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Time to get Fit thread

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Ive been MIA for almost a week and a half from going to the gym. Definitely feeling it this week. We are doing testing. Which basically means every 3-4 mos we do "level testing" which is different exercises with different levels and you are trying to move or "level up"

annoyed that i missed over a week of working out and we are in testing. So far I've moved up but not as far as I know I could of.

Today is running (gah) and weight lifting which i think are hang power cleans.
I’ve worked my way up to 17 dead hang pull ups. Twenty seems doable! Once I get there I’ll see if I can get to 25. Fuck yeah bro!

PS Don’t forget I am fucking ancient :(

I would start working in some added weight for like 10-12 reps. grip a 10lbs or whatever dumbbell with your feet. do that for a little bit and you'll blow past 20 reps unweighted
I would start working in some added weight for like 10-12 reps. grip a 10lbs or whatever dumbbell with your feet. do that for a little bit and you'll blow past 20 reps unweighted

I occasionally use 25-50lbs of additional weight for pullups. I do not believe that translates directly to doing more reps once you get beyond a certain number. The reality is, you need endurance to do a lot of reps. I can do a lot of pullups and its a question more of endurance versus all out strength once you start getting beyond 20 reps.

Oh and the best way I have found to add weight is use a length of chain, looped through the plate and connected to a weight belt with a carabiner.
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Did 2 tests today. weight lifting was either hang power clean or power clean depending on levels.

PR'd my power clean at 110lbs

did a running test which was if you ran 400m in under 1:50 secs (for women) then you test for the mile. I did it in 1:33. So ill do the mile run likely next week and to level up (for me) I have to make the mile in 9:30.
Did 2 tests today. weight lifting was either hang power clean or power clean depending on levels.

PR'd my power clean at 110lbs

did a running test which was if you ran 400m in under 1:50 secs (for women) then you test for the mile. I did it in 1:33. So ill do the mile run likely next week and to level up (for me) I have to make the mile in 9:30.

You can crush a 9:30 mile Kim.

I bet you can run a 9:00 easy.
annoyed that i missed over a week of working out and we are in testing. So far I've moved up but not as far as I know I could of.

Don't be at all. Longer breaks are absolutely necessary for growth and breaking through plateaus. They're also good for letting your body heal completely before breaking it down again.

The hardest part is the feeling you're losing ground, which is somewhat true. However, the "loss" is what allows you to reach new gains/ heights IME.
Don't be at all. Longer breaks are absolutely necessary for growth and breaking through plateaus. They're also good for letting your body heal completely before breaking it down again.

The hardest part is the feeling you're losing ground, which is somewhat true. However, the "loss" is what allows you to reach new gains/ heights IME.

There is a fine line between recovery and deconditoning. If i feel a plateau or worn down, i prefer to deload/reduce intensity but maintaining regular stimulation.
The fuck you are!


Smashing it!

Thanks Shark, your PR of 28 is inspirational!

I top out at 12. Props.

And props to you & your open water swimming (I’m jelly!).

I would start working in some added weight for like 10-12 reps. grip a 10lbs or whatever dumbbell with your feet. do that for a little bit and you'll blow past 20 reps unweighted

Thanks for the tip!

I occasionally use 25-50lbs of additional weight for pullups. I do not believe that translates directly to doing more reps once you get beyond a certain number. The reality is, you need endurance to do a lot of reps. I can do a lot of pullups and its a question more of endurance versus all out strength once you start getting beyond 20 reps.

Oh and the best way I have found to add weight is use a length of chain, looped through the plate and connected to a weight belt with a carabiner.

I will give it a shot!

What? No feet? :laughing


Oh man, nothing like a nice pair of feet.. nicely tapered toes, soft and moisturized heels and soles... silky skin between the toes. HF bro!
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Ive been MIA for almost a week and a half from going to the gym. Definitely feeling it this week. We are doing testing. Which basically means every 3-4 mos we do "level testing" which is different exercises with different levels and you are trying to move or "level up"

annoyed that i missed over a week of working out and we are in testing. So far I've moved up but not as far as I know I could of.

Today is running (gah) and weight lifting which i think are hang power cleans.

Hey taking time off is ok. You’re back in the gym, f~ yeah bro!
Thanks for the confidence Mike :p I THINK ive done a 9min mile. But that was last year when i was actively trying to be a runner :laughing :laughing

I think ill get 9:30 its uphill there but downhill back so i may be able to make up time :)

@Lizard yea taking a break wasnt so bad, i just feel like I need to keep constantly moving or muscles constantly working taking a week of doing literally nothing made me feel shitty..

Yesterday made me feel better. A lady who always whips my ass in some of the weightt training stuff didnt get the 110 power clean and i did.

Yes im slightly competitive. Im always comparing myself to others in the class :laughing
This past week a dude at work starts bringing in cookies, donuts, and other assorted pastries. Its damn hard to avoid that shit when its right there on the counter staring you in the face.
I just ate 2 oatmeal cookies and now feel like kicking him in the balls.
Of course its not my fault
Its a little awkward when girls at the gym are lifting more than you, when you happen to be a man.

You know, you can't get anywhere until you bury your ego and go do the thing. The number of fat older women who passed me in the triathlon was staggering. Just smile and give props when your getting smoked. No one cares.
150lb Mattie Rogers with an easy 290lb clean and jerk. Likely can squat more, front and back, than any of us here. Humbling but also motivational and impressive.

1:20 and on are the slow mo portions. Really dope to see perfect form. Wish I was there.

150lb Mattie Rogers with an easy 290lb clean and jerk. Likely can squat more, front and back, than any of us here. Humbling but also motivational and impressive.

1:20 and on are the slow mo portions. Really dope to see perfect form. Wish I was there.


Super strong.
I got serious about my weight a few months ago. Told myself Aug1 was the start...
Jumped on the scale that morning:

This morning the scale said:

12# loss
1.5% body fat loss

I'll take it

I cut out beer except for Friday OR Saturday night
Minimize carb intake at dinner and limit myself to no more than 8oz protein.
Have a salad for lunch with 1 hard boiled egg.

At 215, I'll add the gym back in and raise my protein consumption.

Gym had to go right now since I'm working FT, going to school FT, and have a toddler. 0 free time.
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