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Time to get Fit thread

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^ :thumbup

I didn’t have enough time for a big ride today but, this is a pretty big day for me. I feel like there was probably more in the tank. I didn’t fuel at all except one water bottle.


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Just signed up for the SF Marathon in July.
The Hal Higdon training plan wouldn't start till March, but I going to start bumping up the weekend long run mileage now.

Currently at 12-13miles for the last two weeks. Going to try a 15 mile run tomorrow. :wtf
Fuck i tweaked my back. I have a herniated disc and I've been good for like 2-3 years now since i started heavy lifting and core exercises but I did something to annoy it. I've been icing it several times and day and ibuprofen but I'm pretty stiff. Tried some hanging to decompress it but didn't help much.

At least I'm not crippled like I would have been 2-3 years ago when I tweaked it and was eating vicodin twice a day.
Do you do Chiro Jordan? What muscle groups / exercises were you doing that you think kicked it off?
I feel like I tweaked it a little outside of exercise and then exacerbated it doing my usual routine.

I apologize, I don't trust the whole chiropractor practice, there is no consensus on schools, techniques, there are chiros who have paralyzed people, it's not a consistent school or technique and there are a lot of scammers too. My doctor friend who I do trust tells people to be very careful with them. I saw one a few years ago Doc Wong and i found him to be a flim flam man. $60 for a 5 minute "adjustment" or whatever.
Yeah, a bad chiro is about as bas as it can get...I've got a really good one, but it took going through a few to get there. Crashing bikes often necessitates it, IMO...

I bought a bag of this stuff a few months back from a recommendation from a friend and just opened it up and started it yesterday as im getting into my longer runs. I usually conk out for an hour or so after my long runs however yesterday just kept plugging away like i never ran.

Is this stuff BS or no BS. I know the supplement industry in general is scammy


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Yeah, a bad chiro is about as bas as it can get...I've got a really good one, but it took going through a few to get there. Crashing bikes often necessitates it, IMO...

The problem is how do you find a good one? Just because someone who themselves is not a doctor, scientist or medical professional recommends one, well...how do they know? I'm sure even the bad ones get recommendations.
What makes them good? How do I know their chiropractor school is based on sound medical principles?

It felt very culty in Doc Wong's office.
^ :thumbup

I didn’t have enough time for a big ride today but, this is a pretty big day for me. I feel like there was probably more in the tank. I didn’t fuel at all except one water bottle.

Way to go!

That's a lot of exercise on just water. This always makes me think of how I used to do high school swim practices (2hrs, 5000yrds) on nothing, not even water. Now I dont feel like doing a 90min bike ride without a 100Cal bottle. How times have changed :laughing

Orgain's the easiest. My Controller says its smells like cricket food, but non-dairy is essential and it's been working for some time now.

Got the Choc PB flavor cuz Amazon. Still sweet but I can suffer through it :laughing


I bought a bag of this stuff a few months back from a recommendation from a friend and just opened it up and started it yesterday as im getting into my longer runs. I usually conk out for an hour or so after my long runs however yesterday just kept plugging away like i never ran.

Is this stuff BS or no BS. I know the supplement industry in general is scammy

What's in it?

There's nothing scammy or quack science about sugars and salts to dramatically improve endurance performance. Or protein to improve recovery after hard efforts (whether it's from food or mixes). Eating wins races.
What's in it?

There's nothing scammy or quack science about sugars and salts to dramatically improve endurance performance. Or protein to improve recovery after hard efforts (whether it's from food or mixes). Eating wins races.

Well that’s it , one doesn’t know exactly what’s in it or how much of what is said to be in it. I created a custom hydration blend based on several things. Did you look at the website? In the end it’s just a white powdery substance.
The problem is how do you find a good one? Just because someone who themselves is not a doctor, scientist or medical professional recommends one, well...how do they know? I'm sure even the bad ones get recommendations.
What makes them good? How do I know their chiropractor school is based on sound medical principles?

It felt very culty in Doc Wong's office.

I’ve found the ones that you come in and they adjust you and send you on your way are junk.

Find one that warms you up by massage and then works on you. Look for “cox method” or flexion distraction techniques for your herniated discs. And when all done puts a cool pack on you. Someone who spends the time. Also look for someone who is really good at myofascia release
Well that’s it , one doesn’t know exactly what’s in it or how much of what is said to be in it. I created a custom hydration blend based on several things. Did you look at the website? In the end it’s just a white powdery substance.

All the blends on their site have a nutrition label with ingredients. What does yours say? Calories, sodium, potassium, sugar type, bcaa's, etc? Im assuming it is not legal to sell this kind of product without a nutrition label.

I'd use this one if it weren't so expensive. Salt content is pretty high and it includes all the salts. Calorie count is also high per serving. GU Roctane is a comparable product and is only $35.
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I am yes.

Much better today, still stiff, iced it, but didn't cancel my trainer I just informed him and he dropped what we were going to do and he halved the weights and we just did upper body stuff where I was sitting/supported. Then I iced again.
My guy's in Oakland. Like I said: he's very different from traditional Chiro's. Not much heavy adjustment; mostly manual manipulation of structure to put you back in place. You'll have to listen to stories of people's he's treated. His specialty is accident rehabilitation/ reconstruction and is a professor @ UC Berkley for Chiro. He'll tell you how traditional Chiro is totally fucked up.

I've done some seriousy bad damage to my structure/ body over the years in Road Racing crashes and water ski falls. He's all that keeps me from some sort of drugs, probably.

Dr. Bill Ruch. North Oakland Chiropractic:


Make sure to schedule with him. He knows me/ family well. If you want, let him know we know each other. I know I'm a bit of a zealot, but this is the only guy who's been able to put me together from complete lockups where I'm trapped on the floor and can barely move...
All the blends on their site have a nutrition label with ingredients. What does yours say? Calories, sodium, potassium, sugar type, bcaa's, etc? Im assuming it is not legal to sell this kind of product without a nutrition label.

I'd use this one if it weren't so expensive. Salt content is pretty high and it includes all the salts. Calorie count is also high per serving. GU Roctane is a comparable product and is only $35.

This sack will last me a few months. Ill look into the GU Roctane.


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Hope it can be of help Jordan. He's got ice roller tables, etc there too. Used to do pre adjustment massage, but Covid's killed all of that, for now.
This sack will last me a few months. Ill look into the GU Roctane.

That mix is only missing the kitchen sink, which explains why it's so expensive. Ive never seen an off-the-shelf product with all of those ingredients. It should work well for endurance exercise. I'd adjust your usage dependent on your effort. Easy activity = 1 scoop every 1.5-2hrs. Medium activity = 1 scoop per hour. Race activity = 2 scoops per hour. It'd probably take some training to be able to drink 2 scoops of that in an hour. But you'd be flying if you could.
That mix is only missing the kitchen sink, which explains why it's so expensive. Ive never seen an off-the-shelf product with all of those ingredients. It should work well for endurance exercise. I'd adjust your usage dependent on your effort. Easy activity = 1 scoop every 1.5-2hrs. Medium activity = 1 scoop per hour. Race activity = 2 scoops per hour. It'd probably take some training to be able to drink 2 scoops of that in an hour. But you'd be flying if you could.

Never heard of and didnt know what Osmolality was until i bought this stuff. 1 scoop per hour was a little too much. I could feel something different happening in the gut, almost as if it was ready to knot up for a little bit. I will adjust next long run or maybe add more water. If i buy another bag in the future the level can be adjusted accordingly as well.

Osmolality is a measure of how much “stuff” is in your drink. If there is too much “stuff,” the solution in your gut will be too concentrated and your body will treat it like you just ate a cheeseburger. Your system will attempt to process it diverting blood and water from your muscles, which can result in gastric distress, dehydration, cramping, and worse.

Green (250-300 mosm/kg) indicates that your custom mix is perfectly isotonic, ultimate in absorption ability.

Yellow (between 300 and 325 mosm/kg) indicates a marginally hypertonic solution. The absorption ability is not as good as an isotonic solution, the addition of some water to dilute your mix further may be a good idea.

Red (> 325 mosm/kg) indicates a hypertonic solution and caution should be exercised. The addition of water is recommended or it may be difficult to digest and absorb this mix.
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