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Time to get Fit thread

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Was feeling exhausted on Monday so skipped gym and relaxed.... So I went last night to make up for the miss.... knees have been bothering me so I started back up doing some leg exercises to strengthen the legs back to where they need to be.

3x12 Flat bench
3x12 incline bench
3x12 decline flyes
3x12 butterfly machine
3x12 machine squats
3x12 back leg extensions
3x12 calf raises
4x10 russian twists
I goddamn can’t believe its September :wtf

20-Min Shag Baskets & Dribble
5x10 - Bench Press
5x10 - Cable Decline
5x10 - Cable Incline
3x10 - Calf Raise
3x10 - OH Tri Ext w/Plate


• Kale, Berry, Banana & Vegan Pro Smoothie
• Grapes
• London Broil Wrap
• Kit Kat
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Grilled Cheese Sammie on 1 Slice Ezekiel, Tomato Soup & Nectarine


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I will say Covid has beat me up good. I have been recovering with a new diet and everything and lost over 30 pounds so far. Still going, a lot of walking and praying.
I will say Covid has beat me up good. I have been recovering with a new diet and everything and lost over 30 pounds so far. Still going, a lot of walking and praying.

awesome. at least on the weight loss and exercise.

This is my last week of eating what I want. next week starting weight loss again as I went off the rails on the last one due to medical issues so back on the horse after my birthday this weekend. Going to gorge on sushi and some teppanyaki grill food and throwing so Q for Labor day.
My Mother’s Birthday

15-Min Dribble at Gym BB Court (my signature shldr warm up)
Seated Military Press*
5x10 - Cable Rear Delt
5x10 - Cable Upright Rear Delt
5x10 - Cable Decline Rear Delt
3x10 - Cable Lateral Raise
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise
5x15 - Cable Face Pull

*Switching from standing to seated Mil Press - easier on lower back


• Bagel and Cream Cheese
• Grapes
• Breakfast Burrito (throw 1/2 wrapper away to reduce carbs)
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout



Friday ~ September 3

15-Min Dribble on BB Court (warm up)
7x10-15 - Bench Press
6x10 - Cable X Over
5x10 - Cable Decline X Over
5x10 - DB Incline Flye


• 2 Eggs, 2 Bacon & 2 Slices Wheat Bread
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• 1/2 C Pumpkin Seeds
• Turkey Breast
• Chicken Breast
• Pluot
• 1/2 Grilled Cheese on Ezekiel & Tomato Bisque
• 1/2 Serving Spaghetti & Meatballs
• Watermelon, Grapes, & Pineapple


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Think I might have planter fasciitis on my left heel. Bit of a sharp pain when I stretch out the calf. Feels fine when I walk / or run. Any tips?
Think I might have planter fasciitis on my left heel. Bit of a sharp pain when I stretch out the calf. Feels fine when I walk / or run. Any tips?

1) I had it in both feet a few years ago. Very painful in the morning. These worked for me:


2) I discovered today they also sell this, see below, but I don’t recall seeing it when I had issues. Perhaps its a new product.


3) And take a look at:


4) I have fully recovered.
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Now Im not so sure if it's planter or small tear in the heel? It feels fine when I walk and do anything else except when reach down and try to touch my toes. I can stretch out my calf and I wont feel a thing but if I plant my foot and bend a certain way its there.

What would be the symptoms of Planter?
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Now Im not so sure if it's planter or small tear in the heel? It feels fine when I walk and do anything else except when reach down and try to touch my toes. I can stretch out my calf and I wont feel a thing but if I plant my foot and bend a certain way its there.

What would be the symptoms of Planter?

The common symptom is waking up in the morning and feeling sharp pain in your arch.

Does your father have gout? Its common among 40ish Asia men.

A few years ago I was in Europe and had sharp pain in my heel. I thought it was a bad shoe along with walking many miles everyday. It turned the be the beginning of many many gout attacks (knee, big toe, ankle, back, hip…).
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20-Min Shag Baskets & Dribble
30-Min Stretch Chest, Shoulders and Legs


• 3 Eggs, 2 Bacon & 2 Slices Wheat
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Chicken Leg & Rice
• Nectarine




Anyone drawn to Israeli female soldiers? :love

Kim Mellibovsky:

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Labor Day

Light workout

15-Min Dribble on BB Court (shldr warm up)
5x10 - Leg Press
5x15 - Calf Raise
5x15 - Leg Ext
5x10 - DB Curl
5x10 - DB Reverse Curl
5x10 - DB Hammer Curl
3x10 - Hanging Crunch


• Green Smoothie w/Whey

More coming


wed ~ sep 8

15-Min Dribble BB Court (shldr warm up)
8x10-30 - BB Military Press
6x10 - DB Lateral Raise
3x10 - Cable Rear Delt
3x10 - Cable Rear X
5x10 - Leg Ext
3x10-15 - Calf Raise


• Coffee
• Vegetarian Sammie, Chips & 1/2 Sprite
• Pre Workout
• Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Poke Bowl


No bueno.
Ah Lizard their are some extremely cute Israeli girls... Also don't all Israelis have to do 2 years of service or something like that?

3x12 flat bench
3x12 incline bench
3x12 iron cross w/ cables
3x12 one arm cable flyes each side
3x12 machine squats
3x12 machine leg curls
3x12 seated calf raises

3x12 hammer curls
3x12 tricep press with rope
3x12 olympic bar bicep curls
3x12 seated tricep pressdowns machine
3x12 hi cable concentration curls
3x12 supine rope bicep curls using cables
4x10 russian twists with 35lb plate
Ah Lizard their are some extremely cute Israeli girls... Also don't all Israelis have to do 2 years of service or something like that?

3x12 flat bench
3x12 incline bench
3x12 iron cross w/ cables
3x12 one arm cable flyes each side
3x12 machine squats
3x12 machine leg curls
3x12 seated calf raises

3x12 hammer curls
3x12 tricep press with rope
3x12 olympic bar bicep curls
3x12 seated tricep pressdowns machine
3x12 hi cable concentration curls
3x12 supine rope bicep curls using cables
4x10 russian twists with 35lb plate

I believe Israeli women are required to serve (too lazy to google).

Nice workout!
I believe Israeli women are required to serve (too lazy to google).

Nice workout!

I found a website that has some new exercises on it so I have been working on incorporating them into my workouts to try and energize some muscle growth. Started working my legs again once my knees started acting up.

Also trying a new split routine
first day -> chest and legs
second day -> bi's and tri's.
third day -> back and shoulders
everyday -> situps if I remember I am really bad about doing core work.
friday ~ sept 10

15-Min Dribble BB Court (shoulder warm up)
4x10 - Lat Pull
5x10 - Curling Bar Curl
5x10 - Curling Bar OH Tri Ext
5x10 - Curling Bar Reverse Curl
3x10 - Cable Tri Ext
5x10 - Leg Press
7x10 - Calf Raise
2x10 - DB Curl


• Mick D Sausage McMuffin
• Chicken Wrap
• Doritos
• Banana
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Poke Bowl


Unknown but likely horrendous.
Note to self the next time I plan on weed whacking around the yard that weekend do not do back and shoulders on a Friday....

Fridays Workout
3x12 Arnold presses
3x12 wide grip high row
3x12 shoulder shrugs smith machine
3x12 lat pulldowns
4x10 russian twists with 35lb plate
3x12 smith machine shoulder presses
3x12 single arm bent over rows
Wait a minute it has been 3 days since Lizard posted someone needs to do a welfare check on him......:teeth

Monday's Workout
3x12 flat bench
3x12 incline bench
3x12 decline cable flyes
3x12 single arm crossover flyes
3x12 machine squats
3x12 reverse leg curls
3x12 seated calf raises
3x12 sit-ups and leg raises
Wait a minute it has been 3 days since Lizard posted someone needs to do a welfare check on him......:teeth

Monday's Workout
3x12 flat bench
3x12 incline bench
3x12 decline cable flyes
3x12 single arm crossover flyes
3x12 machine squats
3x12 reverse leg curls
3x12 seated calf raises
3x12 sit-ups and leg raises

Lol! I forgot to click submit for my Sunday workout and yesterday was a day off.

Stay hard!

(David Groggin’s tag line)
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