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Time to get Fit thread

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Trying to get back into decent shape after 2+ years of pouting/depression.
We moved out to Colorado and I threw myself into longer distance and trail running. I didn't realize I had major alignment issues due to a genetic glitch and now have grade 3/4 chondromalacia in both knees with the right basically bone on bone. I used to have such strong legs and loved weight training, but that has been thrown out the window. Replacement is about 5-7 years out.

I cycle (50-70 miles a week) and swim (once a week) but really need some lower body strengthening options. Stability is a big issue, along with pain, and I haven't been able to figure out modifications or substitutions for squats, lunges, box jumps, etc.... Weighted leg curls are much easier than weighted extensions and I can do wall sits : | Have some aggressive braces I wore for Krav that help with stability but they don't prevent the knee from "catching"

Any suggestions for alternate lower leg exercises?
Photos taken. Unfortunately, I broke my cell over the weekend and lost all my current photos. But I did find pics I took from 1/31. Quite a difference! :wow :banana :banana. Hoping its not some weird trick of the light :laughing
Nice Kim. I’d keep those for only you...like Beau said: they’re excellent motivation.
I am going to send them to my husband cause I want SOMEONE to see, but no, I wont be posting them anywhere :p
Yoga. Yes, really.

That's where the instability comes in - knees combined with hyper-mobility. I need a class where the instructor can keep an eye on me so I don't go beyond a healthy range of motion. And before you ask.....because I know you will....yes, I can put my legs behind my head. :laughing

Yoga and Pilates have both helped in the past but cash is a bit tight for special instruction right now. House is going to fund soon - we hope.
My wife is a runner and we both do a lot of hiking/climbing. The yoga has helped tremendously with improving strength, balance, and control. :)
My wife is a runner and we both do a lot of hiking/climbing. The yoga has helped tremendously with improving strength, balance, and control. :)

I loved it when I was climbing. invaluable when you're balanced on a little chip of rock
I cycle (50-70 miles a week) and swim (once a week) but really need some lower body strengthening options. Stability is a big issue, along with pain, and I haven't been able to figure out modifications or substitutions for squats, lunges, box jumps, etc.... Weighted leg curls are much easier than weighted extensions and I can do wall sits : | Have some aggressive braces I wore for Krav that help with stability but they don't prevent the knee from "catching"

Any suggestions for alternate lower leg exercises?

When my legs were in the best shape ever was when I was biking almost every day to my friend's house about 10 miles away. I would ride my mountain bike at the highest gear setting I could for as long as I could. My legs were really well defined and I could run for days after that also.

Photos taken. Unfortunately, I broke my cell over the weekend and lost all my current photos. But I did find pics I took from 1/31. Quite a difference! :wow :banana :banana. Hoping its not some weird trick of the light :laughing

When I do it I try to take the picture in the same spot every time and also do the same pose for the picture so I reduce the variables and can see what progress I have made or not made.
I put the same outfit, stood in the same spot. the only difference is the one back on 1/31 i was standing in front of the mirror with a window to my left. This time I stood facing the window.

Decided to take that hydro test to just get numbers. If nothing changed it means I need to rework my strategy if it something did change i keep doing what im doing. In either case it will give me a good kick in the arse,
I do yoga once a week, since bjj requires your body to be contorted into all different sorts of positions. Keeps me limber and injury free. Most of all its helped with my breathing which is important when you're rolling too.

For Beau...


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Kickboxing tonight. I love it so much because my karate style is very traditional Okinawan and we don’t spar, so in this class I get to let things fly. What’s so fun is to spar with others who don’t have that background and see how creative I can get. Starting to make friends and a woman who was a Kyokushin fighter asked me to work and drill with her (stop it, I’m married). I believe I sweated 38 gallons of water.

I do have a pretty gnarly bruise from getting leg kicked during drills and a 1” shiner on my cheek. I am horribly sore and pretty beat, so we’ll see how karate goes tomorrow. Getting my sparring groove back and getting hit isn’t as bad as it was at first. It’s been awhile since I’ve been punched in the face or kicked.
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Tonight was leg day. Barfettes and creamygoodness may fap to this:


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I am doing Jim Stoppani’s 8 week shred. (Too lazy to hyperlink) Today’s workout:


Bench Press____3___9-10
Superset with
Dumbbell Flye___3__12-15

Incline DB Flye___3__12-15
Superset with
Incline DB Press__3___9-10

Push-Up________8__20 sec.

DB Mil Press_____3___9-10
Superset with
DBLateral Raise__3___12-15

DB Bent-Ovr Lat Raise_3_12-15
Superset with
DB Upright Row__3____9-10

Kettlebell Swing__8____20 sec.

Close-Grip Bench_2____9-10
Superset with
BB Lying Tri Ext__2____12-15

Tri Pressdown____2____12-15
Superset with
DB Ovrhead Tri Ext_2___9-10

Dead Landmines___8___20 sec.

That’s a lot of volume. How often does the program have this routine? Once a week?
That’s a lot of volume. How often does the program have this routine? Once a week?

Yes, once a week. The program is 6 days on and 1 rest day. There’s also a nutrition program (typical macros). Check his IG, I like his “science behind nutrition”:


And I also like jeff cavaliere’s “science behind working out”:


Btw, nice grizzled back, you’re pretty lean
Yes, once a week. The program is 6 days on and 1 rest day. There’s also a nutrition program (typical macros). Check his IG, I like his “science behind nutrition”:


And I also like jeff cavaliere’s “science behind working out”:


Btw, nice grizzled back, you’re pretty lean

I don’t know anything about stoppani, but I think that volume might be a little much for me. AtheneX is a guy I look to for ideas since I only workout at home and my setup is more limited than a regular gym. I prefer more frequent workouts per body part with less volume. My belief is that as a natural lifter you lack the continuous growth cycle like someone on juice and need to hit the various groups more often. But what seems to work for one guy (me for example) won’t worknfor everyone.

Thanks for the compliment. I am fortunate to be pretty lean naturally, but age makes you have to work harder with the diet than ever before.
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I don’t know anything about stoppani, but I think that volume might be a little much for me. AtheneX is a guy I look to for ideas since I only workout at home and my setup is more limited than a regular gym. I prefer more frequent workouts per body part with less volume. My belief is that as a natural lifter you lack the continuous growth cycle like someone on juice and need to hit the various groups more often. But what seems to work for one guy (me for example) won’t worknfor everyone.

Thanks for the compliment. I am fortunate to be pretty lean naturally, but age makes you have to work harder with the diet than ever before.

Check out Stoppani:


I envy naturally lean guys. Definitely know what you mean about age. For me, getting in shape is 2/3 diet and 1/3 exercise. I can’t work out as hard as when i was young. Thanks to Stoppani and Cavaliere I’ve learned a few things that have made a difference.

I implement some of Cavaliere’s tips into Stoppani’s program, e.g., instead of doing lying down DB flyes per Stoppani, I replace that exercise with Cavaliere’s recommendation to do stand up cable flyes because your pecs are working all the way to the end of the movement. Whereas, lying DB flyes, when you get to the top, your pecs are no longer working. Hope that made sense (typing without reading glasses lol).
OH! One other thing - peeps, please stay away from pre-workout drinks. We haven't really talked about them, but I used to be hooked on that stuff, even used ephedrine back in the 90's. It's horrible for you and possibly may have done some irreversible damage to me. The lengths I went through in the name of deeply rooted body image issues...

Hey D,

This is my pre-workout. What are your thoughts?

1 scoop Pre JYM

(Product Contains ALL of the following ingredients at specific doses)

6 grams BCAAs (at a 2:1:1 ratio of leucine:isoleucine:valine)
2 grams creatine HCL
2 grams beta-alanine
1.5 grams betaine
1 gram Taurine
600 mg NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine)
150 mg Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline (Alpha GPC)
6 grams Citrulline malate
500 mg beet extract
1.5g L-Tyrosine
300 mg Caffeine
50 mcg Huperzine A
5 mg Bioperine (for enhanced absorption of active ingredients)
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