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Time to get Fit thread

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If that's your hair now Bud, it looks cool as shit.

20-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Jelly Donut
• 3 Ham & Cheese Sammies & a Coke
• Smoothie: 2 Bananas, Blueberries, Vegan Pro & Honey
• Cashews
• Plant-Based Pasta & Vegan Meatballs
• Sumo Mandarin


No bueno.
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20-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• 3 Eggs & 2 Slices Wheat
• Butter & Sugar Crepe
• Sumo Mandarin
• 10 Gummy Bears
• To Fu & Rice, 2 Snotpicker, 1 Egg Roll & 7-oz Squirt


Suck ass.

20-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• 1/2 Poppyseed Muffin
• Cucumber and Turkey Sammie
• Banh Mi & Coke
• Grapes

More to follow...



30-Minute Power Walk/Windsprint Combo


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Bagel with Butter
• 1/2 Order To Fu & Rice
• Sumo Mandarin
• Viet Grub: 2 Pork Chops, 2 Eggs, Rice

I’m realizing I need to eat more vegetables.


So the winter storm crapfest has left and the weather is back to normal so I will be heading back to the gym. Didn't go last week as it was snow and ice everywhere and we in the South are totally unprepared for this kind of stuff.

Going to feel good to get back on the treadmill and do some weights.
The last COVID shutdown fcked up my boxing schedule and my garage training wasn’t cutting it. Also, winter feeding got the best of me and I put on some weight.

Lenten season for me is always a time of fasting and abstinence due to my religious obligations. As I dive into longer periods of fasting accompanied with abstaining from indulgence, I always drop weight during this time.

I’ve up’ed my supplementation quite a bit, too. I’m starting to get more workouts in again and looking forward to getting back down to my correct weight.
Thanks for the update Dion. Keep after it!
Thanks for the update Dion. Keep after it!

Thanks! Everybody tells me I look exactly the same, but the extra few pounds really is felt in the knees, heels, achilles and just overall.

I am really amazed at the difference between 5-10 lbs of fluctuation. My "fitness" hasn't gone down much, but I can feel it in the bones and around the waist. The other thing, too, is I do a lot of core stuff for boxing, and I think it's sickening up my mid section a bit. With a little fat, the waistline does get stupid.

I am really, really, really considering testosterone or clomid. While my strength is fine, endurance is fine and overall fitness stuff is fine, I am so feeling the fsck'ing stupid effects of aging, doing sports I'm training with studs half my age. No wonder why old, beat up martial artists take on a coaching role (like I have). Not only that, my wife is much younger (and prettier) than me, too.

I need to outweigh the pros and cons. There are a LOT of men on such treatments, prescribed by anti-aging clinics. This can be done safely under guidance.

I've had a recommendation from a fellow martial artist on some local anti-aging clinics I may look into. He gets a shot a month of Test. It can be pricey and we have some real estate stuff pending, so this is something I will have to wait on for a few months. This has been on my mind for at least two years. :afm199
Welcome to getting older.

Nothing is ever 'free', there are always consequences for any kind of substance that will give you short term gains, aside from eating well, getting proper rest, taking vitamin supplements and applying the forces to your body to maintain/improve the desired phenotype.
Welcome to getting older.

Nothing is ever 'free', there are always consequences for any kind of substance that will give you short term gains, aside from eating well, getting proper rest, taking vitamin supplements and applying the forces to your body to maintain/improve the desired phenotype.

I do all of that. My vitamin list is

Fish Oil
Multi (as a back-up)
Creatine (cycled)
Test Booster (cycled)
Fat Burner (cycled)
Melatonin for sleep with a half OTC sleep aid

Train 4 days a week in karate, boxing, grappling and weightlifting, plenty of recovery, and lead a happy life. Don't touch a drop of alcohol, tobacco, weed, or any other vices. Do my best to lay off the junk food and high sugar items.

I am doing everything I can, but every year is a year closer to my end and it all fcking sucks, especially tee'ing off with dudes in their 20's.
I hear ya.

I have moderate arthritis in my left should.
I had my 4th knee surgery in my right knee 21 years ago and haven't done a sprinting stride since.
My reflexes aren't anywhere near the 0.07 that I was measured at in my late teens.
An asshole eye doctor (Ellis eye) fucked up my eyes when I went for Lasik vision correction, they added astigmatisms to my eyes. Years later an optometrist told me that she's had plenty of clients whose eyes were damaged by him.

Anybody who tells you that they don't mind the effects of getting old is rationalizing or outright lying. :x

But, we can only do the best we can. I'll be working out for the rest of my life.
:thumbup Climber :) Thanks for the words of wisdom!

I boxed last night and our small group of speak easy violence decided to spar after months of ring rust. Hitting pads I gassed out and was like “This is horrible” and I got a gnarly side ache and felt like puking.

Oh, yeah, I remember this.

Then the guys decided to get in the ring and trade. I was like “not me” until the group said “Dion, you and George should go at it...” George is my coach.

It was very cool. We traded and the things I’ve been drilling over and over in my garage landed. I have some things to tweak, but I didn’t lose my speed nor my fight IQ and I attribute that to the double end bag and slip bag. It seemed that the both of us - as coaches - you could see we both were being very cognizant of tactics rather than brawn. Probably one of the most beautiful sparring matches I’ve had for that part of it. I haven’t been punched in the head in awhile and it was very “awakening”.

We have a very tall fighter who has greater range than any of us; his style is a “sniper style” where he fires punches downward. During a sparring match months ago, I hit him with a body shot that sat him down. I got to corner my friend and he was sparring that dude, so I knew what worked. Unfortunately, my man threw out his shoulder and the fight ended early. That was super fun. I can see myself doing more corner man stuff, and when my students start competing as things start to open up, I will be ready.

Boxing is a big love of mine, and I’ve only really been boxing for a couple of years, although I’ve done striking all my life. The idea of using your brain tactically while trying to stay alive and exerting massive physical output is a beautiful endeavor. Boxing is truly a “thinking” person’s sport. There is a vast difference between doing “cardio boxing” and fighting an opponent, and that’s the part I enjoy.
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Great that you're still at it, Dion! :thumbup

Sometimes I've thought about helping HS wrestling coaches with training their 190 lb and heavy weights. I haven't wrestled in many decades, but my body still knows how to do it. All of my lifting is for fight/grappling training, I train for speed/strength with high reps. I was a leg rider so once I got a leg in I'd be burning up their energy. I almost got back into wrestling in my mid 30's when a guy I worked with offered to help me get back, he was wrestling internationally.

I know how it is with those tall boxers, when I was boxing a bunch of years back one of the guys had about 4 inches on me, was a natural lefty and his dad, who was a golden gloves boxer, had trained him from a young age. He was a bit afraid of my cross and hook as he had held the heavy bag for me and I was knocking him back on every punch. I missed his hook coming over my jab (I was in a southpaw stance and he was in standard) and he knocked my bridge loose.

Good times!
Dion, like Brett so accurately (and sadly) related to us: we're in our 40's. We can't do things like we could in our 20's and 30's, but that doesn't mean we can't adapt. I think it's important to reset one's identity in relation to their sport(s) as well. 40 year olds have experience on 20 year olds and while we can still win, we've done that part enough...our best use is to gather our identity and confidence from how we can exploit our experience in helping the up and comers.

...and it sucks to think we're using tricks to keep up with the pack. But, at the same time, it's great when you look at most of your friends of the same age. THAT is the group we're competing with.

My fitness program has changed so much, I wish I had this program 10 years ago. While it's not a size workout, it hits all the boxes I need and allows me to not be the guy I was a decade ago. I don't need to push heavy weight anymore...I just need to be solid with high endurance.

BTW, I love your diet. My biggest problem with gaining mass (and always has been) is I don't love food anyway. Benefits and drawbacks to that. Please keep up the posts. I dig your stuff.
Thursday, February 25, 2020

45-Minute Power Walk


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Bagel with Butter
• Swanson Frozen Dinner
• 2 Sumo Mandarin
• Red Grapes
• Viet Dinner


I don’t have a clue.
BTW, I love your diet.

Thanks for the kinds words! Yeah, I get up in my head, but everybody I talk to says 1) “...I never knew you were that old, I though you were in your early 30’s...” and 2) “...you’re in great shape...”

We have this one fighter who’s 19 and is built like a Greek god and he told me he was scared of me :laughing because of my quads and didn’t want to get kicked by me. It’s just funny because I adore this kid! His grandfather is actually my main karate master, which is small world stuff.

So yeah, I just get up in my head about it all!

I did want to comment on my supplements, these things work and work well. Never in my life have a ever felt this well.

Yeah, I get allergies and such, but getting sick or feeling not well is out. I did get sick last year and bumped it in a day, whereas before that would’ve taken me out of the rap game for a week or more.

I cannot emphasize more how much supplementation has helped improved my overall health. And not just the basic vitamins but things like Quercetin, and minerals. I am pretty exposed to germs in the martial arts and 100% attribute my protection against illness to this regimen.

Nobody really talks much about this which I find so perplexing. I think society really missed an opportunity with COVID to open up a conversation about health and wellness (diet exercise - not fitness - inflammation and supplementation). Our society is sick (and not sick, like yo, that bike is siiiiick).
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It's probably time to be more diligent on my diet. I do HIIT twice a week, run 3 miles on Wednesday and do 30 minutes of strength training once a week along with a 25 mile bike ride on Friday's and around 6 miles of walking each weekend. I don't bother with a scale but the mirror and my snug t-shirts confirm I've put on some weight this past year.

At 43 I'm pretty creaky, rotator cuff injury in my right shoulder acts up now and again. My heels ache most mornings when I get out of bed and a torn MCL from 8 years ago gets easily aggravated by squats / lunges and for whatever reason this year I've had pain in my chest back that feels more like the cartilage between the ribs than sore muscles. Seems to be related to how hard was breathing during a workout.

I'm sure the cigars I smoke and beer / whiskey I drink are a factor in all this, but lifes too short to cut out the fun stuff.
I'm 42 and in better shape than I was when I was in high school.

Try stretching 2x daily as a way to get your body agile again.
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