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Time To Get Fit - 2024

Joining in on the new thread for 2024. So far so good got back into the gym after taking a few months off late last year. Trying to get weight back up for exercises and work on my cardio again. A never ending struggle it is especially as it goes away faster than it's gained. Sigh.....
"goes away faster than it's gained"... ain't that the truth :mad
Yup, each decade means you have to work harder to get there and it goes away faster! :thumbdown

IDK who those people are who say that life has never been better when they get into their 60's, that's crazy talk! :laughing
Yup, each decade means you have to work harder to get there and it goes away faster! :thumbdown

IDK who those people are who say that life has never been better when they get into their 60's, that's crazy talk! :laughing

At the rate shits breaking down I am not sure I am making it to 60..:afm199
I'm trying to get out hiking more. Did 5+ miles in Muir woods a couple weeks ago. Might do Tam on Saturday, weather permitting. I want to get back up the ability to do a multi day trek in the Sierras this summer.
I'm trying to get out hiking more. Did 5+ miles in Muir woods a couple weeks ago. Might do Tam on Saturday, weather permitting. I want to get back up the ability to do a multi day trek in the Sierras this summer.

That is an enviable goal and will be rooting for you to make it. :thumbup

Got on the scale this morning and found I had lost around 4 pounds this week by just watching my portion sizes which is good because if it hadn't worked out I was going to go nuclear on the diet side of things.
I'm trying to get out hiking more. Did 5+ miles in Muir woods a couple weeks ago. Might do Tam on Saturday, weather permitting. I want to get back up the ability to do a multi day trek in the Sierras this summer.
Great to have a goal like that! :thumbup

There are days that your mind will make excuses not to do the exercise, recognize it for what it is and do the exercise anyways. You will be glad that you did, it only requires taking the first step to start the prepare process. For me it involves starting to put on my riding gear for my bike... :ride
Got on the scale this morning and found I had lost around 4 pounds this week by just watching my portion sizes which is good because if it hadn't worked out I was going to go nuclear on the diet side of things.

I feel ya, but on the opposite side. Miss a week or so and I lose like 3-4 lbs. It's super annoying, but I've gotten used to knowing it'll come back in a few weeks. Still...scales are bad things.

There are days that your mind will make excuses not to do the exercise, recognize it for what it is and do the exercise anyways. You will be glad that you did, it only requires taking the first step to start the prepare process. For me it involves starting to put on my riding gear for my bike... :ride

Sooooooooo THIS! Get suited up and then decide if you want to continue; has been my strategy the whole time. I'd never go without that...I'd just go home and Simm for hours and hours.
Anyone take custom vitamin/ suppluments/ peptides daily? Pills or powders?
I take protein powder, it really helps with recovery, ensuring that your muscle tissues have the materials that they need. I only take 28 g, no need to overdo it.

I am experimenting with beet juice, it expands your capillaries, which can't hurt.
The latest dominant team in the TourDeFrance has their riders consume tart cherry juice at the end of stages. This can increase nitric oxide in the body which can help lower blood pressure and do other good things. Beet juice supposedly offers similar effects. There are some NIH published studies on all of this.
My coach has scheduled a 30min all-out power test for tomorrow. Im going to die - which is the point. Let’s c how I do.
^ I’m stoked for you Robert! It’s really exciting to get some professional personalized help! The slope of mount fitness only gets steeper with time. I would love to have a sherpa.
Scheduling conflicts got us started too late to drive across the bay to hike Mt Tam so we hit up Briones. Still a good outing.
^ fuck yeah. It was just pleasant enough to be outside today. Im glad I got a sweet ride in.
Anyone take custom vitamin/ suppluments/ peptides daily? Pills or powders?

So here is what I do......

multivitamin -> but I take half the recommended dose as I don't really need 3000% of my daily allowance of anything.

Omega 3-6-9 pill -> this is my ride or die. I find it helps with my knees as I can tell when I forget to take it as they scream at me.

Collagen -> this is a new addition to see if I notice any effects from it so far jury is out and I may stop taking it.

CoQ10 pill.

I also take a thing of water with me to the gym that has some amino acids in it because it should hopefully help me maintain muscle mass while trying to lose weight.

Once I lose the weight and can get back to building muscle I will probably do a casein protein shake at night to give them muscles some fuel to grow.
My power test on Sunday went well enough. There are some longer climbs about 30min from my house. Drove there, met some friends, and got after it. We all did the structured warm-up that I posted a page back. It definitely worked at warming and loosening the legs a bit. The first 5-10min of the power test were easier because of it. Then I got to the bottom of the 7.5 mile climb and went for it. Then I turned around at the top to find the friends and rode back to the cars with them.

Heres all the data

Important bits:
- I managed the full 30min and didnt die. The test felt terrible for the middle 10min, but the final 10min felt good. I even had 400w kick at the very end.
- My goal power was 260w. I managed 246w. I should have pedaled harder on the flat/downhill parts and I should have ridden easier the day before.
- That 246w is still my 3rd-best 20min power of all time.
- HR avg was 175bpm with a max of 186bpm. Not bad. I was actually nervous going into it, which means a higher HR.
- 30min at 246w suggests my FTP is ~240w. Ive been training with an FTP-setting at 250w because of one amazing day back in Sept. I think this test validates that a little bit.

I'm meeting with the coach tomorrow to chat about this. Im already wondering what he's going to say.
If you had a hard Saturday, then your legs wouldn't have performed as well on Sunday as one night wouldn't repair all of the damaged cells.

Your mph average with that much elevation change was impressive, my legs would be sore for a week even attempting that much climb. :laughing

A lot in there that is outside of my experience, you bike people really have much more data than any other sport that I know of!