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Time to get Fit thread

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I've had this LL Bean commando sweater for a while that I like...a couple of years ago my sister said I should stop wearing it because it was "getting small". I tried it on the other day and it's incredibly tight EVERYWHERE, and while I would call myself medium build/slim for the most part, clearly working out has made physical differences. :)

I was on a plane. I think 1986. Saw a really pretty girl wearing a commando sweater. Fit her very well. So I bought one on LL Bean (was into LL Bean back in the day and still own a goatskin flight jacket). I loved that commando sweater but I never liked the way it fit. It was long so I had to pull it up and fold it over. Made my gut look fat. Maybe wore it 2-3 times. Then off to Goodwill.
I think everything helps with everything.

A good movie title, no doubt.

I asked cause there are times where the weight training is a severe deficit for me; arm pump. Lost my race last weekend out f the lead with one lap to go cause of pretty bad arm pump creeping in. Can't grab brakes as hard as needed nor twist throttle as quick/ hard. It's due to the weight parts of the arm workout for sure...
I'm extremely late to this party but I'll jump right in.....

Gained @ 40 lbs during the last 3 years due to laziness and COVID. Eating tons more too. Much more crappolla.
Joined a gym right around the corner from where I live so no more excuses to get myself there.
I hear there's boxing classes too. I'm salivating.

Two of my problems, and I have many of them, is motivation and energy. I definitely don't feel as energized in the am like I used to be. I get plenty of sleep.

I put it out there so if I lose all motivation and energy to keep working out ya'll can shame me into oblivion.
A good movie title, no doubt.

I asked cause there are times where the weight training is a severe deficit for me; arm pump. Lost my race last weekend out f the lead with one lap to go cause of pretty bad arm pump creeping in. Can't grab brakes as hard as needed nor twist throttle as quick/ hard. It's due to the weight parts of the arm workout for sure...

This makes sense. I thought you meant does like lifting weights make me heavier/bulkier influencing my cycling. My cycling is not tracked to that degree :) My buddy is on a local Italian racing team, so far sounds awful to me ;)

Lately i feel a combination of "my age" from little injuries/soreness that wasn't there 10 years ago and super energetic/fit due to all the exercise.
I'm feeling my age for sure. Starting to think I might need to trade high intensity training for weights and cardio. Knees and now my hip joint hurt a lot more when I'm doing the workouts than when I am not. Catch-22 because the workouts otherwise keep me fit (not in shape, but that's due to bad eating habits) for riding, but the knee and hip discomfort run the risk of hindering my riding.
Thanks Jordan. I really do need all of the support possible.
I have the first day back and I couldn't last long feeling.

It's normal! Don't get down on your first day, celebrate your accomplishment.

Also, I find, that the best is to "get out there" everyday somehow. I don't mean lift weights and run 7 days a week, I mean one day, take a cycle ride. Another day, do a planned workout. Another day, go for a long walk. Keep moving and get used to that feeling.

Due to my laziness I use my ebike a lot, but it still gets the legs moving, and I use it for errands multiple times a day sometimes. Sometimes I'll make myself walk the 10 minutes to the other grocer etc.
Thanks Jordan. I really do need all of the support possible.
I have the first day back and I couldn't last long feeling.

You did one of the hardest things already. You decided to make a change! Now the fun part, finding the activities you enjoy doing and making them a habit you don't want to miss out on. A game changer for me was tracking what I was doing. I used the free version of Strava on my phone to measure my bike rides and runs for a couple of years before I went all in on a GPS sports watch and getting the pay version of strava. I always encourage people to sign up for an event. 5k, 10k, tough mudder, a triathlon, a swim, amature boxing match? ANY event you think would feel like a badass completing, sign up for. Fear of embarrassment on game day and the idea that I could do something I thought was cool keeps me showing up on days I really don't want to.

I think having a concrete goal besides "lose weight" makes the process SOOO much more rewarding. You are in it for the long term. Measure your timeline in years and keep showing up. The results never fail to come if you are persistent. I PROMISE you that. PM me any time with any question big or small. I feel like I annoy people with this kinda talk so, your doing me a favor if ya let me blab fitness strategies and motivation. Nothing is impossible, it's never too late, you can do it.
It's normal! Don't get down on your first day, celebrate your accomplishment.

Also, I find, that the best is to "get out there" everyday somehow. I don't mean lift weights and run 7 days a week, I mean one day, take a cycle ride. Another day, do a planned workout. Another day, go for a long walk. Keep moving and get used to that feeling.

YES!!!!!!! "Move every day" is a worthy goal.
YES!!!!!!! "Move every day" is a worthy goal.


I don't post much on this thread but still show up at the gym 6-7 times a week. Jacked up my left shoulder in October doing DB lat raise neg reps. Probably tore something. Should see my doc. Working out light weight. Diet is ok. Working on shredding the Covid flabbyness next 6 weeks. Back to tracking macros; I know I'm carby.
Still moving. Went to the gym 2 days and walked this morning. Trying to not buy any sugarish foods but I need to face the fact that I am addicted to licorice.
Still moving. Went to the gym 2 days and walked this morning. Trying to not buy any sugarish foods but I need to face the fact that I am addicted to licorice.

Kudos to you for getting started.

Real licorice or that red American stuff? If you like the black kind, try to find some Pontefract cakes from England.

Have you thought about adding bicycle riding for exercise?
hmm, bicycle riding is also a great thing! I just need to get mine fixed.
Found out today after some blood tests were done ( I hate needles) that my thyroid is at like a 5.6-out of fucking whack. Hoping that this is also one of the many reasons I have felt so tired and put on some poundage.
Had a surprisingly strong workout today despite the debauchery weekend. Adding in an extra day of pullups last week seemed to have worked I was much stronger than usual for those today.

My friend's ex-wife was at the weekend event and she told me that I was "looking fit" and "what have I been doing to get that way". Always an ego booster.
hmm, bicycle riding is also a great thing! I just need to get mine fixed.
Found out today after some blood tests were done ( I hate needles) that my thyroid is at like a 5.6-out of fucking whack. Hoping that this is also one of the many reasons I have felt so tired and put on some poundage.

Yikes, your thyroid issue certainly could be a cause. Best of luck with that.:thumbup

What's wrong with your bicycle?
It's always nice to hear that.
I was just on a 3d scanner for a whole body report. Oy vey.
Funny this popped up in new posts. I stopped going to the gym for a few weeks and just started back last night. Did something to my knee on the treadmill last night and it was hurting enough this morning to take some Ibuprofen. sucks. Gym also changed some of the equipment and not sure I like it but I will probably get used to it eventually.

Knees have been hurting lately so it is now do or die time on the diet so do it is. eating smaller portions more frequently during the day and cutting out sweets. So far two days in and doing okay but will see how the weight loss goes at the end of the week. It's also spring so its yardwork time so even when not going to the gym working in the yard although this last weekend most of it was tractor work trying to fix the mess I made of my yard putting in water and power to the workshop.
knees are to be cared for.
I am getting in the habit of going to the gym at 6am, breathing, group shenanigans and walk my dogs.

Working around the house counts for certain.
my bicycle is hanging in my garage with the front wheel hub broken. It's an electric bike with a small motor and when I used to ride it helped but I definitely did a great workout on it.
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