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Time to get Fit thread

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We did a 30 mile group ride on Saturday. It normally takes us just under two hours for that route, with stops to regroup, because the elevation gain is under 1000. We had multiple mechanicals, and a minor crash, so it took 3 hours. 78 degrees when we took off and 98 by the time we finished. Hate riding in the heat with that 5280' sun baking me.
OMG first day training in the six days following my vasectomy, it feels fucking great. Doing incline bench now and actually looking forward to a long rowing session this afternoon. I also modified my diet during my recovery period and don't feel like I gained or lost much muscle or fat.

All said and done I'm amazed I made it without going crazy. The gym is my second largest source of relief.
And now the first source is less stressful. :party

I see what you did thee. Clever man.

Military press to failure today, after 40 minuets of cardio of course. I'm only four sets in and my shoulders already feel like jelly. Age is a cruel mistress, but I want cannonball delts so fuck her.
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I’m trying to increase my pull-ups. I don’t do the crossfit flinging chimp style, I do pull ups from a dead hang like real men. (Jk, no need for crossfitters to flame me).

As i posted before I follow jim stoppani and athleanx on IG. Athleanx has a good routine to increase pull ups. Stoppani just posted his “density training” program to increase push ups and pull ups so I tried it.

This is the program in a nutshell (pm me if you want the whole routine):

”Do 40 pushups or pull ups in 10 minutes even if you have to stop. The goal is to reduce the amount of time it takes to do the 40 reps. Eventually you’ll be able to do 40 reps without stopping.”

I really don’t do pull ups but I do dead hangs, lat pulls, and dead hangs while rotating forward/backward to hit the scaps.

So i tried it last night. Since I don’t do pull ups I was surprised how easy the first set of ten was. I rested for 90 sec and hit set 2. I didnt want to burn out so only hit 6 reps. Waited 90 sec. Set 3 was tougher. Then I was a little worried I might not do 40 in 10 min. So I did remaining sets of 2-3 reps until I hit 40 which I completed in 6:30. I was pleasantly surprised it took only 6:30 to do the 40 especially after I was slowing down RAPIDLY :lol after set 3

I’m going to keep at it. Not sure if I can do 40 pull ups but trying for 20. Hey, don’t forget I am fucking ancient!

Here’s a table that shows the phasing to do 20 non-stop.
Phase 1 is where most people would start. I was pleasantly surprised I am at Phase 4 but then again I do work out so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

Anyhoo, have a nice workout.

Goal: 20 Consecutive Reps

Phase...Sets..Reps...Time Allotted...Total Reps
1.........10......4........10 min............40
2...........8......5..........8 min............40
3...........7......6..........7 min............42
4...........6......7..........6 min............42
5...........5......8..........5 min............40
6...........4....10..........4 min............40
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Goal: 20 Consecutive Reps

Phase...Sets..Reps...Time Allotted...Total Reps
1.........10......4........10 min............40
2...........8......5..........8 min............40
3...........7......6..........7 min............42
4...........6......7..........6 min............42
5...........5......8..........5 min............40
6...........4....10..........4 min............40

This is a worthy goal. I'm in.
This is a worthy goal. I'm in.

Sweet. Want to partner up and check in with each other? Take M4M to a whole new level?

I can’t link the program because it you have to subscribe so I PMed the program to you in two PMs due to character limits.
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Been in Oahu since the 27 th. Hiked pill boxes twice at decent clip, been leasure swimming/snorkeling everyday, surfed the south shore once, got one real run in and no weights whatsoever. Diet has been ok but not too strict. Im not sure what the scale will say but all and all I feel like I did ok and gave my grumpy shoulder a break. Vacations are good things. Tomorrow is my last day then travel.

Congrats on joining the snipped club Beau, it has many advantages once you realize you dont want a bigger family.
I ran a 5K with the gf yesterday cuz why not. we ran together and it was her fastest 5K ever. my feet and calves are sore today. my body just isnt used to impact, and I could probably use new shoes :dunno
This is a worthy goal. I'm in.

My pullups pretty much stall between 25-28 reps. Subsequent sets generally with 45-60 seconds rest got down to the 10-12 range and then to 8-10.

I did try to get above 30, but haven't made it and stopped trying.

I'll give this method a try and see what happens.
I've been incredibly lazy the past 5 months. Need to lose 20 lbs. Started working out again regularly and trying to watch my diet. Started running again. Way off my pace but it's a start.


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My pullups pretty much stall between 25-28 reps. Subsequent sets generally with 45-60 seconds rest got down to the 10-12 range and then to 8-10.

I did try to get above 30, but haven't made it and stopped trying.

I'll give this method a try and see what happens.

28 pullups is pretty baddass. If I got to that I'd be satisfied.
Did three day backpacking trip through Sierra's. That was fun. Back to training tomorrow.
Tracktime, gym time, and tracking the eating is paying off. Slowly but surely. Down about 4 pounds since I moved, which is about on target for where I'm at.

Definitely need to not lose the gym focus though - lack of ST the past 6+ months is showing itself in my riding, cardio isn't quite where it should be either.

Good thing is the move related stuff is settling down and my routines are starting to get established.
Tried the pullup challenge thing.
I'm a little off today, but managed 40 in 2:05 and 60 in 4 minutes. I was rather surprised that my endurance with only small amounts of rest was a lot less than I figured it would be.

I probably could figure out a more efficient strategy. I started with 15 reps and burned out on the following sets. Basically getting 4-5 reps per set with short periods of rest.

After 2--3 minute rest did another 40 reps in 2:40.
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