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Time to get Fit thread

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Give yourself a pat on the inner thigh for at least going out there and doing it. One pat only tho...
Gonna do Paradise Loop tomorrow...first ride since shasta...man I suck at consistency.

If you see a tall guy out there on a dirty vintage Schwinn that'll be me, first ride back after slipping a disc or something in me back. It mostly doesn't hurt now so I may as well get back to exercising.
FRI ~ 09JUL21

Fuck, it’s almost August!

15-Min Shoot Hoops (loving this new routine to warm up my shoulders)
10-Min - Various Shoulder Stretching with Band
3x30 - BB Mil Press
3x20 - Lunge
5x10 - Kettleball Snatch
1x10 - Ab Rollout (apparently lost ab strength during ‘rona)
1x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
1x200 Feet - Farmer Carry w/Plate
3x10 - OH 360 Shldr Rotation w/Plate
8x10 - DB Lateral Raise
2x10 - BB Upright Row
3x10 - BB Wrist/Reverse Wrist Curl Combo
3x10 - BB Seated Forearm Curl
3x10 - Cable Tri Ext
3x10 - DB Shoulder Press


• Egg & Spam Sammie (1/2 Slice Wheat)
• Chicken Thigh & Rice
• 3 Dates
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Maple Raised Donut :twofinger
• Chicken breast, spinach, bell peppers, beets, carrots, olives, etc
• 1 Piece of Chocolate
• 1/4 C Raw Pumpkin Seeds


Fuck off.


Cal - 1685
Pro - 72
Carb - 136
Fat - 95
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Me too but I'll probably miss out. It's about twice as much as I've ever done. Last time was to Sausalito for ice cream :laughing
So even though I haven't cycled in weeks everything must have aligned because while I wasn't fast I felt great

I still had plenty of gas left in the tank at the end unlike normally where the rest of the day is a write-off.

20-Min Elliptical Trainer
5x10 - Bench Press
3x10 - Cable Decline X Over
3x10 - Cable Incline X Over
3x10 - Cable Dips
1x10 - Incline Bench
1x10 - DB Incline Bench


• 2 Eggs, 2 Whites & Slice of Ezekiel
• 3 Empanadas
• Donut
• Pro Shake
• 1 Tequila/Fresca
• Cashews
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Chicken Karahi, Lentils & Rice
• 1 Tequila


Too lazy to calc.


Newman, 44, and Bob, 33, looking lean during a break while filming Butch & SD Kid, 1969(?). Newman’s watch: Rolex Cosmograph Daytona?

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Last Fridays workout....

3x10 flat bench press... not my normal day but dam youngsters were always taking it up earlier in the week and wanted to see if I could do the next step weight wise.
4x10 standing shoulder shrugs smith machine
4x10 lat pull downs machine
4x10 romanian deadlift(had to search for the name for this one)
3x12 single arm row
3x12 dumbell shoulder shrugs
4x12 goblet squats
3x12 seated calf raises

my legs were so worn out the next day. I am just barely starting to work in leg days again. Got all my stuff done in about 45 minutes because there was no one at the gym friday night.
Monday ~ July 12, 2021

4x5x10 - All the Classic Rotator Cuff Exercises
5x30 - BB Military Press
5x10 - Leg Curl
5x10 - Leg Press
5x10 - Calf Press
5x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
3x10 - Bar Dips
3x10 - Machine Bench Press


• Bagel & Cream Cheese
• Chicken, Lentils and Rice
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout


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Monday workout
3x12 flat bench I am back to where I was pre-surgery-wise. so excited. :banana
3x12 incline press
3x12 iron cross cable machine
3x12 butterfly machine
4x10 tricep pushdowns
3x12 single arm tricep kickbacks cable machine
4x10 reverse tricep extensions on the cable machine

Always have had a super low bench press weight but I am at my old max and should surpass it in the next week or two so pretty excited by it. My shoulder is giving me a little issue but am able to work through it.

Next month I think I am going to go on a weight loss routine so I can lose the excess poundage and then back to the bulk up routine. Hopefully, I don't lose too much strength during the month of fat burning. I think I will do light weights with tons of reps to get more strength during weight loss we will see what happens....
Monday workout
3x12 flat bench I am back to where I was pre-surgery-wise. so excited. :banana
3x12 incline press
3x12 iron cross cable machine
3x12 butterfly machine
4x10 tricep pushdowns
3x12 single arm tricep kickbacks cable machine
4x10 reverse tricep extensions on the cable machine

Always have had a super low bench press weight but I am at my old max and should surpass it in the next week or two so pretty excited by it. My shoulder is giving me a little issue but am able to work through it.

Next month I think I am going to go on a weight loss routine so I can lose the excess poundage and then back to the bulk up routine. Hopefully, I don't lose too much strength during the month of fat burning. I think I will do light weights with tons of reps to get more strength during weight loss we will see what happens....

On a normal given day, what is a "better" breakfast? A protein shake, a combo of protein and carbs, or a carb heavy breakfast?

Before I cycle I eat oatmeal with raisins and sugar but otherwise my breakfasts could be PB&J on whole wheat but it won't keep me especially full until lunch.
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