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Time to get Fit thread

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I do use a pre-workout and it helps. But have problems falling asleep some nights still trying to figure out if it is the pre-workout or if it just issues getting comfortable after pushing myself so hard at the gym about 2 hours before bedtime.

If I ever feel like not hitting the gym I think about this thread and all the great things you guys are doing and it pushes me to get back on it. The stories in here are pretty amazing from Beau's already muscled up look to Kim's ongoing quest for PR in CrossFit and we can't forget Mike's triathlon, Lizards adventures in paradise, holeshots quest for AFM supremacy and everyone else's trials and tribulations. Keep this thread going and we definitely need to start another one in 2020.

A bunch of preworkouts have caffeine. Could make sleeping difficult.
I got a mellow bike ride and swim in this weekend. My knees are still a bit sore but seem to be getting better. I'm still taking it easy on them. I have a simple swim that I feel ok about doing solo without a wet suit.

The distance between the jetty and the pier in Capitola is about 1000 feet. The goal is to be able to do 2 miles non stop at a 27 minute per mile pace. That Works out to about 5 laps from the Jetty to the Pier and back. Yesterday I did 2 with hand paddles. (I also forgot my goggles so that was bit of a pain but not as bad as I thought actually.)

You can't see them in this pic but their are 3 buoys between the jetty and the pier that make this easy to sight.

P.S. this thread does fucking rule. I'm a little surprised how writing and reading about workouts and fitness goals has helped me keep going but, it has. +1 on hoping this thread continues on. Also, I might buy this.....



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You go Mike!

On a personal note, I've been trying out a hybrid incline bench/Military press technique with pretty good results. I don't flat bench because my pecs get big fast and I'd rather concentrate on shoulders while not ignoring my chest.

I talked to a pro about my "one lifting exercise until failure" regimen and was told that though unorthodox the results are proof that it works. So I will continue to say fuck all that ten different exercises on chest day and keep up what I've been doing. One complex lift to failure. Be it squat, deadlift, bench, or pulldown.
A bunch of pre-workouts have caffeine. Could make sleeping difficult.

You know caffeine didn't use to cause me problems but at the time I was drinking a lot of soda so I didn't really expect it to be an issue now. But I have almost totally cut out soda and drink it maybe once a week on my cheat days so maybe that is it.

I did a leg day Friday and haven't done one for a while and was having a hard time walking after getting off the leg curl machine. I need to get back in the groove on my legs so I can avoid this unpleasantness in the future. I do some leg workouts but not the targeted ones which caused me issues. Usually, hack squats or dumbbell goblet squats.
More testing. The coach and I have been sort of debating on how much I can do of what. He is trying to keep it modest and Im trying to do my absolute best which is maxing out. We are sort of agreeing :laughing

He wanted much less and I wanted way more. We kind of met somewhere in the middle. Though with both things I did today I could have done a bit heavier in front squats and a bit more reps for kettlebell. ah well, it was still a good day.

15 - 80lbs front squats
12 - 85lbs front squats
8 - 90lbs front squats.
No breaks, you can take a breather but you couldnt re-rack. I felt like I could of done 105lbs for my last rep but he didnt want me adding on 20lbs more.

KettleBell test - X amount of reps per min for 10 rounds.

I did 16 reps at 18lbs. He wanted me to start at 10, I wanted to start at 24 :laughing we met at 16. I definitely could of squeezed out at least 4 more per round.
Mike beau sharkx sharky and kim < :thumbup

Tonite: delts, legs, flabs, scaps and lats.

Targeting this Saturday for 20 non-stop dead-hang pullups. I did 17 about 2 weeks ago so let’s see what happens. Woot, bro.
Work stress is making life - difficult - but after a week of down time decided I was over work ruining all areas of my life, so making the gym a priority. Work stress means I need more than my usual 8 hours of sleep or I'm just beat and CRANKY, so my weekdays are going to be pretty boring.

Up, gym, workout, prep and head to work, home, cook, eat, read, sleep, rinse and repeat. Won't really leave time for anything else until work either calms the f down or I find that new job....weekends will be my time to do other things.
It was back and biceps day last night. Got through my treadmill session even though it was harder than normal for some reason. Started lifting and got through the back sets okay then got to biceps and went hard on the preacher curls so when it came time for the concentration curls and timed set I was burnt. But then thought to myself what would the TTGFT peeps do and I powered through it. Paying for it this morning but glad I pushed through.

Tonight is chest and triceps. Should be a good night I always like chest day.
Don't be at all. Longer breaks are absolutely necessary for growth and breaking through plateaus. They're also good for letting your body heal completely before breaking it down again.

The hardest part is the feeling you're losing ground, which is somewhat true. However, the "loss" is what allows you to reach new gains/ heights IME.
This 100%!

My last sport was Competitive rock climbing, which puts enormous stresses on your fingers, hands and arms.

I would begrudge the 6 weeks I'd have to take off whenever I'd get a pulley injury (pulleys are ligaments that wrap tendons and keep them along your finger bones) in the middle of the season, but I'd come back even strong within a couple weeks of getting back full into training.

The natural process of building your body up is the micro-tears in your muscles and micro-fractures in your bones, these are the triggers that cause your body to make itself strong, but then too many micro-tears or micro-fractures accumulate, your body starts breaking down and you move backwards. Your body needs about 6-8 weeks of down time to fully recover from a hard 6-8 months of increased training (in track we use Mesocycles for periodization training, increasing after brief rest days, using over-compensation to get peak performance for key meets).
Work stress is making life - difficult - but after a week of down time decided I was over work ruining all areas of my life, so making the gym a priority. Work stress means I need more than my usual 8 hours of sleep or I'm just beat and CRANKY, so my weekdays are going to be pretty boring.

Up, gym, workout, prep and head to work, home, cook, eat, read, sleep, rinse and repeat. Won't really leave time for anything else until work either calms the f down or I find that new job....weekends will be my time to do other things.
A workout 2 hours before you sleep will help drop you into alpha 3 sleep faster, making your sleep more restful.
Mike beau sharkx sharky and kim < :thumbup

Tonite: delts, legs, flabs, scaps and lats.

Targeting this Saturday for 20 non-stop dead-hang pullups. I did 17 about 2 weeks ago so let’s see what happens. Woot, bro.

Make sure you are warm before starting and keep the speed up. You got this!
Only 3 more!
A workout 2 hours before you sleep will help drop you into alpha 3 sleep faster, making your sleep more restful.

I can't workout after work - well, or shouldn't say CAN'T as it is more likely it simply doesn't happen. Plus, completing a workout 2 hours before bed, means I have to have 2 free hours available in a day - which I don't.

Evening workouts I've tried, but after a day full of the BS for 8+ hours, hitting the gym and pushing myself is the last thing I actually feel like doing (and therefore, never accomplish).
I can't workout after work - well, or shouldn't say CAN'T as it is more likely it simply doesn't happen. Plus, completing a workout 2 hours before bed, means I have to have 2 free hours available in a day - which I don't.

Evening workouts I've tried, but after a day full of the BS for 8+ hours, hitting the gym and pushing myself is the last thing I actually feel like doing (and therefore, never accomplish).

I have found that doing something active, it does not have to be a hard work out, after my adult day is over really helps with my stress levels and improves my mood a lot. 30-45 minutes of shooting hoops with the kids or tossing a football around is a thing I DO feel like doing at the end of a day. I usually get a decent sweat out of it too.
I can't workout after work - well, or shouldn't say CAN'T as it is more likely it simply doesn't happen. Plus, completing a workout 2 hours before bed, means I have to have 2 free hours available in a day - which I don't.

Evening workouts I've tried, but after a day full of the BS for 8+ hours, hitting the gym and pushing myself is the last thing I actually feel like doing (and therefore, never accomplish).
When I was in my most stressful job (project manager, game company in early 90's, 100+ hours a week) I kept myself healthy by never missing a workout from 5-7 pm, the exercise helped to rid my body of the toxins built up from the extreme stress I encountered all day. Better to flush your body with exercise before sleeping, it helps a lot with your body recovering during sleep.

Yeah, I had lots of days where I really didn't feel like going to the gym, but felt much better after going there.

Though 2 hours of sex on Sunday left me feeling even more recovered. :laughing
Make sure you are warm before starting and keep the speed up. You got this!
Only 3 more!

I’ll channeling your lats this Saturday, my man!

I have found that doing something active, it does not have to be a hard work out, after my adult day is over really helps with my stress levels and improves my mood a lot. 30-45 minutes of shooting hoops with the kids or tossing a football around is a thing I DO feel like doing at the end of a day. I usually get a decent sweat out of it too.

Me too! Sometimes I’ll go to the gym and shoot hoops just to
mix things up, get some cardio, release STRESS and give muscles some
time off.
Today's test kicked my fucking ass. Aerobic Power Interval

14lb - Wall Balls - 1min
55 lbs Hang Power Clean - 1min
Box Jumps - 1min
55lb Push Press - 1 min
Burpees - 1min
1min rest

as many reps as you can do within each minute for 3 rounds. I did a total of 186. Considering my target was 150/160 not to shabby

Today's test kicked my fucking ass. Aerobic Power Interval

14lb - Wall Balls - 1min
55 lbs Hang Power Clean - 1min
Box Jumps - 1min
55lb Push Press - 1 min
Burpees - 1min
1min rest

as many reps as you can do within each minute for 3 rounds. I did a total of 186. Considering my target was 150/160 not to shabby


Fuck! I have to get on your intensity level..
Shit man the other 2 chicks completely blew me out of the water! Lady I was counting reps for did 205! Other chick did something crazy like 250?

my cardio endurance is shit. Ive never been that great at HIIT workouts. I can do a lot of reps of something over time but not quick like that.
Today's test kicked my fucking ass. Aerobic Power Interval

14lb - Wall Balls - 1min
55 lbs Hang Power Clean - 1min
Box Jumps - 1min
55lb Push Press - 1 min
Burpees - 1min
1min rest

as many reps as you can do within each minute for 3 rounds. I did a total of 186. Considering my target was 150/160 not to shabby


Wow! Inspiring! Keep it up!
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