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Time to get Fit thread

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You're gonna be hating it those first two weeks back Brett! It's sooooo painful. But, the following weeks are awesome energy boosts.

I'd totally smoke stuff, but I hate cooking almost as much as eating! 6 days a week is legit..I'm only at 5. Max.
Yeah, I've been through that cyclle, but I'm older and smarter so I don't try to gain everything back in the first week. :laughing

I disliked cooking for years, but I finally slowed down and took the time, necesary if you're getting older and the ingredients you're putting into your body are having a more direct impact on your health. We've been eating much healthier since we moved to Fresno and I started cooking everything from scratch. I know we'll live longer as a result of eaching much better and putting more unknown shit in our bodies.

I'm up to 6 days because each decade requires more days to get to where I want and it goes away faster as well for the double whammy. I have a level of fitness that I always want to maintain, for a variety of reasons, so I put in the work to achieve that. Getting old sucks no matter what anybody tries to tell you to the contrary. :afm199
Getting old sucks indeed...what I notice the most is how quickly things decline on extended breaks and how hard it is to get back to "0" when I get back into things. It's not horrible, but way different than being in my 30's...

One day I'll come and eat one of those dinners with you. I'll clean, you cook!
Getting old sucks indeed...what I notice the most is how quickly things decline on extended breaks and how hard it is to get back to "0" when I get back into things. It's not horrible, but way different than being in my 30's...

One day I'll come and eat one of those dinners with you. I'll clean, you cook!
That'd be cool!

I'm hoping to get to a Buttonwillow race one of these days. My son graduates and goes off to college this year, that should give me some flexibility, theough I'll still be coaching track.
Getting old sucks indeed...what I notice the most is how quickly things decline on extended breaks and how hard it is to get back to "0" when I get back into things. It's not horrible, but way different than being in my 30's...

WORD.... I find that if I take more than a week off my weight and reps drop drastically and I can't seem to get back to my starting point as quick as I lost it. Getting old sucks.

On a good note my old overweight ass is now doing better on the treadmill with no knee pain. up to jogging at a 5.0 pace for a 7 minute interval and two 4 minute intervals with 4 minute 2.0 grade 3.5 speed fast walks in between intervals. I keep upping the first interval by 60 seconds each week and do 3 sessions each week. So with this in mind once I get my initial long interval to 10 minutes I am going to up the speed as well by .2 each week.

Also still working on the weightlifting which is building muscle but slower than I want but again getting old sucks wish I would have stuck with it when I was younger so it wouldn't be such a slog right now. I see the young kids getting mass quickly and want to drop a 45 lb plate on their toes. youth is so wasted on the young.
The youth don't know what they're for, like us when we were young. But WE know what they're in for...so take some solace in the knowledge.

Good idea on upping things 60 seconds. Don't know why I didn't think of that, but I do either a crank cycle or rope machine as a warmup and have kept the intervals the same. I'm gonna add time/ distance to them slowly and go a little more/ little more.

Good tip. Thanks
Anybody use beet powder (added to water) for pre-workout?

It has grown considerably as a positive, natural alternative to the pre-workout powders that have caffeine and other substances that give you artificial energy but also constrict your capillaries.
There should be studies on the effects if they exist but I am not one to believe this or that workout supplement can make a measurable performance difference. They're healthy but do you think your body is really going to care if you eat it just before a workout?
That looks good, Berto!

Have you experienced some areas of endurance increases since you started taking it?

In the cases that I've seen, they take it before a track workout and before races. It's suppose to expand your capillaries, something that makes sense to help with some of the events, and it's all natural.

Who knew that when our parents made beets for us for dinner, that they were doing a good thing?

I'm going to experiment with beet powder drink this summer with my bike rides and see if I notice a difference.
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I'm not sure how much it helps cause it's mixed with a bunch of other shit too...I do know, overall the mix has made lung capacity much better and asthma way improved.
The youth don't know what they're for, like us when we were young. But WE know what they're in for...so take some solace in the knowledge.

Good idea on upping things 60 seconds. Don't know why I didn't think of that, but I do either a crank cycle or rope machine as a warmup and have kept the intervals the same. I'm gonna add time/ distance to them slowly and go a little more/ little more.

Good tip. Thanks

I had to do it that way because being old and overweight and having ACL surgery on one knee and the other is on the edge of having needed it but managed to get by I decided to go the boiling the frog approach to get my knees used to the stress. It seems to work well so far the next day it is just general joint fatigue and not pain like I used to get when I went ham on it.

one other thing I learned recently is that running shoes wear out. I am on a yearly replacement cycle currently but it may get shorter as I start doing longer running sessions. I figured it out on a work trip when my year old running shoes which I felt would work better in airport traversal caused me more knee pain than when I wore my Sketchers during the work week. I switched to the Sketchers full time and knee pain went away. Got home ordered new Brooks shoes and pain went away again. So I figured that the cushioning gave out because up until that point they had been great.
I did the same thing with running shoes (and I HATE running...). Moved to No Bull's and haven't looked back. They've been a great shoe(s).
So I'm basically in the best muscular shape of my life, and probably the least I've weighed in my adult life. 44, 6' ish,165 lbs. 13% body fat. tennis once a week, weight training 2x, and I've been doing extra pushups and pull-ups...want to get past 5 pullups. My back doesn't hurt anymore and I wake up fully refreshed at like 6:00 a.m. it's kind of annoying lol.

Anyway, the opposite end of the spectrum, my cardio is obviously not terrible since I can chase a ball for 90 minutes but I am very far away from my cycling shape, and I keep saying I want to get back on the bike and not doing it. Also I drink too much, not so much I am hungover but enough regularly that it needs to be cut back.
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Props Jordan! The first paragraph is the important one. Your feeling great. You are winning! Just go ride your bike for fun. If it's REALLY fun you will do it more often and your cardio will get better! Don’t get in your head about it too much, just go for a ride when its nice out and you want to. You are doing great!
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Welp, looks like my attempt to be a motivational speaker bombed :laughing

I don't want to be the tread killer so i'll put myself out there a bit. THIS SUNDAY, 6/11 IS RACE DAY! The Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon is here!!!!

I'm feeling pretty good about where I am with training and the normal aches and pains that go with it. The last time I did this event I was only 5 months "recovered" from my deer vs Ducati misshape. Im hopeful I'll improve my time and I think I have a shot at my stretch goal. (I really want to finish in the top 10% of my age group. Way easier said than done.)

SF locals let me know if your gonna be around to take a peek. If anyone cares enough to watch me suffer real time hit me up on PM and ill send you a link to the spectator AP and my bib number and you can watch me try and push 9 minute miles :laughing

HERE WE GO!!! :loco
I'd like to watch real time Mike. I'm fully rooting for ya on the 11th (and really any day, I'm rooting for you). You're gonna kill it, brother!!!!
You got this Mike!

It's gonna be a busy weekend for us. I'm racing on Sat 6/10 in NorthCarolina. BWR NC is going to be 135mi & 13500ft of climbing. I've dropped the ball on my training for the past 3 weeks because I was on vacation and caught a cold. I did manage to ride ~325mi during the vacation, but the cold has wiped out any gains. I suspect this will be the most difficult physical activity I have ever done. Time to find out.
Thanks Robert!

135 miles and 13500 ft of climbing !!!!! :wow

Getting sick before an event is my biggest worry. I keep an eye on your rides and you put out more sick than I can well. :laughing This is gonna be a big one but I think got it.
You got this Mike...we know it!

I just got back from my followup ortho doc appointment. Looks like a nice long spell of....nothing. No heavy weights, only lower body/ core for at least another 6-8 weeks.

Two Saturdays ago at Round 3 AFM Thill, I spun the tire going down the hill and Highsided from what I think was the TC intervening too late. I likely would have lowsided if not for the help of the TC in helping me high side. Immediately after being ejected, I hit the curbing (track edge) with the chin bar of my helmet at around 70-80MPH and was knocked out instantly. Broke my collar bone in several places, 3 ribs on the same side, bones in the opposite side hand (left) and massive sprain on wrist/ thumb as well as bruises all over and a crushed big toe (WTF?). Oh yeah, slight concussion too...the EPS liner is totally crushed on the right side of the Arai helmet. Excellent protection, I'll preach to everyone. Thanks Arai! In 35 crashes (or so) and 20 years racing, my biggest injury has been a broken thumb. This was the "Big Off" everyone eventually has and it's been one I don't want again. Had the collar bone plated last friday and today found out I'm out for another 6 weeks or so of any upper body resistance training and no lakes for 2-3 weeks. Ugh. Hand sprain is 3-4 months, but there's got to be a way to work around that for some sort of stand up Jetski racing, right?

I get to work legs, abs and cardio. That's about it...I've got myself motivated though with the workout plan when I'm back to form and how effective I can be starting fresh and with a new plan in place that I've yet to try.

So Mike...go kick some ass for me! I'm dying here not being able to train or compete!

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