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Time to get Fit thread

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I got serious about my weight a few months ago. Told myself Aug1 was the start...
Jumped on the scale that morning:

This morning the scale said:

12# loss
1.5% body fat loss

I'll take it

I cut out beer except for Friday OR Saturday night
Minimize carb intake at dinner and limit myself to no more than 8oz protein.
Have a salad for lunch with 1 hard boiled egg.

At 215, I'll add the gym back in and raise my protein consumption.

Gym had to go right now since I'm working FT, going to school FT, and have a toddler. 0 free time.

excellent progress. cutting out alcohol and managing your afternoon (at work food) are super key, not to mention saving money! I must save $50-$70 a week, just by bringing my lunch.
for an example of how calories arent only what matter, for a weight based competition recenbtly I dropped 16 lbs in 13 days without really cutting calories.

also i wouldnbt call that healthy lol
for an example of how calories arent only what matter, for a weight based competition recenbtly I dropped 16 lbs in 13 days without really cutting calories.

also i wouldnbt call that healthy lol

Just drink a shitload after weigh in?
@Lizard yea taking a break wasnt so bad, i just feel like I need to keep constantly moving or muscles constantly working taking a week of doing literally nothing made me feel shitty..


I feel the same. If I stop working out I feel like fat tub of goo.

Its a little awkward when girls at the gym are lifting more than you, when you happen to be a man.

Tell me about it. At my gym:

1. Millenial cutie. 5’3. Nice bod. HF can she deadlift!
2. Hot chick doing lunges with 40 DBs. I use 25s lol

You know, you can't get anywhere until you bury your ego and go do the thing. The number of fat older women who passed me in the triathlon was staggering. Just smile and give props when your getting smoked. No one cares.

True story: I ran a 10K once. Last 100 yards I hear footsteps behind me. Few seconds later someone’s granny passed me. Wtf!
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You know, you can't get anywhere until you bury your ego and go do the thing. The number of fat older women who passed me in the triathlon was staggering. Just smile and give props when your getting smoked. No one cares.

Preach it, brother! Totally truth.

... have a toddler. 0 free time.

Toddler as Barbell!

Toddler Bench Press (4 sets of 10)
Toddler Shrugs (4 sets: 16-14-12-10)
Toddler curls (3 sets, 10-12 reps)
Toddler crunches (4 sets, till exhaustion)
excellent progress. .

I’m starving all the time. It’s the new norm. I’ve never been a snacker though so it doesn’t really bother me

Toddler as Barbell!

Toddler Bench Press (4 sets of 10)
Toddler Shrugs (4 sets: 16-14-12-10)
Toddler curls (3 sets, 10-12 reps)
Toddler crunches (4 sets, till exhaustion)



We’re only at 30#s but it gets exhausting fast. I’m gaining as fast as he is! My boy is a giant but I didn’t expect any less. 22 months 3’ tall 30#. All lean. Giant!

Overabundance of YES!
Front squat test today. My max was 105? I think? and that was with a 5 sec slow descent. Hoping to PR today and hit 115 to level up. I think I can do it.
Actuslly no due to same day weigh in.

Some water but a big focus on gut content, glycogen content, etc.

The average person can lose about 5 lbs in gut content alone, in 3 days

Part of the reason I passed on wrestling. To be competitive, you had to dehydrate and starve yourself for most of the weight classes. No my jam.
So jelly of parents with bird bone kids. Both of mine are built like brick shithouses. Been that way since day one.

I have fraternal twin girls and one is like dad tall and thick and the other is like mom just average size not skinny but not big maybe a size 3.

I have to work so hard to lose pounds. Over the last month or so with no diet changes I have gone up 20lbs. I was stressing over it but figured fuck it I am going to finish out this 8-week muscle pack on routine and after that, I will go into weight loss/ muscle retention mode and see if I can thin out and stay down. I swear the scale said I jumped 10 lbs from a Tuesday night to Thursday night and there was no way I had 10 lbs of intake in that time frame and I had hit the gym on Tuesday night and Thursday night so I just shook my head and said fuck it.
I have fraternal twin girls and one is like dad tall and thick and the other is like mom just average size not skinny but not big maybe a size 3.

I have to work so hard to lose pounds. Over the last month or so with no diet changes I have gone up 20lbs. I was stressing over it but figured fuck it I am going to finish out this 8-week muscle pack on routine and after that, I will go into weight loss/ muscle retention mode and see if I can thin out and stay down. I swear the scale said I jumped 10 lbs from a Tuesday night to Thursday night and there was no way I had 10 lbs of intake in that time frame and I had hit the gym on Tuesday night and Thursday night so I just shook my head and said fuck it.

Do you check the scale at the same time each day? Like early morning after a dump is a good time. Your weight can fluctuate quite a bit during the course of a day. Also don't get too hung up on what the scale says (I know that can be really fucking hard to do) try to focus on ow you feel and how your energy level is. If your feeling good and are enjoying being active, fuck the number and just go do your thing.
Do you check the scale at the same time each day? Like early morning after a dump is a good time. Your weight can fluctuate quite a bit during the course of a day. Also don't get too hung up on what the scale says (I know that can be really fucking hard to do) try to focus on ow you feel and how your energy level is. If your feeling good and are enjoying being active, fuck the number and just go do your thing.

Energy is about the same but could be just fatigue from 40 hours of stress at work, 2 hours of gym 4 nights a week and then working around the house all weekend. I am just at the point of it is what it is but need to get the weight down to get my blood pressure in a better place. Everything else is good just my BP is higher than I want. Figure muscle mass, then weight loss here in about 4 weeks will fix me up. I did weigh myself at the same time each night but now I figure don't stress fix it when it's time comes. What's funny is I can do a pretty good pace for a big guy and get in about 10+ miles a week of treadmill work.

I can see some good changes in the mirror. My chest is filling in, Bi's and Tri's are getting better, my shoulders are starting to muscle up and the back is getting a V so the structure is getting better and will not be stopping the gym anytime soon no matter what the scale says.
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Energy is about the same but could be just fatigue from 40 hours of stress at work, 2 hours of gym 4 nights a week and then working around the house all weekend. I am just at the point of it is what it is but need to get the weight down to get my blood pressure in a better place. Everything else is good just my BP is higher than I want. Figure muscle mass, then weight loss here in about 4 weeks will fix me up. I did weigh myself at the same time each night but now I figure don't stress fix it when it's time comes. What's funny is I can do a pretty good pace for a big guy and get in about 10+ miles a week of treadmill work.

I can see some good changes in the mirror. My chest is filling in, Bi's and Tri's are getting better, my shoulders are starting to muscle up and the back is getting a V so the structure is getting better and will not be stopping the gym anytime soon no matter what the scale says.
Thats the spirit!
Energy is about the same but could be just fatigue from 40 hours of stress at work...

Man, can I relate to work stress!!! At the end of a work day I am mentally & physically fatigued. What made a difference was supplements especially a pre-workout. My pre has 300 mg of caffeine along with other goodies. It really helps to get me jacked up for a workout.

Keep at it!

Best thread ever. Even better than Mark’s “I have ebola” thread.
Man, can I relate to work stress!!! At the end of a work day I am mentally & physically fatigued. What made a difference was supplements especially a pre-workout. My pre has 300 mg of caffeine along with other goodies. It really helps to get me jacked up for a workout.

Keep at it!

Best thread ever. Even better than Mark’s “I have ebola” thread.

I do use a pre-workout and it helps. But have problems falling asleep some nights still trying to figure out if it is the pre-workout or if it just issues getting comfortable after pushing myself so hard at the gym about 2 hours before bedtime.

If I ever feel like not hitting the gym I think about this thread and all the great things you guys are doing and it pushes me to get back on it. The stories in here are pretty amazing from Beau's already muscled up look to Kim's ongoing quest for PR in CrossFit and we can't forget Mike's triathlon, Lizards adventures in paradise, holeshots quest for AFM supremacy and everyone else's trials and tribulations. Keep this thread going and we definitely need to start another one in 2020.
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