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Time to get Fit thread

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Which Tri?

I'm strongly considering doing Alcatraz again next year. If he gets a couple under his belt he should apply.

Great Ride Btw. :thumbup

Orange County Tri on Oct 10th

I haven't asked him what his plans are after this. I suspect he may get hooked on them like so many others.
I have much respect for triathletes. So much discipline!

Dick Hoyt and his son..


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Orange County Tri on Oct 10th

I haven't asked him what his plans are after this. I suspect he may get hooked on them like so many others.

Tri's are kind of a fucker that way :laughing They force me into maintaining good habits. Its hard to feel ok falling out of those rhythms once you are used to them. I don't post up all my rides, runs and swims because they are sorta bland a lot of the time.

I really believe that any of the regular posters in this thread could do one. (looking at you Jordan) and they are kinda fun in a weird self torturing way.
Well not to sound like a n00b or anything but I would like to tone down my massive Futbol legs after years of sports like Soccer, baseball, football, rollerblading, skateboarding, mtb'n cross county running and also track n field. I started off around 360 before the 'rona and I am around 320 right now. Oh yeah before I go too long I am about 6' to 6' 1" when my back isn't being squished from old injuries. I have changed my diet towards the Alkaline Diet, but have gotten more into the "See Food" diet but I do try and cut out as many carbs as possible.

I recently got me a nice Norco Fluid after selling my too small for me 5010 that was set up for XC basically.

I am also trying to tone up other parts of my body as well as trying to grow some parts of my body as well. My end goal is to be down to 265-275 with a more lean and or toned muscle. I don't care for 6 pack abs, I like my triceps and want my veins to show more on my arms. I was about 190 my Senior year in HS but my quads were not as huge as they are now. After multiple surgeries to correct my meniscus and knee problems I have realized that being a little lighter might help me out in the long run.

It took a lot for me to take these pics, so please do not make me feel like ish.




I know they're not the best pics, but that's the best I could do without waking up my family.
Damn. Covid made pool time really hard to come by. I love open water swimming but that's not something everyone has access to either.
Well not to sound like a n00b or anything but I would like to tone down my massive Futbol legs after years of sports like Soccer, baseball, football, rollerblading, skateboarding, mtb'n cross county running and also track n field. I started off around 360 before the 'rona and I am around 320 right now. Oh yeah before I go too long I am about 6' to 6' 1" when my back isn't being squished from old injuries. I have changed my diet towards the Alkaline Diet, but have gotten more into the "See Food" diet but I do try and cut out as many carbs as possible.

I recently got me a nice Norco Fluid after selling my too small for me 5010 that was set up for XC basically.

I am also trying to tone up other parts of my body as well as trying to grow some parts of my body as well. My end goal is to be down to 265-275 with a more lean and or toned muscle. I don't care for 6 pack abs, I like my triceps and want my veins to show more on my arms. I was about 190 my Senior year in HS but my quads were not as huge as they are now. After multiple surgeries to correct my meniscus and knee problems I have realized that being a little lighter might help me out in the long run.

It took a lot for me to take these pics, so please do not make me feel like ish.




I know they're not the best pics, but that's the best I could do without waking up my family.

So just want to share some advice with you because from the pictures you seem to have the same body type and size as me and seems like the same kind of history.

TBH at 6'2" and 290lbs I feel that I am about 40lbs overweight. I have been working out off and on for about 3 years. I can tell you even at 270ish knee pain might still be a reality for you. I think that for our apparent body type that 250ish might be a good target and with that weight and size you could still be pretty muscular and have good definition. For example I know he is in really good shape but Chris Hemsworth is about 6'2" and I think even as jacked as he is he weighs about 230 so that gives you an idea of weight and muscularity.

I had ACL surgery on my right knee when I was in my 20s due to a basketball injury and I still feel the pain daily due to my weight probably. I have started doing more leg exercises in an effort to help with this issue as well.

Another thing I have learned is do not rely on the scale number when you are working out. I use it as a trend kind of thing to see if I am going up/down/staying steady but don't be discouraged if you fluctuate up and down daily. I tend to stay around 290 whether I eat good or not at the moment but for now I am focusing on lifting and gaining some mass/strength I think in about a month or two I am going to go on a calorie restricted diet and try to lose the weight and not too much muscle. but I keep waffling on the weight loss part because I love me some food. I also really want to add 20lbs to my bench before I diet....

Also when you start working out keep a journal of your exercises/weight used/#reps/#sets. It will keep you focused and help you keep track of what you did and when so you know when to move up in weight and it will keep you on track and focused. I did it for awhile then slacked off and realized I am not getting as much from my workouts as I could be so I am going to start doing it again next week.

Once you start post your workouts and progress here it will help keep you on track I know that it works for me as I am trying to keep up with Lizard. Also the tips and encouragement from the group in here is also amazing. Small steps will get you where you want to be so just keep taking them.

Done babbling now. Good luck on your journey and keep us posted. :thumbup
No shame in pics. I think they provide a great visual journal that helps when you look back at progress and peaks/ valleys. You've got a great base to work from. No shame there at all...just don't use the word GAINZ. Hate...hate...HATE it!

I don't care about gainz! All I want are L's as in lost fat and replaced with musc- cles! :rofl
Wednesdays Workout
3x12 arnold presses
3x12 smith machine shoulder shrugs
3x12 high cable rows for rear delts
3x12 low cable rows for back
3x12 smith machine shoulder presses
3x12 dumbbell shoulder shrugs
3x12 front and side shoulder raises
3x12 dumbbell good mornings
3x12 reverse butterfly machine for rear delt
3x7 weight machine assisted pull ups
Did about 4 miles this afternoon around town in the hills off of Redwood towards the BLVD and back today. Made some roasted tomatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper also added 4 cloves of garlic and a onion I sliced up. Decided to broil some chicken and made some pasta and put the tomatoes on top with some parmesan cheese and washed it down with some ice water :) Healthy eating doesn't have to taste like crap. Not watching the scale, I have noticed a difference in my overall mood and I am happy about what I am doing. Getting a tan, I can't wait to see mi familia en Puerta Vallarta in a few weeks and being in better shape is a huge plus!
Did about 4 miles this afternoon around town in the hills off of Redwood towards the BLVD and back today. Made some roasted tomatoes with olive oil, salt and pepper also added 4 cloves of garlic and a onion I sliced up. Decided to broil some chicken and made some pasta and put the tomatoes on top with some parmesan cheese and washed it down with some ice water :) Healthy eating doesn't have to taste like crap. Not watching the scale, I have noticed a difference in my overall mood and I am happy about what I am doing. Getting a tan, I can't wait to see mi familia en Puerta Vallarta in a few weeks and being in better shape is a huge plus!

Have you ever been to Yelapa?
I've noticed, over the years, that some guys originally from Mexico have enormous shoulder width, they aren't tall but their frames are huge.

Is there regions in Mexico that these guys would have come from?

I know that I wouldn't have wanted to encounter them as nose tackles as a running back on the football field if they had hit the weights.
Getting back into things.

Safety Squat bar with chains. Warmed up then did 5x6-8 reps.

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