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Time to get Fit thread

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Back to protein supplements at least the 2stPhorm stuff is tasty and I like their processing method.
Back to protein supplements at least the 2stPhorm stuff is tasty and I like their processing method.

Began tracking absolutely everything last week just to get a baseline. Found some gaps that are being addressed, but protein is not usually a problem for me. Getting sick of eating chicken however....

Started lifting 3-4 days a week and it's feeling pretty damn good. I don't even care if I bulk up a bit too much to start. Need the muscle to get the calorie burn going again.
...Getting sick of eating chicken however....

Me too! I love fish but too lazy to

As I mentioned in an earlier post I get dinners at the hot food section at Whole Paycheck and can eat healthy for about $6-7. When sick of chicken I get some legumes for protein.
Me too! I love fish but too lazy to

As I mentioned in an earlier post I get dinners at the hot food section at Whole Paycheck and can eat healthy for about $6-7. When sick of chicken I get some legumes for protein.

Just did a combo with lentils, white beans, spinach, and broccoli. Tasty but I miss the texture and chew of meat. Play with firm tofu and egg whites once in a while - usually with a Greek flavor profile.
Just did a combo with lentils, white beans, spinach, and broccoli. Tasty but I miss the texture and chew of meat. Play with firm tofu and egg whites once in a while - usually with a Greek flavor profile.

Lentils white beans n spin sounds delish. Throw an ounce of pumpkins in there for texture and you get 5gr of protein. I believe lentils are a perfect protein, i.e., has all the amino acids (too lazy to google).

Edit: check out this vid on lentils and other beans:


Tonite i ate quinoa, broccoli and chili con carne (needed chicken break) at Whole Paychekc

...Firm and grilled tofu! Delish.

Try the trader joes vegan burger made from peas and black beans w eggs. It has 24 gr of protein.
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I was back in the pool last night. Did 2100 yds in about 55 minutes. Not continuous swimming but no long breaks. Felt good.
Hit the treadmill last night and the 5.5MPH sections are wiping me out and I am not sure why. I did these a few weeks ago and it wasn't that hard. Maybe it's because I was not also doing leg days before so now they are wiped out from doing both.

Been hitting the chest again slowly trying to find the sweet spot where I am not going to reinjure my shoulder. I was up to about 160lbs on the bench for multi sets but am now back down to maybe 80lbs but the bright side is that I don't really feel any instability in my shoulder so I figure the wieght will come back once I am fully healed and can hit it hard again.

Biceps are cramping big time when doing curls. I am trying something new for Bi's and Tri's where I do a lightweight but do 10 reps bottom half of range of motion for the exercise, then do 10 reps top half of the exercise, then 10 reps full range of motion for the exercise. I am doing less than half the weight I was throwing before but damn the burn in the muscles is intense. I kind of like it. Slow and controlled the whole way.
Lentils white beans n spin sounds delish. Throw an ounce of pumpkins in there for texture and you get 5gr of protein.

Try the trader joes vegan burger made from peas and black beans w eggs. It has 24 gr of protein.

I love pumpkin. The Indian/Nepalese restaurants around here do a pumpkin tikka masala. Completely unhealthy due to the amount of ghee and cream they use, but I've found a more reasonable recipe I'm going to play with.

Will give the vegan burger a try. Finished last night's bike ride and had more calories to eat than I started the day with - couldn't find anything with protein I was interested in and went to bed hungry. This will add to the options. Thanks!
I make a pumpkin curry and mix up meat proteins during the week. The sweet potatoe and pumpkin make it a wonderful meal. add chicken, shrimp, tofu or whatever else you want per serving during the reheat stage.
I make a pumpkin curry and mix up meat proteins during the week. The sweet potatoe and pumpkin make it a wonderful meal. add chicken, shrimp, tofu or whatever else you want per serving during the reheat stage.

:thumbup YUM
Me too! I love fish but too lazy to

As I mentioned in an earlier post I get dinners at the hot food section at Whole Paycheck and can eat healthy for about $6-7. When sick of chicken I get some legumes for protein.

Just watched Papa Swoleo rant about the negative aspects of beans when they are not pressure cooked. Something to think about, especially for those who eat little or no meat products.
Just watched Papa Swoleo rant about the negative aspects of beans when they are not pressure cooked. Something to think about, especially for those who eat little or no meat products.

I learned all about the positive effect of sprouting beans before cooking them last night. Yes it's a bit more work but I'm guessing the work negates some or most of the negatives you were shown.
Dude that’s so burly. I can’t swim five laps without being bored out of my skull... but man I wish I could. Hey, on that note, does anyone make waterproof earbuds?

I bring toys. Hand paddles, kick fins, and nothing makes me feel better or more fit than swimming. Having tunes while I did it would be so nice.
I go in for elective surgery Tuesday, doc says absolutely no working out, running, rowing, surfing, ANYTHING for five days to a week.

I honestly don't know how I'm going to handle it.

One day at a time. Modify your meals so you don’t pack on a few pounds.
Disagree with Dan on one (major) way. Go do everything you wished you could do...eat like shit, party, be lazy, etc.

Here's my theory: when you're ready to get back to working out, you'll have an easy goal and won't be doing the same ol' same ol' with little more than maintenance...IMO.
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