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Time to get Fit thread

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Saturday ~ June 26

Tired AF. Napped in the afternoon like an Okinawan centenarian. But showed up at the gym, which is half the battle.

• 30-Min Shoot Hoops for Passive Shoulder Stretching
• Various Shoulder, Pec and Calf Stretches


• Donut
• 3 Eggs & Slice of Wheat
• Sushi & Seaweed Salad
• Chicken Parmesan, Grilled Veg & Potato Salad


Cal - 1671
Pro - 63
Carb - 187
Fat - 75
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2 hour climbing sesh
1 mile run
3x3 back squat at 225 lbs
3x6 conventional DLs at 195 lbs
100 kettlebell swings
100 various ab excercises
60 hanging knee raises
Sunday ~ June 27

20-Min Shoot Hoops (shoulder warm up)
1x20 - BB Bench Press Super Lizards™℠®©
6x10 - BB Bench Press
5x10 - DB Incline Flye
3x10 - DB Incline Press
5x10 - Cable Bar Dip
5x5-10 - Cable Decline X Over


• 4 eggs & 1 Slice Wheat Bread
• 8 Donut Holes
• Orange
• 1/4 C Peanuts
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Gatorade (36g sugar!)
• Sushi & Seaweed Salad
• 3/4 Annabelle Rocky Road Bar


Cal - 1867
Pro - 63
Carb - 228
Fat - 78


Finally found a series of exercises that actually works. After one session, I feel so much better. Especially when I benchpress, I have way much less pain in the elbow.

Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/COWcLbVnco-/?utm_medium=copy_link
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1/2 Marathon Training

Rough work week with many hours but still found time to complete 4 days of workouts.

15.57 mi
2,154 C

Getting to the end of the training plan with this week being the longest distances and some simulated race pacing. :thumbup
Bobby Bonilla Day

Light workout due to long AF work day.

15-Min Shoot Hoops to Warm Up Shldrs
5x10 - BB mil Press
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Cable X Over
5x10 - Lat Pull
5x10 - Leg Ext
3x10 - Hanging Raise
5x10 - DB Curl
5x20- BB Wrist Curl


• Bagel & Cream Cheese
• Ham & Cheese Croissant & Coke
• Scoop of Ice Cream



Unknown/don’t care :twofinger
Where's Beau @?

No kidding. I've been following this thread and miss his posts/inspiration.

Personally I used the pandemic to start running more. Been up and down with some injury but now I've stabilized to goal of being able to pop off 3-5 mile runs at around 9m pace. Just started back on the gym now and hoping I can keep a couple runs in the mix. My weak point is planning and diet. Both are reasonable, but both are definitely limiting.
I've gotten back on the bike since track season is over and I don't have 3+ hours of coaching each day. Definitely lost conditioning since I last rode, good to get back out there and with 104+ temps the path is pretty clear.
Friday ~ July 2

15-Min Shoot Hoops to Warm Up Shldrs
10-Min Treadmill
5x15 - BB Mil Press
5x15 - Cable Face Pull
5x10 - Straight Arm Pull Down
5x10 - Cable Tri Ext
3x10 - Leg Press
3x10 - Calf Raise
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise
5x10 - Cable Rear Delt Flye


• Slice of Banana Bread
• 1/2 Serving Chicken Curry & Rice
• Post Workout
• 1/2 Chicken Wrap


Cal - 1176
Pro - 36
Carb - 142
Fat - 52
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Sat ~ July 3

1-Hour - Shoot Hoops
5x10 - Cable X Over
5x10 - Cable Upright X Over


• 2 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon & 2 Slices Wheat
• Gatorade
• Cinnamon Roll :twofinger
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• 1/2 Serving Chicken Curry, Rice and a Squirt





My childhood idol. Check out his arms; I doubt he lifted nor took supplements.



• He played 34 games in 1952 then served in the Army in 1952 & 1953.
• Returned to baseball in 1954:
~ Hit a homer on opening day in his 3rd AB.​
~Batted .345 & named NL MVP​
~ Won the World Series, the one that included “The Catch”
• Hit 41 and 51 homers in 1954 and 1955, respectively.
• Finished his career with 660 - undoubtedly would have broken Ruth’s record. Ironically he’s Barry’s godfather.
• .302 career average.
• 24-time All Star (not a typo; tied with Aaron for most All Star games)
For comparison in other sports:​
NBA: Jabbar - 19​
NFL: Rice & Jim Otto - 10​


Harlem, 1954:
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2 hour climbing sesh
1 mile run
3x8 bench at 160 lbs
3x8 DB rows at 52 lbs
3x6 incline bench at 135 lbs
3x8 pullups
2x12 DB flys at 15 lbs
3x10 DB skullcrushers at 30 lbs
2x12 DB hammer curls at 30 lbs

10-Min Shoot Hoops
15-Min Elliptical Trainer
5x10 - Matrix Glute Trainer
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - OH 360 Shldr Rotation w/Plate
3x10 - DB Shldr Press
5x20 - BB Wrist Curl


• 2 Eggs, 4 Bacon & 2 Slices Wheat
• Glazed Old Fashion Donut
• Orange
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Roast Beef Wrap & Cheesecake


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Mon ~ July 5

Quick work out...

10-Min Shoot Hoops to Warm Up Shldrs
5x10 - Leg Raise
3x8 - OH 360 Shldr Rotation w/Plate
1x30 - Bench Press Warm Up
3x10 - Bench Press
1x1 - Bench Press Max


Cheat Day

• McD Sausage McMuffin & Sweet Tea
• Hot Dog, Chips & Coke
• Roast Beef Wrap
• Orange
• Pre Workout (Reign Lychee)
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Cantaloupe, Cherries & Blueberries
• Cashews


Cal - 2691
Pro - 98
Carb - 355
Fat - 97
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Tue | July 6

10-Min Shoot Hoops
1x30 - BB Military
5x10 - BB Military
5x5 - Jump Squat
3x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Cable Face Pull
5x10 - OH Tri Ext w/Plate
5x10 - DB Curl
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise


• Bagel & Cream Cheese
• Cantaloupe
• Snickers Bar :twofinger
• Rainier Cherries
• Pre Workout (Reign Watermelon)
• Post Workout
• Peanuts & Cashews
• Nigiri & Seaweed Salad


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I hate high school kids...... I either need to start paying attention to what days they are doing what so I can adjust my workouts so I don't do the same muscle groups on the same days as them. I swear they spend more time talking than working out I think they need to join planet fitness or some other hippy joint and get off my fucking weight bench.....

So headed back in last night as we did our 4th on Monday as some of my peeps were working on the actual 4th. So we Q'd and did fireworks on Monday.

4x10 bench press on machine
4x10 iron cross cable crossovers
3x12 smith machine incline press
3x12 butterfly machine
4x20 tricep pushdowns (lighter weight to failure)

I am starting to find that my sleep quality is worse on nights that I go to the gym for some reason and it didn't use to be this way. Not sure what the problem is as I feel tired when I hit the bed.
Ahh yes, the beauty of having a home gym setup. Gone are the days Im waiting for some wanna be Powerlifter yapping on his phone while they're still on their 4th warm up set on the squat rack.
Ahh yes, the beauty of having a home gym setup. Gone are the days Im waiting for some wanna be Powerlifter yapping on his phone while they're still on their 4th warm up set on the squat rack.

I have done that a few times and I find my motivation wanes with a home gym. Having a gym membership also gets me out of the chaos that is my home life the last year. Also, the gym has a pool and as soon as I won't be inflicting a horrible sight on people I plan on using it extensively.:rofl
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