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Time to get Fit thread

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I have to get ready for the Tough Mudder as my best friend is an idiot. Except the training warm up killed me just reading it and I don't have all the crap they require. So baby steps, I have a year to get ready. Advice on routines that doesn't require medicine balls, rope pulling or tire flipping? :laughing
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Dave the boat is stunning!!!

As for body image, I am "dumb, fat, blind, and ugly" so yes there's that and the fact that Im good for 3 weeks then fall off the wagon.

Reality, I am winning. Will I be a flat bellied Goddess by September? Doubt it, but I'll be strong enough to pick up my own bie and that truly is the goal.
That being said, it's worse in the fitness/ workout world. I like to look good, but what's really helped allay any issues I have with certain parts of my body is considering how my body is working for it's need: sport domination. I don't care as much that things aren't perfect on my biceps so long as I'm winning...

That's funny in that I started the whole fitness thing as preparation for big wave season a couple years ago. I have a couple open-date tickets every winter, when the right swell comes I jump on a plane and go to, like you say, dominate. But at some point it morphed and all the sudden I'm training just for strength and physique. I had lost my way. Thankfully a close friend reminded me I'm a surfer not a bodybuilder.

I have to get ready for the Tough Mudder as my best friend is an idiot. Except the training warm up killed me just reading it and I don't have all the crap they require. So baby steps, I have a year to get ready. Advice on routines that doesn't require medicine balls, rope pulling or tire flipping? :laughing

Start running hills. You don't have to actually run, but set your phone's timer to 40 minutes and go up and down steep hills. Run up, walk down. Everyday.
That's funny in that I started the whole fitness thing as preparation for big wave season a couple years ago. I have a couple open-date tickets every winter, when the right swell comes I jump on a plane and go to, like you say, dominate. But at some point it morphed and all the sudden I'm training just for strength and physique. I had lost my way. Thankfully a close friend reminded me I'm a surfer not a bodybuilder.

Start running hills. You don't have to actually run, but set your phone's timer to 40 minutes and go up and down steep hills. Run up, walk down. Everyday.

I can do that, I love to hike. Do you have any advice on heart rate monitors? This training thing said I need one, probably so I know when I am having a heart attack :laughing
Unless you are following a structured training plan you don't need it.
Right on Dave, that boat could not have a better owner.

On a different note, anyone else here struggle with negative body image? I know this is a fitness thread, but I kinda want to know if anyone else has negative-based motivation. I'm not saying that it's alway this way for me but more often than not when I look in the mirror I find more of whats wrong than right.

100%. I thought I looked like shit even when I only had 9% body fat. Could always find something to critique. Love handles, shoulders too small vs biceps, triceps vs biceps, getting the V on your triceps, switching grips up to get forearm definition, run time too slow, sprints too slow, whatever.

One thing I want to chime in on - bodybuilding vs sports. I've started to get a bug about going the opposite route recently. When I started weightlifting back in high school, it was purely for function and getting the best strength to weight ratio I could manage for wrestling. Fuckton of endurance and strength, 0 emphasis on size, and the definition came with the territory of the workouts. That trend continued through the military, and then when I got out and went back to college I played water polo so again - wasn't lifting for size or anything.

Now I find myself going "huh, I wonder what I could actually get my body to if I worked out for bodybuilding and not just sports / function...".
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Unless you are following a structured training plan you don't need it.

I don't really agree with that. It can depend on the person and what feedback is most useful for them. I found it super helpful early on to determine what heart rate corresponded to various levels of "am I gonna die" :laughing

Over time, i could leave it behind and trust my perceived exertion. It also can highlight what is a "normal" heart rate for the user and alert you to changes.

My rates are different from posted normal, and so are my guys, but both are tied to genetic glitches. When we change training, monitors are kinda key.

Just my two cents
100%. I thought I looked like shit even when I only had 9% body fat. Could always find something to critique. Love handles, shoulders too small vs biceps, triceps vs biceps, getting the V on your triceps, switching grips up to get forearm definition, run time too slow, sprints too slow, whatever.

One thing I want to chime in on - bodybuilding vs sports. I've started to get a bug about going the opposite route recently. When I started weightlifting back in high school, it was purely for function and getting the best strength to weight ratio I could manage for wrestling. Fuckton of endurance and strength, 0 emphasis on size, and the definition came with the territory of the workouts. That trend continued through the military, and then when I got out and went back to college I played water polo so again - wasn't lifting for size or anything.

Now I find myself going "huh, I wonder what I could actually get my body to if I worked out for bodybuilding and not just sports / function...".

I think as you get older Pete you will appreciate the work you did on keeping your body functional. Shit changes after 40...
I can do that, I love to hike. Do you have any advice on heart rate monitors? This training thing said I need one, probably so I know when I am having a heart attack :laughing

My advise is to stay away from fitbit. I've had multiple and they all fail in under a year. Sure they replace it at no cost but the replacement is refurbished and does not come with the warranty. When that one fails, time to fork over the money for a new one.

Currently I'm using the Garmin Vivoactive HR. Been wearing this one for about 3 years and its a solid device. It will also track all of your workouts.
My advise is to stay away from fitbit. I've had multiple and they all fail in under a year. Sure they replace it at no cost but the replacement is refurbished and does not come with the warranty. When that one fails, time to fork over the money for a new one.

Currently I'm using the Garmin Vivoactive HR. Been wearing this one for about 3 years and its a solid device. It will also track all of your workouts.

I’ve got the Vivoactive and it pairs up with a chest strap. Not a necessity, but a cool way to track workouts. Both the Fitbit and Garmin built in HR monitors suck for high intensity
I'm using a Garmin Forerunner 645. It's not perfect, but it works really well and tracks HR over a wide range of activities, reports back to the phone and app, and can pair with a chest strap if desired. I use HR to monitor my exertion level during big climbs and such, I know what rate I can maintain for certain amounts of time, when I need to pick up pace or dial it back, etc. It provides a nice calibration point to develop a sense of perceived exertion, even if you're not strictly training by HR zones, which vary tremendously between different people.
Right on Dave, that boat could not have a better owner.

On a different note, anyone else here struggle with negative body image? I know this is a fitness thread, but I kinda want to know if anyone else has negative-based motivation. I'm not saying that it's alway this way for me but more often than not when I look in the mirror I find more of whats wrong than right.

Yea, once a fat kid I'll always think of myself as one, despite being 50lbs lighter than I was at my highest.

There will be times when the diet and workout are dialed in and clothes fit great, lifts are hitting but then there are times when its play the game of how I can get out of the shower and avoid all mirrors before getting dressed :laughing
Anyone have a Bay Club membership?

Club Sport Walnut Creek was bought by them. Ok so far, but they remodeled the main floor and the equipment arrangement is beyond stupid.

I think as you get older Pete you will appreciate the work you did on keeping your body functional. Shit changes after 40...

This. Mike is spot on.

That's funny in that I started the whole fitness thing as preparation for big wave season a couple years ago. I have a couple open-date tickets every winter, when the right swell comes I jump on a plane and go to, like you say, dominate. But at some point it morphed and all the sudden I'm training just for strength and physique. I had lost my way. Thankfully a close friend reminded me I'm a surfer not a bodybuilder.

You're a surfer. Besides, each year we add onto our age now is better spent in a state of manageable fitness and not burning a shit ton of calories...IMO. I wish I was 10 lbs heavier at times, but that would limit me and frankly, not something my GF wants anyway so....

Now, go win a comp. I expect it from you cause I know you can. And, old guys rule.
Thankfully a close friend reminded me I'm a surfer not a bodybuilder.

Your comment there reminded me that of all the ways to exercise, I've always been a rower.

Took it out with some ballast:



I rowed until my hands bled.

I love it.
Now go rock climbing tomorrow and act surprised when you're struggling on stuff two grades below your normal level.

Hypothetically speaking :nchantr :laughing
Now go rock climbing tomorrow and act surprised when you're struggling on stuff two grades below your normal level.

Hypothetically speaking :nchantr :laughing

Lol-might be better than cooking with citrus. Ow ow! :laughing

I need to remember to not look at the scale. I've stopped getting lighter and that's disappointing.

My pants are literally falling off my butt and my belt won't go any smaller. Progress. I struggle with looking at it that way.
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