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Time To Get Fit - 2024

Thank you, Climber and stangmx13.

It was an average of 61 minutes per day, or 31.52 hours over the month of January. This is per my apple watch. However, my pace is like 3.5 mph so I reckon a lot of that mileage was actually me toodling around.
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Sorry meant back :)

Figured, but I couldn't resist, and getting laughs outa Mike is the Nutella on my crepe!

In all seriousness, what push exercises did you do?

TwT, that's legit mileage. Committed.
i should be committed and am totally committed! i have a track weekend happening in april and super camp happening in march. i am excited about my endurance and hope it helps me ride better at both events.
It will, but update us anyway. Your journey is heartening to read on.
Thank you, Climber and stangmx13.

It was an average of 61 minutes per day, or 31.52 hours over the month of January. This is per my apple watch. However, my pace is like 3.5 mph so I reckon a lot of that mileage was actually me toodling around.

IMO, thats a life changing hour commitment. Like imagine how good someone could get at paying the piano if they practiced 1hr a day :laughing. It sounds like you've made this a habit, which should yield results that feel easy. Way to go!
I just signed up for another race - Tahoe Trail 100K MTB. It's July 20th, 3 weeks before Leadville. It's a Leadville qualifier, so almost any finish will improve my starting position for Leadville. With a field of ~2000 riders at Leadville, it will be very important to start in front of as many people as possible to get a good time.

So I'll be back near the Bay in July. Maybe there will be some other BARFers there.

Ok, that's it. No more races. I can't sign up for any more races. :laughing
When's Leadville? You going early acclimate?
Leadville is Aug 10th. I'm going up 7 days before and sleeping at 9000ft. I've heard this is a little too high for good acclimatization because it can negatively impact sleep/recovery a little too much. I guess we'll see.

My coach already knows I need to get some altitude and heat* training in before then. I have quite a few mountains over 6000ft within riding distance and BigBear (7100ft base) about 2hrs away. I'll probably be spending time in the summer riding those spots.

*Apparently heat acclimatization can be a good replacement for altitude training, offering lots of benefits thats crossover.
Couldn't you wear an N99 or N95 mask to simulate elevation?

Several years ago when we had the fires near here I wore my N99 mask and it was interesting, riding along the edge of panic from lack of oxygen. :laughing

It was 100-107 around that time.
Any way to get another week @ altitude? I might have a place to stay @ 8,800 ft for you in the mountains.
Leadville is Aug 10th. I'm going up 7 days before and sleeping at 9000ft. I've heard this is a little too high for good acclimatization because it can negatively impact sleep/recovery a little too much. I guess we'll see.

My coach already knows I need to get some altitude and heat* training in before then. I have quite a few mountains over 6000ft within riding distance and BigBear (7100ft base) about 2hrs away. I'll probably be spending time in the summer riding those spots.

*Apparently heat acclimatization can be a good replacement for altitude training, offering lots of benefits thats crossover.

Montezuma Grade repeats in July.
Oh, and spend a couple of days at sea level after your accustomization phase until the last possible minute to get to the starting line. This will saturate your new RBC with oxygen.
Couldn't you wear an N99 or N95 mask to simulate elevation?

Several years ago when we had the fires near here I wore my N99 mask and it was interesting, riding along the edge of panic from lack of oxygen. :laughing

It was 100-107 around that time.

I'm pretty sure that restricted breathing does not simulate altitude. Masks train your lung muscles, which isn't the issue with altitude. First source found: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4879455/

The problem with altitude is the air is less dense, so each lung-full contains less oxygen. And theres less pressure to force that oxygen into your bloodstream. These problems shouldn't exist with masks. If you can get full lungs while wearing a mask, you are getting the normal "dose" of oxygen.

Any way to get another week @ altitude? I might have a place to stay @ 8,800 ft for you in the mountains.

Where? in CO?

I dunno. You know how travel can be.

Montezuma Grade repeats in July.

Tire melting heat. I don't want to die just before two big races :laughing
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Serious question: How can some people lose a pound or more a week? I have been exercising since start of November and only lost 5 lbs and still have a jiggly belly :cry

Before anyone accuses me of eating yummy fud, I should say that I haven't eaten ice cream, consumed sugary soda or candies since then.

May be start eating salads.
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m_asim i started losing weight by balancing my macros. 30% of calories from fat and protein respectively and 40% from carbs. (although more protein is better.) i also followed a low glycemic diet.

this was recommended to me by an endocrinologist.

i don’t eat many processed foods. you’d be surprised how much sugar is in dressings and such. there are glycemic load calculators. i’d be happy to do a google meet to rap about it. i lost an average of 1.6lbs per week for an entire year.

as berto will say this isn’t a weight loss thread. but if losing a few makes it easier for you to get your behind in motion i think he’ll forgive me for posting this.
I know it's not a weight loss thread but to follow up on TWT answer all I can say is portion control is also a huge item. I have started serving myself in smaller bowls and plates and try to avoid eating as many carbs as I used to and I can reliably lose about 1 or 2 pounds a week. I am not the best at that but I figure slowly but surely wins the game as it will become a habit and those last a lifetime and you won't have the rebound effect of crash dieting and then gaining it all back when you quite the diet.

I also incorporate moderate weight lifting and more cardio until I get to my desired weight then I will start eating a ton of protein and start heavy lifting to gain mass.

Also to gain better cardio I do the bellow treadmill routine.
Start at 2.1 pace on the treadmill at an incline of 0
every minute I up the pace by .2 and the incline by 1 until I get to an incline of 3.0 then I just increase my pace to 3.3.
After the timer reaches 14 minutes I then lower the incline back to 0 and start my jog. I started at 3 minutes with a 4.7 pace. Every Monday and Friday I increase the time by 1 minute. Right now I am at 10 minutes. at this point I am going to start increasing my speed by .2 per session until I get to like 5.5 or 6 pace. Then I will start increasing my time again. not sure if I will increase time and pace yet but will see how the knees/body react when I get there.
After the jogging interval I do another 10 minutes at 3.3 and 3 incline.
I then do a cool down and lower the pace .2 every minute until I get to 2.5 pace then I lower the incline by 1 every minute until I get to 0 then reduce speed every minute until I am back at 2.1 pace.

On wednesdays I warm up like above and then I just do 45 minutes at 3.3 pace and 3 incline. METS show the same for incline as joggng but feel the jogging gts my cardio better than just incline walking so thats why I do both at least METS will be the same until I start getting up their in speed on the jogging portions.