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Time to get Fit thread

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Dave, you've inspired me to get a set of oars and start rowing the little punt around. So good for the back and cardio!
24hr fitness in San Ramon just reopened after a major renovation. It’s amazing! They axed one of the full b-ball courts and put all the weight downstairs, adding a bunch of equipment and 8, yes 8 Olympic squat platforms with bumper plates. I was so stoked I hit 225lb on the front squat twice. Haven’t done that in 4-5 years I’d say.
I ran the Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf today. Me and 17000!! othere people. It was blast guys. I encourage you all to give it a shot. I finished the race, 6 miles, at the 58:40 mark. Im not sure if that is my time though. The start is staggered in waves and I was in wave 2 so my time might be lower. Not sure yet. I booked as best I could and am definately under an hour so im happy.

Also went for a 10 mile bike rida and then my second open water swim. I think I did about 3/4 of a mile or a little better on the swim. So its my first 3 event day....

70.3 feels scary again. Lol.
I ran the Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf today. Me and 17000!! othere people. It was blast guys. I encourage you all to give it a shot. I finished the race, 6 miles, at the 58:40 mark. Im not sure if that is my time though. The start is staggered in waves and I was in wave 2 so my time might be lower. Not sure yet. I booked as best I could and am definately under an hour so im happy.

Also went for a 10 mile bike rida and then my second open water swim. I think I did about 3/4 of a mile or a little better on the swim. So its my first 3 event day....

70.3 feels scary again. Lol.


Great that you're getting a feel for all three events again. :)
Get it Mike!

After a week in CA im really really REALLY excited to get back into the gym and back to work.

Today is deadlift day!!! :banana :banana :banana :banana
After 2 weeks of vacation and a week working on getting a rental back to renting condition today is the day I head back to the gym.

I can't wait to get back to the grind and try to lose some of the weight I gained on vacation eating all the foods I love without a care in the world. I even tried some ahi fish tacos on vacation which was a first for me.
Your comment there reminded me that of all the ways to exercise, I've always been a rower.

Took it out with some ballast:



I rowed until my hands bled.

I love it.

Beautiful boat. Did you make it? I know you're crafty like that.

You look a little ummm, big, for that tiny boat. Maybe it's the kids throwing it off.
Do you have any advice on heart rate monitors? This training thing said I need one, probably so I know when I am having a heart attack :laughing

My advice on gizmos is based purely on my preference, which is the fewer metrics the better. It's about how I feel, and progress isn't something that I can feel with a number.
Did 125# the very first time I did a deadlift in this class. Now a couple of months later I made it to 145#

Work to a heavy but do-able weight for deadlifts
5 reps repeat x3

Once you found that you went onto part 2.
5 Deadlifts
14 box jumps
repeat x5
So my trainer wants me to eat more calories than I can really seem to hit. I keep trying to eat a lot while staying within my macros but i keep coming up short. Target is 2800 calories a day with like 45% protein, 35% fat and like 20% carbs.

I never thought i would be struggling to eat but when the food aint fried chicken and nachos it get's hard to keep shoving protein down my gullet (get your filthy mind out of the gutter!)

Any advice?
So my trainer wants me to eat more calories than I can really seem to hit. I keep trying to eat a lot while staying within my macros but i keep coming up short. Target is 2800 calories a day with like 45% protein, 35% fat and like 20% carbs.

I never thought i would be struggling to eat but when the food aint fried chicken and nachos it get's hard to keep shoving protein down my gullet (get your filthy mind out of the gutter!)

Any advice?

Eat more often. I don't run my diet like you do, but do use protein powders to make sure I get adequate amounts. Nothing beats real food, but supplements are a good supporting role player.
Hey guys I came in 1355th place for Wharf to Wharf.

My real time was 49:33 way more stoked on that number
So my trainer wants me to eat more calories than I can really seem to hit. I keep trying to eat a lot while staying within my macros but i keep coming up short. Target is 2800 calories a day with like 45% protein, 35% fat and like 20% carbs.

I never thought i would be struggling to eat but when the food aint fried chicken and nachos it get's hard to keep shoving protein down my gullet (get your filthy mind out of the gutter!)

Any advice?

Chicken is your friend. And protein shakes.
How to cook/east chicken breast for lifting :laughing

NSFW - Language/swearing

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