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Time to get Fit thread

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Speaking of shit For Free:


He hooked me up with a trainer months ago and I have finally been using it to combat my winter apathy. THANK YOU!!! It has really helped.

Glad it worked out. :thumbup
Hit the gym last night. it was an easy day for the treadmill so only did 45 minutes on 3% incline at 3.4MPH pace. then I hit the weights. felt good then I decided to do some deadlifts. Went with what I thought was an easy weight to start off with based on previous experiences with getting back into the swing of things and on the third set felt something twinge in the inner part of my left leg so stopped the deadlifts and prayed it was not a pulled muscle.

Woke up this morning and no pain or soreness in that leg so hopefully, I avoided the pulled muscle scenario. Everything else went well and my treadmill pace is coming back slowly but surely.

weight loss was good the first week but have plateaued at the moment and am trying not to stress about it as the fitness level seems to be coming back even though the weight is not coming off. I will give it a few more weeks and if nothing changes I will have to reduce calories even more although I am hungry most of the day and at night it is really bad so I thought I had cut down enough calories.
Plastic pin broke on my Powerblock dumbbells. What a pain in the ass to get a replacement part. If you don't complete their parts request form in full they won't answer you. The forms asks where and when you bought them. Like I remember that 4 years later.

Crappy design anyhow, entire weight held in place with a plastic pin. Anyone considering buying these do yourself a favor and just buy individual dumbbells which is what I'm now doing.



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Can you get a torch and melt it all together into like 3 different weights? Put a metal dowel in the middle as a handle and have some melted together weights...you can probably even shape like WWF stars.
Or duct tape.

Checked out a new set at fitness shop today. Mine are an old style and maybe discontinued. The pin with the newer style is different but the new set looks cooler, expensive though.

Wouldn’t buy a new set again without buying replacement pins at the same time. Also the welds look like a potential weak point. Especially if you’re rough with them.

Still think individual dumbbells is a better idea since I only ever used the blocks in one or two configurations.
Still think individual dumbbells is a better idea since I only ever used the blocks in one or two configurations.

Totally agree. Anything that comes apart like an erector set when you want to switch weights creeps me out if I'm hoisting that over my head....
Why don't you just buy another pin? It's $10.

Couldn’t find the pin for my seemingly discounted model on their site and their parts request form blows.

Anyhow after checking their latest versions today at a vender and seeing what looks like an improved product I might just pick up a set of the newer ones for shits and giggles.

Suppose I should feel bad about slagging their product earlier but you buy these things thinking they should last forever and seems that might be expecting too much
Couldn’t find the pin for my seemingly discounted model on their site and their parts request form blows.

Anyhow after checking their latest versions today at a vender and seeing what looks like an improved product I might just pick up a set of the newer ones for shits and giggles.

Suppose I should feel bad about slagging their product earlier but you buy these things thinking they should last forever and seems that might be expecting too much
I know in the power tool business they have a designed failure built into their motors at all levels. Who knows if others a following suit.

If your product is too good and lasts too long, your customers won't have to buy another or your upper level tools.
Well, to be be fair....dumbells last FORVER.

20-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs of Airborne (trying to get thru winter w/o getting sick)
• Nutella & Banana Crepe
• 1/2 Donut
• 1/2 Poor Boy & Squirt
• 1 Bag of Bugles


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Valentine’s Day

20-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs of Airborne
• 2 Eggs, 2 Breakfast Patties & 2 Wheat Toast
• Goat Curry, Rice, Naan & 1 Mexican Coke



3.5-Mile Powerwalk


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• 3 Eggs, 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame
• Malaysian 3 in 1 Coffee (Cal 162 ~ Pro 1.4 ~ Carb 27 ~ Fat 5)
• Smoothie: 2 Bananas, Vegan Pro, Almond Milk
• Goat Curry, Rice & 1 Slice Ezekile flattened to impersonate Naan




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A lot of push ups today followed by some cocktails later.

Hanging with my best friend made it feel a bit more normal.


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