that "I nEeD fOr My BuSiNeSs" but only hauls a boat twice a year. :laughing

Ah jeez that's even worse, the Bundy types. Waxed diesels and Carhartt's that have never seen dirt.
Ah jeez that's even worse, the Bundy types. Waxed diesels and Carhartt's that have never seen dirt.

I always enjoy parking my Range Rover that is covered in mud and filth next to those folks whenever I am up there. :laughing

"You take that off road?!?" :shocker
"Yeh, it is kind of what they made it for" :dunno

The California plate is the icing on top. :p