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Time to get Fit thread

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These classes change up every 2-3 months. When I joined it was influenced heavily by weight training. They switched gears and now its a bit more cardio based. So jumping rope, rowing, running things like that are incorporated into the routine. I decided to give it another month and then do the test and really grind it out and kick ass. Also because they decided to add another class into the week I want really good results when I do the hydo test. SO, ask me again in about a month :)

Best wishes! Reduce your carbs and fats and you’ll lean out with all the cardio : thumbup
im of the firas zahabi POV that you should essentially never be sore after a workout, and nearly never go to failure. if you are sore after a workout or the next day, you worked out too hard.

for the most part the american POV on workout is incredibly flawed and wrapped up in the idea that HARD work is what you need, and that soreness or "killing it" in the gym is a good thing. this is wrong, dangerous, and limiting in long term development

the problem is, too many american lifting dangerpously has aspects of addiction wrapped up in it


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Just watched some motivational You Tube videos from 1st Form. I can do this!
^ I love me a youtube motivational video. Makes me get moving when I'm struggling.
^ I love me a youtube motivational video. Makes me get moving when I'm struggling.

I don't know what my propblem is except that our stress level is through the roof. Usually working out helps but it's at the point where sleep is screwed.
I don't know what my propblem is except that our stress level is through the roof. Usually working out helps but it's at the point where sleep is screwed.

motivation comes from enjoying the process. if you are working out just to be fit, youll inevitably fail, since the proccess itself isnt the enjoyment

being fit should be the side effect of the activity that you enjoy. find that activity and the fitness comes without the motiovation issues
I have had some nagging aches and pains that have sapped my motivation the last week or so. Bought some new running shoes last night and broke them in shooting hoops just for fun. Was great to just get moving again. Swim tonight tonight. It all adds up. Keep moving.
motivation comes from enjoying the process. if you are working out just to be fit, youll inevitably fail, since the proccess itself isnt the enjoyment

being fit should be the side effect of the activity that you enjoy. find that activity and the fitness comes without the motiovation issues

motivation comes from enjoying the process. if you are working out just to be fit, youll inevitably fail, since the proccess itself isnt the enjoyment

being fit should be the side effect of the activity that you enjoy. find that activity and the fitness comes without the motiovation issues

That's what I was saying, normally working out is a great release but lately due to stress there is very little I am enjoying. Glad we have a dog so at least he keeps the mood light.
I threw my back out a month ago. Worst pain I've experienced in a long time. Saw too many doctors who were all pushing me in different directions for recovery. Finally settled on my chiropractors advice. I'm fat and out of shape. That being said, I went back to my bottom brick and started building my house over again. a lot of walking and lifting minding my posture the whole time, as not to antagonize the back. I also bought the missing piece of my home gym. A lat pull machine. I've modified my diet to cut out the crap and a month later I'm seeing progress, feeling better and most of all the pain has stopped and I can put my own socks on again. Yeah, it hurt that bad. Lat pull machine- https://www.gymsource.com/equipment/tuff-stuff-clm-855ws-lat-machine
It was trough sever lower back pain that I discovered AthleenX. The guy is amazing.
I threw my back out a month ago. Worst pain I've experienced in a long time. Saw too many doctors who were all pushing me in different directions for recovery. Finally settled on my chiropractors advice. I'm fat and out of shape. That being said, I went back to my bottom brick and started building my house over again. a lot of walking and lifting minding my posture the whole time, as not to antagonize the back. I also bought the missing piece of my home gym. A lat pull machine. I've modified my diet to cut out the crap and a month later I'm seeing progress, feeling better and most of all the pain has stopped and I can put my own socks on again. Yeah, it hurt that bad. Lat pull machine- https://www.gymsource.com/equipment/tuff-stuff-clm-855ws-lat-machine

Watch this 53-min vid

inversion table for back pain, wonders for me

the number one lifestyle habit I would recomend to anyone is inversion table habit
I am thankful that I have not had any serious back injuries. I have worked out off and on through the years and have always tried to work out my whole back upper to lower which I think has led to fewer back pains for me. Now knees and shoulders are a different story stupid weak ligaments always breaking on me.....:laughing

Since I got kind of released by the doc I have been doing all my upper body exercises albeit at a drastically reduced weight. It is nice to feel a little soreness in the pecs and bicep areas from a good bench press and curl workout. I did have some issues with my left bicep wanting to cramp up but that is more from the ligament shift the doctor did than weights but damn it feels better today than it has for a while.
I'm pushing the limits today with mixed cardio and lifting. I really want to see how much I can take before 1pm and still function for the rest of the day.

same. today is my 3rd day of hitting my limit. Today was fucking hard, the exercise was REALLY tough. Weirdly I enjoy feeling sweat run down my back. Im not a big "sweater" so i always like to feel it drip off my body :laughing

Glad for a rest day tomorrow. Im cooked.
motivation comes from enjoying the process. if you are working out just to be fit, youll inevitably fail, since the proccess itself isnt the enjoyment

being fit should be the side effect of the activity that you enjoy. find that activity and the fitness comes without the motiovation issues

I'd skip the routine/ workout I do now if I didn't have a specific use for it..and go to something a bit less intensive. Training for a specific need/ use is different than working out for fitness/ burn calories, etc. I took over 3 weeks off the last month and just got back to training and JFC it SUCKED! It must be age, but I was surprised how much I lost in strength. Fortunately, things came back quick enough, but I never expected the loss.


20 minute peak cardio rowing
10 sets of lat pulldowns at 225lbs to failure (8-10 reps)
5 mile run with 25lb weight vest.

I changed my workouts to fine tune and see if I can find more performance when needed..now I'm at a high rep, lower weights. It's kinda cool so far and seems more appropriate for my needs. Plus, getting older, while I can do heavier weights for my size, I'm not getting the muscle endurance I need...
motivation comes from enjoying the process. if you are working out just to be fit, youll inevitably fail, since the proccess itself isnt the enjoyment

being fit should be the side effect of the activity that you enjoy. find that activity and the fitness comes without the motiovation issues

"Motivation" is transitory. Having a consistent work ethic with respect to fitness is necessary. No one is going to be "motivated" to do anything all the time. You do it as part of a commitment to yourself for whatever the end goal is.

It's all really just a mental exercise to avoid giving yourself an excuse ("I'm just not motivated") from being a lazy ass.
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