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Time to get Fit thread

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You think at 40? I don't gain muscle the way I used to.

No doubt, it's not easy. IMO, creatine ain't it...and our bodies have a natural balance point for mass when not trying to "pack on" mass beyond what we're designed for. I'd start with a Whey and do the ol' intake your bodyweight in grams of protein. The problem with too much protein is it's essentially a poison on your system...

I'd like to mass up a tad, but I've kinda given up on it cause it's not super useful and I've stabilized at my current weight and the mass wears well...anymore and I won't be as agile as I want to be. Protein shake in the AM, breakfast (it IS part of my breakfast), lunch, workout and protein shake then dinner...I could do it better, but that's the best I'm gonna commit to. IMO, maybe that 40+ test stuff is worth it. I haven't a clue...I'm staying away from it. OR, hit the shit out of your big leg muscles (quads/ glutes) 2X weekly. That'll release as much T as anything...
This is the brand of protein powder I use. It tastes almost too good to be true in a smoothie. The chocolate is my favorite and the vanilla is my second favorite. The vanilla is almost too sweet for me to believe there is no sugar in it but the label says there isn't.


I'm scheduled to have my testosterone level measured at my next annual blood draw and cholesterol/triglyceride check. I have been putting it off because it usually makes me pass out to have my blood drawn. If it turns out my T is low I may consider TRT if its not crazy expensive or riddled with side effects. I'm on the fence about TRT.

If I hit 180 lbs and am lean I will be happy. Most of my adult life I have weighted 185 -195 with a wide range of fitness in there. A fit, lean, strong 180 on my barrel chested 5' 10" frame is ideal, I think. I'm still floating around 169-171 most of the time right now.
Not bad at all...and FWIW, I don't believe 40+ is impossible to build muscle. The eating thing is problematic for me because I don't care much about eating, period.
You think at 40? I don't gain muscle the way I used to.

Mike, I am 46 and I have definitely put on a bit of muscle in the last year or so I have been going to the gym. I do a whey protein shake in the morning with my breakfast and a casein protein shake at night after my workout before I go to bed. The only other thing I do is creatine. I haven't had an issue with the pump that Holeshot is mentioning but I also don't do track days so maybe it is just the activities I do I don't notice it.

I like Muscletech for the protein powders the casein one is the hardest one to drink but I manage.
You think at 40? I don't gain muscle the way I used to.


As an older gent its tough for me build & maintain muscle. Not to mention, my strength isnt what is used to be. And all the aches and pains. And the 5 surgeries I’ve had due to an active lifestyle. As i posted earlier, I’ve turned to supplements for help.

As an older gent its tough for me build & maintain muscle. Not to mention, my strength isnt what is used to be. And all the aches and pains. And the 5 surgeries I’ve had due to an active lifestyle. As i posted earlier, I’ve turned to supplements for help.

Yeah the aches and pains do stack up. I did something to my right shoulder that has it angry at me. Hope it gets better with some TLC. Alternating hot and cold compresses and ligt stretching. I surfed on it yesterday because I just had to get in the water. Paddeling for an hour is not conducive to healing a grumpy shoulder, do’h!

Side note, thanks to everyone who had contributed to this thread. Im trying to be real good about picking the brightest spots of BARF out and contributing to them only. This is one of those.
... I did something to my right shoulder that has it angry at me. Hope it gets better with some TLC. Alternating hot and cold compresses and ligt stretching. I surfed on it yesterday because I just had to get in the water. Paddeling for an hour is not conducive to healing a grumpy shoulder, do’h!


Me too. 3 yrs ago I was impatient on the BB mil press and didn’t do my usual warm up. I did something to my right shldr. Took time off. Ice every night. Went to PT. Got back to 95%. Then more setbacks. Finally discovered moveu and othe IG accounts (scroll up to my prev posts). I learned a few things, ie, I was using wrong technique on shldr work plus learned how to rehab, strengthen & protect shldrs. For example, I never did rotator cuff work because when I was young I didn’t need to because I was young, strong and stupid. But now things are different. Check out those IGs.

EDIT: Coincidentally, moveu is covering shoulders today:

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Hey Mike, it’s aweome to converse with you someplace other than the BARF sewer.
52 years old.
200 lbs.
10% body fat.

60 minutes of peak cardio a day; running, rowing, or weighted hiking.
Weight training every other day.
And the game changer: NO PROCESSED SUGAR.


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Who is this Beauregard person denouncing processed sugar? :wow

Good on you Beau it’s a tough habit to break.
Been sick for a few days did nothing but Yoga stretches.

Back to sweat this morning Usually 30-45 minutes hard cardio followed by weights and resistance training.
Its a new month! I'm always solid for 2 weeks straight then just completely fall off the wagon the second half of the month. Not much exercise and eating whatever I want :cry

No idea how to change my mind set. Maybe I go a little too extreme in the beginning.

Either or back to the routine of intermittent Fasting and P90
Its a new month! I'm always solid for 2 weeks straight then just completely fall off the wagon the second half of the month. Not much exercise and eating whatever I want :cry

No idea how to change my mind set. Maybe I go a little too extreme in the beginning.

Either or back to the routine of intermittent Fasting and P90

You gotta take baby steps and make a habit out of it. Its when you try to get a little crazy with the workouts or new diets that you start to lose it because you body hasn't quite adapted to the new routine yet.
No idea how to change my mind set....

Just start moving. Do anything that is fun for you. Dance, ride a bike, jog, walk, swim, do workout video you like, anything just for the sake of doing it. Don't worry or even think about the fitness side of it. Just keep moving.

In my least fit sate, I completely forget how fucking good it feels to just use my body. So go remember how good it feels to use yours and the rest will come.
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