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Time to get Fit thread

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FAT loss, right? Not weight...fat. Getting in shape for the mudder just might add some muscle.

yes, the fat can go away. i'd love more muscle.

he gave me a good list of body weight exercises to start with for now.
First real week back from the May 21st crash that took me out of the gym for almost 3.5 months. It's been horrible and man, it's hard to get back started. This week was the first week where I've been cleared to go-4-broke and took advantage. Plan for the next two weeks is high rep/ low weight count. 2X time to full extension from previous (so like 4 count) and work on contraction strength at the end of the movement.

The first two workouts have been investing, in what more I can learn when weight isn't a focus and the movement and contraction is. I'm @ 163 lbs and some bullshit low body/fat% that I don't believe, but overall, I'm about 8-9 lbs short of what I was pre-crash. Lost lots of mass, but also lost B/F I didn't think I had. Overall, it's been a good time to change up things I was reluctant to do and try a different program. So far, so good...but it's only been (literally) 2 full workouts. Time will tell. It'll be interesting to see how quickly I can get close to my previous fitness.
^ Start slow. Ligaments and tendons need an easy break in. Your muscles haven't lost as much strength as you think or feel they have. Recover, recover, recover and don't get hurt. Consistency is your best friend.
Thanks Mike. I'll take your advice on tendons/ ligaments to heart. That's a good reminder so, thanks for that. AND recovery. So easy to want to overdo it.
It's SOOOO hard to not try to get it all back in a day. :laughing

Oh yah....No way. At least I'm not THAT delusional! Actually, I didn't take any resistance training at all during recovery to not have any issues with healing. The 4 breaks in the clavicle had me highly concerned on a good heal.
Berto, glad to hear you have taken another step in the recovery process.

The Tough Mudder now sounds like a hard no. I hate shocks and I hate getting sick. Maybe I will try to work my way back to a century on a bike.
Berto, glad to hear you have taken another step in the recovery process.

The Tough Mudder now sounds like a hard no. I hate shocks and I hate getting sick. Maybe I will try to work my way back to a century on a bike.

Triathlon, Triathlon, Triathlon! :laughing
Thanks R...and I agree with Mike (although I NEVER want to do a Tri...)
^ Start slow. Ligaments and tendons need an easy break in. Your muscles haven't lost as much strength as you think or feel they have. Recover, recover, recover and don't get hurt. Consistency is your best friend.
Great advice from Mike!!!

Your muscles will gain strength far faster than your joints will strengthen to handle the strength. Go with high reps, low weight for at least 6 weeks before doing any high stress exercises, and given your age (6 weeks is for HS/college kids) I'd say extend it out to 8 weeks then slowly increase the intensity of your workouts.

Also, protein (recovery/building materials for muscle tissue) and collagen (recovery for connective tissues), recovery is everything at this stage and that comes while you sleep so it's really important to get sleep to maximize your recovery rate. I'd also recomend ice baths following your hardest workouts, it clears the old blood/debris away from the cells and helps with recovery.

Also, impact gun for breaking down internal scar tissues.

Good luck, Berto!
Thanks a ton Brett. I took your advice on Collagen (already doing vegan protein) and sleep (for the most part). It's helped a ton. The Collagen and sleep really helped, so thanks for that.

All that being said, I found this video inspirational:

Glad it's all helping!

We push the kids to the absolute limit to get the best out of them without going over into the realm of over-training. I've put a ton of time and effort into educating myself on recovery, it's key for any upper level sports training, glad that you've benefitted from that knowledge.

That video is hilarious! Sadly, I've witnessed many similar things in gyms over the years and a bunch that they don't have. Gyms attract all kinds of people and personalities, I don't know, sometimes, whether to admire their lack of GAF or to feel sorry for them, sometimes! :laughing
Given that tendons and ligaments take so long to build, I wonder how much strength and flexibility they could have lost in only 3.5 months. Let's see if I can find the time to research that. Initial guess, they lose flexibility much faster than strength.
Thanks a ton Brett. I took your advice on Collagen (already doing vegan protein) and sleep (for the most part). It's helped a ton. The Collagen and sleep really helped, so thanks for that.

All that being said, I found this video inspirational:


interesting. i just added a vegan collagen source (since i’m trying to be vegan 90% of the time) for my skin. i reckon i should add some more protein to the mix.
Wanted to do a ride my buddy wanted to go...for him it was a recovery style for me a real ride. We rode up twin peaks and I suggested we go down and do it again :) 11 miles 1.25 hour ride perfect workout. So nice out.

My legs are strong from weight training, need to build endurance now.
i added hiking to my exercises. i love it. i find that i run short sections of trail simply because it feels like it. this is a really big deal for me not to feel like i’m dying if i run.

today i crossed a big psychological milestone for myself and also am at 60 lbs lost this year.

i’m very very very happy. i feel energized and joyous.
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