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Time to get Fit thread

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Well I actually somehow pulled a muscle in my back today just sitting at my desk all day and didn't want to make it worse. Its weird thing that happens once a year or so. Ice cream is delicious but only to be eaten in moderation.
Well I actually somehow pulled a muscle in my back today just sitting at my desk all day and didn't want to make it worse. Its weird thing that happens once a year or so. Ice cream is delicious but only to be eaten in moderation.

Finally managed to figure out how to get into the gym at my complex (it was a bit confusing when i couldn't even remember where it was to begin with), and have made use of the pool, and making good use of having a fridge/freezer/kitchen to myself and cooking again. Tracking, weighing/measuring food, and adding the workout routine back in.

Paying off, scale is finally dropping. Not being able to fall back on my old excuses is a good thing - shoot, even my commute is shorter now (takes about half the time it did in CA), so I have plenty of time to even do errands and still get everything done at home in the evening - with some time left to relax too.
Whats the shoulder injury? Anything you can do now about it so it doesnt effect your training?

But man good for you! It always nice to have something to train towards.

I have no idea what is wrong with the shoulder. I'm a little scared to find out but I should. I'm scared they are going to tell me i have a rotater cuff tear.
I really feel my core muscles and lays this morning. Amazing how pulling line works the body.
I need a helper anyone need a part time job :laughing
I swear hot yoga is one of the hardest workouts I've done in my life. Sometimes I wonder if its harder than lifting weights.

One of the nastiest, most annoying sounds in the world to me is the sound of other people's sweat dripping on their mats during yoga. the downward dog waterfall :green

Like chalk on a chalkboard.
Finally managed to figure out how to get into the gym at my complex (it was a bit confusing when i couldn't even remember where it was to begin with), and have made use of the pool, and making good use of having a fridge/freezer/kitchen to myself and cooking again. Tracking, weighing/measuring food, and adding the workout routine back in.

Paying off, scale is finally dropping. Not being able to fall back on my old excuses is a good thing - shoot, even my commute is shorter now (takes about half the time it did in CA), so I have plenty of time to even do errands and still get everything done at home in the evening - with some time left to relax too.

Didn't realize you had moved. How you liking Dallas? I go there every once in a while and it is kind of crazy for me now but still nothing like Cali. I was in San Antonio aa few weeks ago and the freeways are a mess kind of reminded me of Dallas but I guess with time they would eventually make sense. Stay away from that good Texas BBQ it will make you pack on the pounds as well.

I have no idea what is wrong with the shoulder. I'm a little scared to find out but I should. I'm scared they are going to tell me i have a rotater cuff tear.

Get it looked ASAP. I waited too many years to have mine looked at and now even though I got it fixed ( labrum tear) the damage is done to the cartilage and I am looking at a shit show when I get older with arthritis.

I got new insoles for the running shoes I bought and I must have serious arch issues because all insoles seem like the arch support is too far back on the shoe and it digs into the back of my arch and causes so much pain. I had to stop the treadmill after 15 minutes it hurt so bad. I am going to have to break down and go to an actual store that specializes in running gear to get my stride and foot checked out and get the right shoe for me. I only have about 5 more days then it vacay can't wait. Gonna have to bring the old broke down Nikes with me so I can do some run/jog while gone from the home base.
Bah todays workout was bleh. Was carrying some fatigue from yesterday and weekend. The last part was 3x6m ramp up. Start at 330W and ramp up to 40ish. Legs were giving out after 3-4min so had to turn of erg mode.
I have no idea what is wrong with the shoulder. I'm a little scared to find out but I should. I'm scared they are going to tell me i have a rotater cuff tear.

Possible rotator cuff, and maybe onset of tendonitis from overuse. You're going to have to rest it.....no swimming.

When you start to swim again, work on stroke mechanics and body rotation. Concentrating on those two helped me alleviate my shoulder issues. Do not use hand paddles for now, as they put a lot of stress on your shoulders, also.

Based on the time and distance you posted previously, I don't foresee you having any problems with swim portion.

For now, get some seat time on the bike, and continue with 3-4 mile runs during week, and increasingly longer runs on the weekends.
Possible rotator cuff, and maybe onset of tendonitis from overuse. You're going to have to rest it.....no swimming.

When you start to swim again, work on stroke mechanics and body rotation. Concentrating on those two helped me alleviate my shoulder issues. Do not use hand paddles for now, as they put a lot of stress on your shoulders, also.

Based on the time and distance you posted previously, I don't foresee you having any problems with swim portion.

For now, get some seat time on the bike, and continue with 3-4 mile runs during week, and increasingly longer runs on the weekends.

You read My mind. The Bike is going to have to be my go to for a while. I watched about 6 you tube videos last night about proper swimming technique. I have work to do there. I have always just muscled thru the water because I really was in it for exercise, not to be a good swimmer. Me thinks being a technically good swimmer is gonna matter now lol.
Pm Billswim for some swimming technique, Mike. Bill's a great swimming coach.
I swear hot yoga is one of the hardest workouts I've done in my life. Sometimes I wonder if its harder than lifting weights.

I've only done regular yoga but hot yoga sounds more of a mental endurance test than a super physical workout. I wonder if a yogi would say the same about a full body weight training workout -- the yoga moves I've seen tend to be pushing movements and quad dominant, pulling moves like rows/pullups and the hamstrings get neglected.
Finally decided on a set of 7mm knee sleeves after an embarrassing amount of time of research. Now able to do cleans, power cleans, front squats and back squats with less worry about my knees. I tore my right meniscus 2 years ago doing very light snatches but shitty form and had the tear fixed April 2018.

Lifting on the days I’m not doing Orange Theory is going well. Not losing much weight however and feel Diet is good and clean. Trying to eat from 9-6 only.
I've only done regular yoga but hot yoga sounds more of a mental endurance test than a super physical workout. I wonder if a yogi would say the same about a full body weight training workout -- the yoga moves I've seen tend to be pushing movements and quad dominant, pulling moves like rows/pullups and the hamstrings get neglected.

No, you're right about the mental endurance and its one of the reasons why I love doing it. But you gotta find the right teachers who can properly guide you and aren't chatter boxes or have a terrible flow. As much as I love going to the gym and lifting weights, I never understood people who go there to socialize or spend inordinate amounts of time on their phones. Like do 1 set, rest 5 min looking at their phones. I only have so many hours in the day and if I'm going to be spending it punishing myself, I may as well make it count.
T-Rex day today

Last night was chest and shoulders and I could barely brush my hair this morning. Feels good to be back at it
I didn't do anything again last night. I did have another bowl of ice cream though. But tonight its on, they better have enough steel in that gym :mad
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