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Time to get Fit thread

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Haven't been to the gym this week as it is trench clearing week and I am burned out after trying to clear nice sticky clay out of my water trench for the shop. It really sucks the big one.
The year is just about over. I have time for one more ride Sat morning. This is my biggest year ever because I have never been this consistent before. Funny enough, I've been on Strava since 2012 and this year now has nearly 1/4th my total activity count - 89 this year, 373 total :laughing

The training I started in Nov is going a lot better than Feb-Apr earlier this year. I'm riding more days per week and logging more miles, but I'm recovering better and not feeling any burnout (yet). I found my target zones with a VO2 max test in a lab a few weeks ago and I have been mostly sticking to those zones. It's amazing how much better things can go when you don't just wing it.


^ Nice Race Pace Ride Robert. You’re crushing it man. :thumbup

I just popped for the full version of Strava, smart move on their part for putting our yearly totals behind a paywall. It worked :laughing I’m happy that I did more than last year and I’m excited to log more data and include my swims this year. Cheers to 2023! Keep going y’all.


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I sort of feel like its cheating but seeing a trainer 2x a week (Mondays and Fridays) is really improving my strength and fitness. Noticed strength gains only a month in. Just did my cash flow and I put 2x a week cost into it. I know i could do it on my own but I'd get lazy and my form would suffer.
Paying for motivation is so great. I accomplish so much more in life and sport if I paid for it up front. Would I really train this hard on my bicycle if I didn't pay out the nose for race entires - nope. I know so many other people that are exactly the same way too. More power to the people that don't need to pay a coach or pay for races to stay motivated. But that ain't me :laughing
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I can afford it and it just works. I've never missed a workout unless it was for work or travel in the past 3 years.

I was on a video call with my brother in law who I haven't seen in a number of months and he said "you been working out? You look big". I laughed. Guess it's working :)
How we doing fitness peeps? I know some of y’all are getting on it. :thumbup I have been able to get back in the pool a bit the last two weeks. Longer runs have felt pretty good too. I need to step up my bike rides. I’m definitely feeling nervous about Rock Cobbler. Fingers crossed for some nice weather.


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There's still 2 weekends left for long rides to make the end of Rock Cobbler feel better. That's exactly what I've been doing - adding mileage and saddle time. I've done only 3 rides recently at 4hrs+ and each one has felt better and better. I'm a little surprised at how fast my body has gotten used to the longer duration on the bike, especially my neck.

This ride felt good. I rode 25mi to a club ride, warming up and staying just under my lactate threshold. Then I set the pace for the 43mi club ride, which turned out to be a lower effort than my warm-up. Then I pushed at threshold for the 13mi home. I still felt fresh when I got home, but it has taken 2 days to recover :laughing.

I haven't yet decided if tmrw's ride will be Zone2 or Intervals.
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Been going to the gym regularly and my treadmill sessions aren't hurting my knee like they used to so I am able to do longer intervals. Still not where I want to be but getting better small steps at a time.
Good to hear the improvement Sharx.

I went to CO for some skiing for a few weeks right after Xmas through. Got more consecutive days in as long as I can remember in excellent conditions and with my crew bombing hills together, put down almost 200K vertical feet in 10 days. By the end of day 10, my legs and everything were smoked. Ran the Garmin to see what HR was like, etc. The most revealing was my Sp02 at altitude. Around 91 normally and 83-84 at night. AWESOME.

I also got a weight workout in a few nights at the rec center in the village...nice facility, but it reminded me (almost instantly) why I never want to go back to workout in a communal gym. Just a menagerie of wandered and idiots, for the most part. Kids and adults. Weird part was the kids were way more squared away and considerate. The 30 year olds were on their phones sitting on say, the flat bench resting out the set of curls they totally fucked up.

Day 2 of that shit had me keyed up. Look at them, look at their phone, look at the bar behind them, then look at them again and don't break eye contact. Worked pretty darn well...
Gaining strength. Still feel like i'm held back but not enough protein in my diet. cardio...waiting for slightly warmer weather to get back on the bike (excuses, excuses).
Gaining strength. Still feel like i'm held back but not enough protein in my diet. cardio...waiting for slightly warmer weather to get back on the bike (excuses, excuses).

Try a protein shake after a workout that is what I have been doing lately. I use one with casein protein as it is supposed to last longer in your system.
Anyone have a rec for a protein mix that isnt sweet? Not chalky and vegan would be a plus, but not a requirement.
I did more Tabata intervals today and I'm feeling a bit stronger with them. 20sec on, 10sec off x8. My target is 160-180% of my FTP, so 350-400W. I finally got a 400W rep there at the end.

All 3 sets

The final set
Anyone have a rec for a protein mix that isnt sweet? Not chalky and vegan would be a plus, but not a requirement.

I have the same issue I typically get "Vanilla" but I'd rather "flavorless".

I felt really good after drinking mine, I will go back to drinking them more regularly, plus I get in fruit servings.
Nice Work Robert. How are you measuring your FTP?

I'm shooting for a Run/Swim/Run today. Yesterday was an off day and hopefully a long bike ride this weekend.
Anyone have a rec for a protein mix that isnt sweet? Not chalky and vegan would be a plus, but not a requirement.

I have the same issue I typically get "Vanilla" but I'd rather "flavorless".

I felt really good after drinking mine, I will go back to drinking them more regularly, plus I get in fruit servings.

Orgain's the easiest. My Controller says its smells like cricket food, but non-dairy is essential and it's been working for some time now.
Nice Work Robert. How are you measuring your FTP?

I'm shooting for a Run/Swim/Run today. Yesterday was an off day and hopefully a long bike ride this weekend.

Im using 20min power * 0.95 = FTP. My power curve shows 20min at 235w, so 223w FTP. IMO, 20min works ok for real riding because it's a reasonable time to push without hitting a light, stop sign, or downhill.

For ramp tests, supposedly you can take the avg power of your final minute * 0.75. From my VO2 max test, that'd be avg(305w for 45s & 273w for 15s) = 297w*0.75 = 223w FTP. Ha, I did not expect the two values to match.

Get after it for that long ride! It's almost Feb!
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