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Time To Get Fit - 2024

So here is what I do......

multivitamin -> but I take half the recommended dose as I don't really need 3000% of my daily allowance of anything.

Omega 3-6-9 pill -> this is my ride or die. I find it helps with my knees as I can tell when I forget to take it as they scream at me.

Collagen -> this is a new addition to see if I notice any effects from it so far jury is out and I may stop taking it.

CoQ10 pill.

Thanks for the mix(es). I've got a pretty customized list too and I've been trying to find if there's a source that custom blends powder vitamins/ aminos/ supplements. I can't find anything. Given we own a niche supplement entity, I'm considering giving this project to them and seeing if a market exists. It'll be boutique, but think custom mixes have a market.

I am experimenting with beet juice, it expands your capillaries, which can't hurt.

Beat powder is way easy if you do a morning protein deal. Mine's protein, glutamine, vitamin mix, beat powder, blueberries...other times banana (just learned the potential problems w/ mixing blueberries and bananas). I also take a liquid drop of D3+K2 each morning. I've got a methylation test coming as well...interested to see what I find there.
My Sat ride was a 2:30hr ride at easy endurance pace with two openers. The openers were 3min at "8 out of 10" effort with 10min rest in between. I think I nailed the first one at 8/10. But I ended up doing 9/10 on the 2nd. I felt that second one later that night and in the morning. And now I know to not do that again :laughing

Most of those metrics are simple calculations that help track efforts, their effects, and any results. The data points I'm actually recording are common to a lot of sports - HR, speed, elevation, cadence, and power. Garmin and Strava are now showing Running Power, so runners could start seeing data pages that full as well.
Beat powder is way easy if you do a morning protein deal. Mine's protein, glutamine, vitamin mix, beat powder, blueberries...other times banana (just learned the potential problems w/ mixing blueberries and bananas). I also take a liquid drop of D3+K2 each morning. I've got a methylation test coming as well...interested to see what I find there.
My sister grows eldeberries in NH, she sends me powder that I add to my blender drinks which also include flaxseed meal for Omega3's.

Sounds like the methylation test is a very good information based move to know exactly what you're lacking and what you may be over-emphasising.
Doing a lot more cardio this year. Last year I injured my back + shoulder, so weightlifting took a back seat to stretching and light cardio.

Gf challenged me to do the Taji 100 with her though (run/walk/hike 100 miles in 29 days for February). So I'm running about 6 miles a day, 4 days a week at the moment, and aiming to increase that to 8 miles by the end of the month which should cover the few mile gap by only doing 6x4x4. I did 6 miles in 1 hour yesterday at a reasonable jog and think I can up that to 6.5 without much struggle tomorrow. After that, we'll see.
Totally interesting in trying some. PM incoming.
Race #2 of the year is Saturday - Rock Cobbler 11.0 in Bakersfield. This one is medium length for me - 90miles and ~7000ft of climbing. Maybe it’ll take me 6-7hrs. Thankfully Bako got a lot less rain than the rest of CA. Based on pics on social media, it’s gonna be a muddy in spots, but not terrible and not across the whole route. I put on some fast-rolling mud tires, so I should have as much grip as possible.

My coach and I agreed this was a ‘C’ race for me, ie we can use it as training instead of worrying about the result. So I still had some VO2max intervals this week, even after the power test on Sun. And I need to ride 90min tomorrow before Saturdays race. Oh man. B and A races are coming soon.
Shame to see a life get cut short just as he was really coming into his own. He might have been the first to break the 2 hour mark, something that plenty have tried up to this point.

:rip Kelvin
Well, that race was quite a bit harder than I expected.

I finished Rock Cobbler 11.0 in 7:35:02. Thats 1:50hrs & 131% behind the winner in 99th place out of 356 finishers. 494 people started, and some of those finishers absolutely cut the course to get back. So the DNF rate was probably near 25%. That kinda gives you an idea of how hard it was. I wish the 131% was a little closer, as my prev race was closer. But this is still my 2nd best finish (based on % behind the winner).

There were at least half a dozen spots that were too steep to ride - and I'm a strong climber. Here's the largest one at mile 77 :laughing:cry


Conditions were as close to perfect as one could expect. The course was quite varied and fun - asphalt, dirt roads, single track, rocks, mud, sand, hard climbing, fast descents, off-camber trails, everything. The mud was minimal, ruts were interesting, sticky spots weren't too bad, and the weather was great. The temps started cold in the high 40s but the sun was out in full by 10am. I had to stop and strip quite a few layers.

East Bakersfield after some rain is absolutely beautiful. Here's the only pic I took of me riding.


Here's the data. I started very strong, setting really good numbers for the first 4hrs. By that point, the field was very spread and the largest climb of the day was daunting to say the least. I backed it off a little for the next 2hrs to recover some, then pushed again to finish up for the final 90min.


The BBQ after is a great reason to do this race.


I'm reasonably happy with the result. It was great that I could push at the end, likely in part because my nutrition was on point at 3.5L and 2300Cal. I'm not stoked about having to stop because I overdressed nor that I used a little too much tire pressure. There's always something to learn and I cant be too unhappy with two tiny mistakes - especially compared to my DNF last year.

Compared to others though, I had a great day. A friend that carpooled went over the bars at mile 69 and struggled to continue to ride. One shoulder swelled quite a bit, but she still managed to make it up that tall hike before the sweep moto stopped her from continuing in the dark. Turns out she broke her collarbone and a rib. She's a beast for continuing to ride and is pissed to not finish.

Robert, what are your A races this season?

The rest of my schedule this year (so far) is:
Mar 2, BWR Arizona - B race
Apr 6, BWR Utah - B race
Apr 28, BWR San Diego - A race
Aug 10, Leadville 100 CO - A race
Oct 19, Big Sugar AK - C race
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RIP Kelvin :rose

Putting this here just because it think it will be appreciate a bit more. Even as someone with a tiny, tiny tiny, bit of experience in trying to be an endurance athlete, I still can't really grasp how fast people on his level are. Gone too soon.

I just saw that a few hours ago. Sad to lose someone so amazing.

How are you feeling?
^ Great Race Robert!! Im happy I punted on Cobbler till next year :laughing . If it took YOU ~7:30:00 I would have been a DNF this year.

I think I’m pretty much back to 100%. Such a weird couple of months. My only explanation is a sneaky bout of COVID. My HRV is constantly in range again. I’m “productive” according to Garmin and my workouts feel much better. I lost a point on my VO2 Max :/ but the trend lines are going in the right direction again.
Full steam ahead till Alcatraz. I think I have a good shot at being my best for it.
^ Great Race Robert!! Im happy I punted on Cobbler till next year :laughing . If it took YOU ~7:30:00 I would have been a DNF this year.

I think I’m pretty much back to 100%. Such a weird couple of months. My only explanation is a sneaky bout of COVID. My HRV is constantly in range again. I’m “productive” according to Garmin and my workouts feel much better. I lost a point on my VO2 Max :/ but the trend lines are going in the right direction again.
Full steam ahead till Alcatraz. I think I have a good shot at being my best for it.

That's great to hear :thumbup
Took a week off exercise for business trip to let the hands heal, worked out today, no issues yet but not a lot of pushing or lifting today, mostly squats and pullups and rows.
Quite sore today in legs, bag, and chest, even though I didn't really do any chest exercises...maybe the neutral grip pullups?
Ball bag's sore? What push exercises did you do?