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Time To Get Fit - 2024

I'm pretty sure that restricted breathing does not simulate altitude. Masks train your lung muscles, which isn't the issue with altitude. First source found: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4879455/

The problem with altitude is the air is less dense, so each lung-full contains less oxygen. And theres less pressure to force that oxygen into your bloodstream. These problems shouldn't exist with masks. If you can get full lungs while wearing a mask, you are getting the normal "dose" of oxygen.

It reduced the rate that I could breath in the air, believe me I was definitely operating on reduced oxygen. As I said, I had to fight a threatening panic with my body as it definitely wanted more oxygen.

I understand what you're saying, but if you're not replacing the air in your lungs rapidly enough, then the partial pressure of the oxygen in your lungs will be reduced as your lungs remove the oxygen and replace it with carbon dioxide.
Serious question: How can some people lose a pound or more a week? I have been exercising since start of November and only lost 5 lbs and still have a jiggly belly :cry

Before anyone accuses me of eating yummy fud, I should say that I haven't eaten ice cream, consumed sugary soda or candies since then.

May be start eating salads.

It's not uncommon for people to eat more when they add exercise. Adding exercise is not going to produce weight loss if you have poor portion control.

Generally when someone starts paying attention to the finer details of their diet, they also aid their portion control. For example, someone making sure to eat <40% carbs likely also makes sure that there are no days of accidentally eating 3000Cal.

As a gross oversimplification... 1 lb of fat is 4082 Cal. If you want to lose 1 lb of fat per week, you need to eat 4082 Cal less per week. That's 583Cal less PER DAY. That seems a bit daunting. But it's not so bad if you spread it over every single meal you eat. 100-200Cal less for every single meal - anyone can do that. And the real numbers of losing 1lb of body weight are lower, since no one loses only fat.
i have been a grump all week. big time. i haven’t had as much exercise time as normal and i’ve been joined by other (slower) folks on some walks. today i went to explore a local network of trails and got my heart pumping. i recorded my highest heart rate since i got my watch, 171 bpm, avg HR for the workout was 131 bpm or 75% of my max. i felt like i stayed with my breath almost the entire time. it was really steep in many sections and muddy to boot. i am sore in the best way.

anyhoo… i needed a good workout like today. weather be damned.
ok. no one gets to laugh at this.

i used to be a cyclist. i commuted. i rode for pleasure. i was a fairly strong rider, too. i got on my pushbike last year early in my quest to get fit and had a horrible experience. i was completely winded and felt like my heart was coming out of my chest. i made it maybe 1.5 miles total. i felt defeated. i once rode to LA on the aids lifecycle, ffs, and yet i couldn’t ride up and down a gentle incline.

i just went out today. did a nice 3.5 mile loop. stayed in my breath and most importantly, i enjoyed it. my pace today was 9.8 mph on my three speed. i am happy. i think i can learn to love cycling again.

the lack of suspension and my butt are what did me in today. i’ll try riding the rock hopper tomorrow.

editing to add: 119 bpm average.
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awesome. all you do is ride bikes for like a week. you think of nothing. everything is provided. there is camaraderie with your fellow riders and you get to see beautiful countryside. the support is awesome, both logistical and mental. you won't regret it.
ok. no one gets to laugh at this.

i used to be a cyclist. i commuted. i rode for pleasure. i was a fairly strong rider, too. i got on my pushbike last year early in my quest to get fit and had a horrible experience. i was completely winded and felt like my heart was coming out of my chest. i made it maybe 1.5 miles total. i felt defeated. i once rode to LA on the aids lifecycle, ffs, and yet i couldn’t ride up and down a gentle incline.

i just went out today. did a nice 3.5 mile loop. stayed in my breath and most importantly, i enjoyed it. my pace today was 9.8 mph on my three speed. i am happy. i think i can learn to love cycling again.

the lack of suspension and my butt are what did me in today. i’ll try riding the rock hopper tomorrow.

editing to add: 119 bpm average.
I think you'll find you enjoy it.

I got back into riding a bike after 40 years away from it when the pandemic hit and my gym closed. I started riding 5 times a week and continued riding after my gym opened back up. I now alternate between 3 days in the gym and 3-4 days on the bike with a 10 mile loop at a fast pace. I can't run after my 4th knee surgery 25 years ago and further degradation of my knee, but riding the bike keeps my knees heathy and my legs firm. The riding shorts have gotten much better with their padding, the first couple months back I had a sore butt, but now I have callouses that I don't notice it. There are also very nice seats out there.

Riding a bike on some days will help keep your knees healthy.
ok. no one gets to laugh at this.

i used to be a cyclist. i commuted. i rode for pleasure. i was a fairly strong rider, too. i got on my pushbike last year early in my quest to get fit and had a horrible experience. i was completely winded and felt like my heart was coming out of my chest. i made it maybe 1.5 miles total. i felt defeated. i once rode to LA on the aids lifecycle, ffs, and yet i couldn’t ride up and down a gentle incline.

i just went out today. did a nice 3.5 mile loop. stayed in my breath and most importantly, i enjoyed it. my pace today was 9.8 mph on my three speed. i am happy. i think i can learn to love cycling again.

the lack of suspension and my butt are what did me in today. i’ll try riding the rock hopper tomorrow.

editing to add: 119 bpm average.
Ain't no laughing in here. That's awesome news and great to hear you are enjoying riding again. I would ride a bike here but drivers be crazy and probably more likely to get run over by some drunk cajun. It can take a bit to get back into the swing of things but when you do it's an awesome experience.

I loved to ride and I also enjoyed running. Friday I was up to 10 minutes at a 5.2MPH pace according to the treadmill display. Not sure how accurate the speed is but it felt good and my knees are holding up better now. I can almost enjoy it but at the end I am starting to suck wind which doesn't bug me so much as I know I am trying to push myself every time I get on so I expect to be struggling a bit.
thanks climber, thanks sharxfan. i found my cycling shorts last night. did 4.3 miles yesterday. today i’m aiming for 7 miles to the store and back. fortunately drivers are pretty courteous here.

edit: the store is six miles and i made it. it's all uphill on the way back but i pedaled the entire way/ :banana

My apple watch all of the sudden shows which HRZ I am in while working out so yay for that.
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Heres a bunch of good reasons why you should do Rock Cobbler.


I'm stoked to be in a vid this year for riding, not for crashing :laughing
^^ where are you featured so I can put a face to your name?

Looks like fun.
Once upon a time I bicycled a lot. Along with pretty good fitness, I also got neck pain and felt like my upper body was underworked.

This is a plug for kettlebells. I took them up and worked my way up a few sizes over 6 months or so. That was about 10 years ago and we still use them 3x/week for 20-40 minutes. I am a huge fan of free weights, combining balance, aerobics, and resistance. I recommend KB's as backup training for any activity you may do, including cycling. Plus, there are a lot of great trainers on YouTube with a wide variety of workouts.
^^ where are you featured so I can put a face to your name?

Looks like fun.

red long sleeve, white backpack, black helmet.

You see my back at 0:35, see me stripping layers at 7:38, and see my face while riding at 9:39. I rode with and near that Youtuber quite a bit from hours 1-5, so you see me a lot more if you wanna play "where's Robert?" :laughing
red long sleeve, white backpack, black helmet.

You see my back at 0:35, see me stripping layers at 7:38, and see my face while riding at 9:39. I rode with and near that Youtuber quite a bit from hours 1-5, so you see me a lot more if you wanna play "where's Robert?" :laughing

Thanks! I will check that out.

I rode again today. Didn't ride yesterday because work was dumb. Already faster and able to use higher gears. This is fun. :teeth
TWT I’m stoked you are enjoying riding again. I wish everyone on the planet got to enjoy this hobby. More two wheels!
Thank you, Robert. i’m happy to be enjoying it again as well and also regret giving away my old cyclocross bike. i guess i’ll be on the hunt for a randonneuring rig or flat bar road bike of some sort soon enough so i can tour comfortably. my shoulders have both been sprained multiple times (horse and bicycle riding injuries) so i have to be gentle on them.
18 miles, feel really good now, it didn't crush me like it used to. Not my best time but my legs felt strong from all the squats and Romanian deadlifts.

I really need to get out more regularly, psychologically once I am moving I am fine, just need to "get out there". 2/3rds of a cup of oats, some frozen berries and maple syrup for sweetness was my fuel.

Weather was incredible.