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Time to get Fit thread

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Hey D,

This is my pre-workout. What are your thoughts?

1 scoop Pre JYM

(Product Contains ALL of the following ingredients at specific doses)

6 grams BCAAs (at a 2:1:1 ratio of leucine:isoleucine:valine)
2 grams creatine HCL
2 grams beta-alanine
1.5 grams betaine
1 gram Taurine
600 mg NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine)
150 mg Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline (Alpha GPC)
6 grams Citrulline malate
500 mg beet extract
1.5g L-Tyrosine
300 mg Caffeine
50 mcg Huperzine A
5 mg Bioperine (for enhanced absorption of active ingredients)

Is that something you bought or a DIY brew? I have been looking for a pre-workout that doesn't have creatine in it.
JYM has Creatine. I really liked it as a pre-workout, but the creatine is a mess with arm pump, etc for racing motorcycles. Out it went...
JYM has Creatine. I really liked it as a pre-workout, but the creatine is a mess with arm pump, etc for racing motorcycles. Out it went...

I found a bunch of issues with creatine can be solved with extra water (a lot). That said, I do not supplement creatine that much.
Is that something you bought or a DIY brew? I have been looking for a pre-workout that doesn't have creatine in it.

It is Jim Stoppani’s own product. I take his pre, post and protein products. The pre has really helped me because at the end of a work day, an old guy like me needs something to jack me up.

I like Stoppani’s protein because its whey and casein isolate. Too lazy to explain so:


Only 140 calories. Great taste with many flavors. Hopefully I don’t get bladder stones.
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10-15mins of jump rope. Single under and double under practice. I got really good at doing 3 single unders followed by 1 double under.

112112112..... did this for about 30secs. :banana

WORK OUT: for the group:
Air bike until you hit 25 CAL for the girls, 45 for the guys
20 wall balls
75 single under
8 jumping pull up's if you break stride at any point in the above workout.

I only had to do the 8 pull-ups twice because I broke the wall balls into 10's in the second round as i was able to do the 75 single unders without breaking.

So my work out was:
air bike - 2mins (your "buy in" only had to do this once)

-Round 1-
20 wall balls
75 single under

- Round 2 -
10 wall balls
8 jumping pull ups
10 wall balls
75 single unders

- Round 3 -
10 wall balls
8 jumping pull ups
10 wall balls
75 single unders

Extra credit:
laying down dumbbell extensions x10 - 30lbs
bent over dumbell rows x10 on each side - 30lbs
repeat X4
Wow! 10-15 Min of jump rope :thumbup

Friday night at the gym is the best. Not crowded and feel like I own the gym.

Tonight’s workout:

Exercise Sets Reps

Incline Bench Press 3 9-10
Superset with
Incline Dumbbell Flye 3 12-15

Low-Pulley Cable Crossover 3 12-15
Superset with
High-Pulley Cable Crossover 3 9-10

Push-Up 8 20 sec.

Smith Machine Behind-Neck Shoulder Press* 3 9-10
Superset with
Smith Machine Upright Row 3 12-15

*I don’t like behind neck press so replace w DB mil press

Lying Cable Rear Delt Raise 3 12-15
Superset with
Cable Lateral Raise 3 9-10

Kettlebell Swing 8 20 sec.

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension 2 9-10
Superset with
Bench Dip 2 12-15

Reverse-Grip Triceps Pressdown 2 12-15
Superset with
Triceps Pressdown 2 9-10

Dead Landmines 8 20 sec.

Picked up dinner at Whole Paycheck’s hot food section:

Brown rice
Turkey breast

Have a nice Friday night everyone!

Edit: Using Mike’s Macros app, my macros for dinner:

Cal 688
P 34
C 86
F 16

Adding pumpkin seeds to quinoa/brown rice adds crunchy texture and 5gr of protein. Good!
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I'm getting encouraged about running again. Haven't been able to run pain free, or over a half mile without having to stop and stretch my leg and let it cool down due to compartment syndrome for about six years. Got the four compartment fasciotomy about six weeks ago and slowly getting back into it. Due to that amount of time, and still doing PT for my leg, I'm doing a walk-run-walk program as I feel comfortable. First time, one minute run, three minute walk. Second time did 1:2 and a little 2:2. Today did 2:2 and some 3:2 (for 2.5 miles total)... all pain free so far. In no rush to go for distance, but I like the trend :thumbup
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My legs are destroyed after racing this weekend. Anyone have a good leg day weights workout?

This is my idea of leg day. Strava got the max elevation wrong, it was actually 10,188'.


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This is my idea of leg day. Strava got the max elevation wrong, it was actually 10,188'.

I thought that would be sufficient as well. I can do that off the couch and be fine the next day. But nope. I’m way more wrecked right now.
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My body has felt wrecked the last week and a half. Ankle and shoulder problems have made it really hard to do much and I am feeling it. It might be time for a doc to look at the shoulder.

I was able to do a 25 mile bike ride Up Hwy 1 from Santa Cruz to Davenport yesterday. That felt sooo good. I am grateful that exercise is addictive. I have to remind myself that even when you feel like garbage it can change, just go do something.
My body has felt wrecked the last week and a half. Ankle and shoulder problems have made it really hard to do much and I am feeling it. It might be time for a doc to look at the shoulder.

I was able to do a 25 mile bike ride Up Hwy 1 from Santa Cruz to Davenport yesterday. That felt sooo good. I am grateful that exercise is addictive. I have to remind myself that even when you feel like garbage it can change, just go do something.

I've done the ride from Half Moon Bay to Santa Cruz and back along Hwy 1. Lots of gorgeous visuals to distract you from the effort. How was the wind heading up?
I've done the ride from Half Moon Bay to Santa Cruz and back along Hwy 1. Lots of gorgeous visuals to distract you from the effort. How was the wind heading up?

Head wind Northbound was BRUTAL!!! Like 15-20 mph sustained. We timed the trip up and back. We flew home in 1/2 the time it took to get to D-port.
Head wind Northbound was BRUTAL!!! Like 15-20 mph sustained. We timed the trip up and back. We flew home in 1/2 the time it took to get to D-port.

:laughing:laughing My legs are burning just thinking about it. Always better to do the headwind to start and coast home. We were a bit hungover trying to head back north on our ride. No bueno :thumbdown
Just got back from the Ortho's office. He said that I can officially start doing some lightweight shoulder and chest exercises. I look forward to the shoulder release so I can finally start doing a full upper body workout. Going to have to schedule some more physical therapy also.
Good luck!

Headed to the gym in about 15mins. They added a Tuesday noon class. So going to up my attendance to M-T-W-F for the summer. :banana
nice. I do a M-T-T-F rotation as I have cooking duties on Wednesdays and by the time I get off work and cook there isn't enough time between eating and gym time.

So did you do the hydro test yet and did you get the results you were looking for?
These classes change up every 2-3 months. When I joined it was influenced heavily by weight training. They switched gears and now its a bit more cardio based. So jumping rope, rowing, running things like that are incorporated into the routine. I decided to give it another month and then do the test and really grind it out and kick ass. Also because they decided to add another class into the week I want really good results when I do the hydo test. SO, ask me again in about a month :)
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